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View Full Version : Teenage anger linked to brains: study

Aesculus gilmus
02-27-2008, 06:19 PM
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Aggression in some teenage boys may be linked to overly large Amygdalas in their brains, a study by scientists in Australia and the United States has found.

In an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, they said these boys may also be unable to control their emotions because other parts of the brain that normally control strong emotions don't mature till the early 20s.

"It is important for parents to bear in mind that while their teenage child looks like an adult and does very complicated work at school, parts of their brain are still developing really until the 20s," Nicholas Allen at the University of Melbourne's psychology department said in a telephone interview.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080225/sc_nm/brains_teenagers_dc;_ylt=Ar9KM_Z9oFZDVKq.e8r722shA NEA

Don't get angry :mad: at me. I report. You decide ... whether to explode in anger or not. :D

02-27-2008, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Aesculus gilmus
...linked to overly large Amygdalas... :D Is it just me or does any one else immediately start laughing and thinking about the professor and Bobby Busche' on The Waterboy? LMAO!!!

02-27-2008, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by slingshot
Is it just me or does any one else immediately start laughing and thinking about the professor and Bobby Busche' on The Waterboy? LMAO!!!

its because we have all these teeth and no toothbrush