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03-10-2008, 12:34 PM
I want my dollar back I paid you for those neked pics of your wife. I found the same ones on bigwomenneedlove2.com, and they were free.:mad:

03-10-2008, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I want my dollar back I paid you for those neked pics of your wife. I found the same ones on bigwomenneedlove2.com, and they were free.:mad: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/5809/roflsmiliemn4.gifhttp://img240.imageshack.us/img240/5809/roflsmiliemn4.gifhttp://img240.imageshack.us/img240/5809/roflsmiliemn4.gifhttp://img240.imageshack.us/img240/5809/roflsmiliemn4.gif

03-10-2008, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I want my dollar back I paid you for those neked pics of your wife. I found the same ones on bigwomenneedlove2.com, and they were free.:mad:

That sorry, no good, lying sucker. I paid him $5 and thought I was getting a deal. Couldn't see her anyway:thinking: She was so skinny, if she drank a big red she would have looked like a thermometer:D

03-10-2008, 12:40 PM
:eek: Eeeooouuucchhh! Now that was funny right there..... :clap: :D

03-10-2008, 01:03 PM
Me and ol nobogey72 were playing a round of golf one day. As luck would have it, we got behind and couple of ol broads that were playing extremely slow and wouldnt let us play through. Finally I had enough and decided to ride up to them and ask if we could please play through. As I got closer and could see them clearer I had to slam on my breaks, turn around and haul butt back to nobogey. When he asked what was wrong, I had to tell him it was my wife playing golf with my girlfriend, and there was no way I could go talk to them. He had a good laugh and said he'd go tell them. He got about half way there, slammed on his breaks, whipped around and came hauling butt back. When I asked what was wrong, he just said "small world isnt it". :D

eppy 12
03-10-2008, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
That sorry, no good, lying sucker. I paid him $5 and thought I was getting a deal. Couldn't see her anyway:thinking: She was so skinny, if she drank a big red she would have looked like a thermometer:D http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l239/eppy12/laughingman.gif

03-10-2008, 04:45 PM
nobogey where are you? I was expecting a clever come back.:(
Your not actually acting like your working are you?
New girl in "The Lobby" perhaps?

03-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
nobogey where are you? I was expecting a clever come back.:(
Your not actually acting like your working are you?
New girl in "The Lobby" perhaps?

Sorry it took me so long, I've been so mad I couldn't respond. I sold them to you in good faith. I thought they were special enough that you wouldn't "scalp" them to Dahop for 5$. What makes me mad is that she charged me $10 to take them, sold them to you for 1$ (which I had to split with her). So, basically I'm out $9damfifty, not to mention the humiliation of ya'll knowing what a sorry businessman I am. Another pipe dream down the drain.:(

03-11-2008, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I want my dollar back I paid you for those neked pics of your wife. I found the same ones on bigwomenneedlove2.com, and they were free.:mad:

Oh, yeah...... you are not getting your dollar back. I sold it in good faith. If anything you should split the 4$ profit you made when you sold it to Hops. That ain't right. :mad:

03-11-2008, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by nobogey72
Oh, yeah...... you are not getting your dollar back. I sold it in good faith. If anything you should split the 4$ profit you made when you sold it to Hops. That ain't right. :mad:

I still say "Buy her a Big Red", it's a much better look for her.

*If you are just joining this thread and your confused:doh: you may have to read some of the previous threads to understand.

03-11-2008, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by nobogey72
Sorry it took me so long, I've been so mad I couldn't respond. I sold them to you in good faith. I thought they were special enough that you wouldn't "scalp" them to Dahop for 5$. What makes me mad is that she charged me $10 to take them, sold them to you for 1$ (which I had to split with her). So, basically I'm out $9damfifty, not to mention the humiliation of ya'll knowing what a sorry businessman I am. Another pipe dream down the drain.:( You two whine all you want, I sold them to Curly, Bubba-Joe and Butkus and made a killing. Heck Stang Red, I would have figured you would have thought of that first.:D :D

03-11-2008, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by DaHop72
You two whine all you want, I sold them to Curly, Bubba-Joe and Butkus and made a killing. Heck Stang Red, I would have figured you would have thought of that first.:D :D

Well, if there is a silver lining to all this, it is that obviously my woman is getting her name and pics out there. Should help with her new career. Nothing like good ol word of mouth. :D

03-11-2008, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by DaHop72
You two whine all you want, I sold them to Curly, Bubba-Joe and Butkus and made a killing. Heck Stang Red, I would have figured you would have thought of that first.:D :D

What did they pay you with? Moonshine? Those guys dont ever have money, but Moma's been suspecting them of getting into the hooch a lot lately, and I caught em smoking alfalfa laced with careless weed the other day, when they were all tanked up. A sadder sight you have never seen.
I'm just hoping nobogey's ol lady never finds out where Moma's still is hid out. If she ever gets to mixing it with the big red she likes so much, the rest of us wont ever get another nip. And I overheard Butkus inviting her out once already.:eek: :mad: