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View Full Version : Will Burnet be ask to come back to CC again?

11-29-2003, 07:59 AM
Was it me or was CC ISD trying to quash our spirit our what?

11-29-2003, 08:45 AM
Was it me or was CC ISD trying to quash our spirit our what?please elaborate ......

11-29-2003, 09:10 AM
I for one really enjoyed my trip to Corpus. it was a beautifull day for foodball, It was an easy drive down and back, It was a great game, I got to spend time in the stadium that my mother's team played on when she was in highschool and that I spent time in as a youngster, I had some great sea food, and I could look down on the cemetery where my grand parents and great grand parents are burried. Man, what a day! :) :) :) :)

11-29-2003, 09:13 AM
Was it me or was CC ISD trying to quash our spirit our what?He probably talking about the announcement to stop throwing tortias. CCISD was probably worried about the mess, but I bet if they would leave it all alone for a while, the seagulls would have it cleaned up pretty quick.

11-29-2003, 09:14 AM
I have to admit that CC was best grass field I have ever seen.

<small>[ November 29, 2003, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: BHS#1 ]</small>

11-29-2003, 09:17 AM
lol yea i couldnt use my noise makers, they said if it makes too much noise u cant use it. lol thought football games u could get as loud as u can?

11-29-2003, 10:49 AM
We would love to have Burnet come back! How about next year again for the Regional Championship! Sinton will be there. Hope to see you there!

11-29-2003, 12:21 PM
we got in trouble for throwing tortillas(spelling) there so i dunno if they want us back......i think they thought a seagul would eat someone or summin haha!!!

11-29-2003, 01:14 PM
i agree with the seagulls thing. I wish that we could have sinton come to our feild even though i am a lil scared about it, it could be a fun time. We are aloud to make as much noise and mess as we want at burnet there are volunteers that clean it up but that doesnt mean to make a mess just because wink Mgee seemed to have a hard time with the past couple games hopefully he will come back refreshed LoL!!1

11-29-2003, 01:24 PM
there is probably a rule, maybe even a local ordinance, against fans throwing ANYTHING onto the field. and obviously its a safety issue. no, i'm not saying that someone could get hurt getting konked on the head by a tortilla, but you cant leave it to untrained ushers, administrators, etc. to determine what is hazardous and what is not, therefore anything thrown is "illegal".

11-29-2003, 01:43 PM
I was at the Harlingen/Westlake game last night and the Harlingen fans had horns.

Burnet Dawg06
11-29-2003, 01:46 PM
What was the reason behind the throwing tortillas anyway?

11-29-2003, 01:47 PM
it seems half the people in texas stadium had airhorns ... and each team had some sort of giant horn ... i kinda like it - the louder the better

11-29-2003, 01:57 PM
i agree with the seagulls thing. I wish that we could have sinton come to our feild even though i am a lil scared about it, it could be a fun time. We are aloud to make as much noise and mess as we want at burnet there are volunteers that clean it up but that doesnt mean to make a mess just because wink Mgee seemed to have a hard time with the past couple games hopefully he will come back refreshed LoL!!1HAHA yeah we went to Joes Crab Shack after the game and saw a sign that said do not fees seaguls so maybe that was the reason....well they got thrown anyways..OH WELL WHAT CAN U DO!!!

11-29-2003, 02:13 PM
man the tortilla throwing was a bunch of fun i dont see how the sinton fans couldnt use there noise makers if we can use our air horns. which we will keep using because they will neva find out who has the air horn wink :p . i dont think i wanna go back to the cc feild there a lil too strict. and the tortilla throwing thing about how it might cause a destraction :rolleyes: we have been throwing those since last year at the state game. i think cc needs to get ova it. they could've said please whatch where your tortillas go lol jk. :D :D :D

11-29-2003, 04:19 PM
Maybe the CCISD officials were just concerned that a whole flock of seagulls would decend on the stadium and poo poo on every one. eek! eek! eek! eek!

11-29-2003, 04:32 PM
i agree with the seagulls thing. I wish that we could have sinton come to our feild even though i am a lil scared about it, it could be a fun time. We are aloud to make as much noise and mess as we want at burnet there are volunteers that clean it up but that doesnt mean to make a mess just because wink Mgee seemed to have a hard time with the past couple games hopefully he will come back refreshed LoL!!1I don't know where you got that info, but it is not correct. There aren't a lot of volunteers that do any such thing. Mostly, it is school employees and administration people that clean up. My in-laws (whoare affiliated with the BCISD) stay and clean up as they have to help the custodians out so that they can get home to their families on Friday nights. The people in Burnet have this thing about making a huge mess, and VERY few stay to help clean up. It is even worse when we have a track meet or cross country event the next morning and they have to stay and clean late into the night because the fans can't pick the mess up and throw it in the garbage as they make it. I think CCISD had the right idea in asking us to quit throwing tortillas. That was the very least we could do.

11-29-2003, 04:32 PM
Maybe the CCISD officials were just concerned that a whole flock of seagulls would decend on the stadium and poo poo on every one. eek! eek! eek! eek! LMAO !! make sure to take your umbrella hehe :cool: :D :D

<small>[ November 29, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: poncho ]</small>

sinton 1316
11-29-2003, 06:58 PM
Maybe the CCISD officials were just concerned that a whole flock of seagulls would decend on the stadium and poo poo on every one. eek! eek! eek! eek! and the sad thing is, this was probably the best reason CC had to say stop throwing tortillas...

11-29-2003, 07:29 PM
Thats pretty funny ive never heard or fans throwing tortillas eek! but whatever lol

11-29-2003, 07:30 PM

i agree with the seagulls thing. I wish that we could have sinton come to our feild even though i am a lil scared about it, it could be a fun time. We are aloud to make as much noise and mess as we want at burnet there are volunteers that clean it up but that doesnt mean to make a mess just because wink Mgee seemed to have a hard time with the past couple games hopefully he will come back refreshed LoL!!1I don't know where you got that info, but it is not correct. There aren't a lot of volunteers that do any such thing. Mostly, it is school employees and administration people that clean up. My in-laws (whoare affiliated with the BCISD) stay and clean up as they have to help the custodians out so that they can get home to their families on Friday nights. The people in Burnet have this thing about making a huge mess, and VERY few stay to help clean up. It is even worse when we have a track meet or cross country event the next morning and they have to stay and clean late into the night because the fans can't pick the mess up and throw it in the garbage as they make it. I think CCISD had the right idea in asking us to quit throwing tortillas. That was the very least we could do.Hotdog89, Ive been on the track in Burnet numerous times on the Saturday morning after a game and the stands had not been cleaned up from the night before. I was under the impression that BISD paid some one to do the job the next day.

11-29-2003, 07:43 PM
If anyone has seen any stadium for any sport after an athletic contest its a mess. Tortillas are a lot less messy than nacho cheese, mustard and catsup packets, gum, spilled soda and who knows what else. Hay, its nothing if not job security for someone. Besides, tortillas are biodegradeable and probably won't put anyones eye out. As for where it came from. I am not a big Tech fan but I understand it has been their big spirit thing for many years.

11-29-2003, 07:59 PM
Personally,I think its kinda cool.Tortillas every where in the air after an exciting play or such.If the custodians do not want to pick up totillas,nacho goo and such maybe a career change should be considered.HeHeHe.........I'm the guy that leaves the peanut shells. :D

11-29-2003, 08:10 PM
I thought the prison or the ICF did that.

Hot Rod
11-29-2003, 08:20 PM
We would love to have Burnet come back! How about next year again for the Regional Championship! Sinton will be there. Hope to see you there!IF WE PLAY AGAIN NEXT YEAR I WOULD HOPE THAT WE SHOW SINTON THE SAME RESPECT WE WHERE GIVEN AND PLAY IN WACO .YOU KNOW WE GET TO CHOOSE NEXT YEAR THAN I WOULD FEEL LIKE WE WHERE EVEN ON THE DRIVE TIME AND INCONVENCE

11-29-2003, 08:31 PM
Maybe if it is in Waco,some ccisd representatives could drop by the Dr.Pepper museum and get some tips on how to keep the soda from going flat. Just a thought wink

11-29-2003, 08:53 PM
At least you got to the concession stand the line on our side was too long.

11-29-2003, 08:58 PM
ok........there are cummunity service ppl from the prison that do clean the football feil and the primmises....so get off the subject :rolleyes:

11-29-2003, 09:25 PM
BHS#1, I am a BHS grad myself.I know the lines were long.Why do you think I sent my daughter? :D :D :D

<small>[ November 29, 2003, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: lotus67 ]</small>

Phil C
11-29-2003, 09:35 PM
Actually the Tortilla thing with Burnet is just a tradition thing and is perfectly innocent. But some stadiums are strict. CC has a great stadium but they need to get some more parking. They should have build a multi store parking garage years ago like UT at Austin did while it was cheaper to build. It would have been about 16 miles farther but a better place to have had the game would have been at Texas A&M Kingsville stadium. It is big enough and pleanty of parking and they let you eat what you want in the stadium. Even the great stadium they had in Laredo wouldn't let the kids eat sunflower seeds in the stands. :)

11-29-2003, 11:20 PM
I understand the tortilla thing, seen it at many a game, but just have to say one thing. I know that there are people who are paid to clean up in stadiums, stores, etc... That doesn't excuse leaving trash in the stands, not putting products back on the right shelf at the store, etc... The tortillas are all in fun and biodegradable as someone said but the huge amounts of trash that people leave in the stands are not. :)

11-30-2003, 12:25 AM
BHS#1, I am a BHS grad myself.I know the lines were long.Why do you think I sent my daughter? :D :D :D I did the same thing with my boy, It took him a quarter and a half to get back.

11-30-2003, 09:33 AM

BHS#1, I am a BHS grad myself.I know the lines were long.Why do you think I sent my daughter? :D :D :D I did the same thing with my boy, It took him a quarter and a half to get back.Well I tried that one time and he came back to the stands and went OH and he forgot to get what I wanted. Which is weird because he can remember stats of games all the scores from the games from last year, has all the players memorized, but can't remember diet coke popcorn. I think he got distracted by the cheerleaders and highlandettes. eek!

<small>[ November 30, 2003, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: BHS#1 ]</small>

11-30-2003, 09:40 AM
Hot Rod:

We would love to have Burnet come back! How about next year again for the Regional Championship! Sinton will be there. Hope to see you there!IF WE PLAY AGAIN NEXT YEAR I WOULD HOPE THAT WE SHOW SINTON THE SAME RESPECT WE WHERE GIVEN AND PLAY IN WACO .YOU KNOW WE GET TO CHOOSE NEXT YEAR THAN I WOULD FEEL LIKE WE WHERE EVEN ON THE DRIVE TIME AND INCONVENCEI bet if Sinton had to play in Waco next year we wouldn't make a big fuss about the drive. :D :D :D

11-30-2003, 09:46 AM
Hot Rod:

We would love to have Burnet come back! How about next year again for the Regional Championship! Sinton will be there. Hope to see you there!IF WE PLAY AGAIN NEXT YEAR I WOULD HOPE THAT WE SHOW SINTON THE SAME RESPECT WE WHERE GIVEN AND PLAY IN WACO .YOU KNOW WE GET TO CHOOSE NEXT YEAR THAN I WOULD FEEL LIKE WE WHERE EVEN ON THE DRIVE TIME AND INCONVENCEI bet if Sinton plays in Waco we fans won't cryin about the drive! :D :D :D

11-30-2003, 09:58 AM
It was never about the drive it was how it was handled. That's old news now. Good luck to the Pirates!

11-30-2003, 11:37 AM
They just don't get it!!!!!!!

11-30-2003, 12:44 PM
We see whos crying now

11-30-2003, 12:46 PM
Yea,Yea,Yea,what kind of basketball team does Sinton have? eek! :D

11-30-2003, 12:53 PM

11-30-2003, 01:01 PM
lotus67, you got issues man. (sound familiar?)

11-30-2003, 01:16 PM
TAMU-K would have been a great place to play I agree. Although I would say that if venues wanted the fans to clean up after themselves they would provide readily available trash receptacles. I have never seen a pack out what you pack in policy. Since most places don't let you bring stuff in, I don't see any reason not to leave the trash of what you bought there.

11-30-2003, 01:25 PM
Turbodud,is Port Aransas still playin?.........didnt think so

11-30-2003, 01:33 PM
lotus67, first of all Port A doesnt have a football team. Secondly I am not from Port A, I only work here. (and no I am not from Sinton either) Thirdly don't tell me I got issues because I am stirring the pot, when you are doing the same thing on this thread. Quite hypocritical on your part.

11-30-2003, 02:13 PM
With all the trash talk about us last week that was posted when I couldnt respond,I believe that some smack talk should be cheerfully refunded.If you cant handle that then you DO have issues.Lighten up,crow is being served. :rolleyes:

11-30-2003, 02:16 PM
With all the trash talk about us last week that was posted when I couldnt respond,I believe that some smack talk should be cheerfully refunded.If you cant handle that then you DO have issues.Lighten up,crow is being served. :rolleyes:

11-30-2003, 02:24 PM
Turbodud,this crow was not intended for you.You can have a taste if you want though.HEHEHE :D

<small>[ November 30, 2003, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: lotus67 ]</small>

11-30-2003, 03:43 PM
It's a good thing that's in College Station not in Texas Stadium. Both teams would obivously would be driving 4 hours to get there.

11-30-2003, 04:18 PM
With all the trash talk about us last week that was posted when I couldnt respond,I believe that some smack talk should be cheerfully refunded.If you cant handle that then you DO have issues.Lighten up,crow is being served. :rolleyes: Many of us from Sinton were only defending our good towns name from wrong accusations. There wasn't a bunch of trash talk. Most of the talk was centered on the site. :p

11-30-2003, 04:22 PM
With all the trash talk about us last week that was posted when I couldnt respond,I believe that some smack talk should be cheerfully refunded.If you cant handle that then you DO have issues.Lighten up,crow is being served. :rolleyes: Many of us from Sinton were only defending our good towns name from wrong accusations. There wasn't a bunch of trash talk. Most of the talk was centered on the site. :p

11-30-2003, 04:43 PM