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LH Panther Mom
02-28-2008, 09:58 AM

Faces Off the Field: Liberty Hill's Daniel Henry, Ty Moore
By Rick Cantu


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Daniel Henry


What kind of season do you expect Liberty Hill to have?

We'll be a real tough team to play, just because of our pitching and speed. We have people that can flat-out fly all over the field.

What's your favorite baseball memory?

There's a lot. Probably my home run that I hit at Blanco last year. It was my first and only home run, and I made the most of it. That thing flew about 380 feet.

What's the hardest skill to learn in baseball?

Playing within yourself, mentally. There are so many players with great talent that throw it all away on or off the field, or just overthink things until they choke. I learned how to play within myself from my mentors, Rick Castilla and Mamon Tucker.

If you could have one do-over for anything that happened to you in high school, what would you change?

Nothing. High school has been awesome. I've got to watch all my friends that I've grown up with since kindergarten win 24 straight games and two state rings. Can't beat that.

Tell something about Ty that most people don't know.

He signed to play ball at Texarkana College next fall.

If you could invite any four people — living or dead — to dinner, who would they be?

Both my grandfathers. I never met one of them and the other passed when I was very young. Then probably John Wayne, just because he's, well, John Wayne. And then Eva Longoria. Every male get-together deserves an amazingly beautiful woman.

What's your dessert?

I'm not a big sweets guy, but chocolate-covered strawberries are the real deal.

What class that you have taken in high school will benefit you the most after you graduate?

Government and economics, and history. All those courses teach you to really study.

If you could have a ticket for any music concert, who would you see?

George Strait. Luckily I've got a great girlfriend and she bought me tickets to see him while he was in town this January. That was the best Christmas present, no doubt.

What do you do for fun outside of sports?

Besides spending time with (my girlfriend) Chelsey, I'm either fishing or hunting. There's nothing better to do out here in the country.

What's the world's greatest invention?

The computer. Those things are crazy.

Ty Moore


What makes baseball fun for you?

Diving headfirst into third base after hitting a triple. Or talking to the infielders after stealing a base.

What's your favorite baseball memory?

Playing my first game at the World Woodbat Tournament in West Palm Beach, Fla.

What are your plans after high school?

To play as long as God has intended for me to and, after graduating with a civil engineering degree, see the Caribbean.

If you could have one do-over for anything that happened to you in high school, what would you change?

Nothing. I believe that everything that has happened to me up until this point has made me the person I am today, and I'm satisfied with that person.

Tell something about Daniel that most people don't know.

Everybody in his family is a University of Texas graduate — and he wants to go to Texas A&M.

If you could invite any four people — living or dead — to dinner, who would they be?

Ty Cobb, (baseball mentor) Mamon Tucker, (girlfriend) Brittany Woodworth and my great-grandfather, Wylie Drenan.

What class that you've taken in high school will benefit you the most after you graduate?

Pre-AP English with Ms. Young and AP English with coach Bates.

What's the best movie you've seen in the last six months?

"Casino Royale," because it's an action-packed love story, and "300" for its filming technique.

If you could have a ticket for any music concert, who would you see?

I would like to see Oasis in their hometown of Manchester, England.

What's the biggest challenge facing America's youth?

Fixing the family unit and inheriting a complicated nation.

What's the world's greatest invention?

The AED (automated external defibrillator).

AAS link (http://www.statesman.com/sports/content/sports/stories/highschool/02/28/0228willcofaces.html)

:clap: :clap:

Daddy D 11
02-28-2008, 09:58 AM

LH Panther Mom
02-28-2008, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Daddy D 11
For reals! :D

From what I understand, "we" defeated Bandera 6-1 Tuesday night. "Mr." ( ;) ) Henry threw a complete game, 3 hitter with 9 k's! :clap: :clap: