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02-12-2003, 12:18 AM
The only thing i really hate about basketball is when the fans in the stands start mouthing about what happened in football season.

Team A beat the Crap out of Team B in football....
Team B beats Team A in basketball.....
During game Team A spends the entire game and especially postgame bragging about what happened in football....

I hate that....just sit back and come to the reality you just got beat in basketball!

02-12-2003, 12:22 AM
i agree...ive seen it and ive played during it.....but thats what students do...

02-12-2003, 12:34 AM
i disagree with this, i believe fball is more important.
and certainly the fball players can say that they are better cuz they definitely dont care about losing in bball.

and the thing is...the bball fans care about both, at least thats how it is in forney

02-12-2003, 12:53 AM
but the true athletes...the true competitors...want to see the bball team win also......every fan should be mad they lose a basketball game but at the same time not lower themself to where they consider themselves a better person than the other just because they won in football.

02-12-2003, 01:27 AM
The thing I hate most about basketball season is....basketball!

02-12-2003, 01:31 AM
AMEN Jacket!!!

The thing I hate most about BasketBall season is...it is NOT Football.

02-12-2003, 02:07 AM
Glad to see that Im not the only anti-pumpkinball person here.

Old Green
02-12-2003, 05:39 AM
I don't care about it either.

02-12-2003, 07:39 AM
That makes four of us. Professional Basketball is even worse.

02-12-2003, 07:53 AM
Yeah, I seen this exact thing happend last Saturday at a girls game. The Crandall girls were beating Forney late in the 4th qtr and some of the Forney students, I take it they were football players started saying "Lets Play Football". I almost died laughing. I mean come on, this was a girls game. Not like the girls play football. I just thought that was very funny.

02-12-2003, 08:51 AM
The thing I most hate about basketball season is that it is not Football season!!!

Ranger Mom
02-12-2003, 03:20 PM
I agree wholeheartedly about the B-ball issue. Heck, I just found out today that Greenwoods Varsity girls went undefeated this year!! I had NO clue, haven't been to a game and that was the first I had heard of their record. Way to go Rangerettes, but..........how many days til kick-off?!?!?!?!

02-12-2003, 06:26 PM
thats wut IM sayin rangermom.....NOTHING compares to football season. Ofcourse itd be great to have a good winning basketball team, just so you have one.But football just takes the cake...And i dont know about the rest of America...but its definetly MY favorite pastime!

02-13-2003, 03:51 PM
i just hate how your basketball team suffers because you have a good year in football.

02-14-2003, 08:12 PM
showtime: whats ur problem?....are you just mad cuz we beat yall in the most important sport every year for the past 55 years excpet 2: one being 1998 when yall had a decent team and we had our only sucky team in history ,and the being in 2001 when we didnt play yall....lol.

our players were saying that because yall's wuss fball players were mouthing that they were winning in girls bball...come on, how can they possibly mouth at us for that, thats ridiculous.

02-15-2003, 03:59 AM
What do you mean, what's my problem? Were you even there? There were hardly any Crandall football players even at the game, and no one was mouthing. Get your facts straight before you come on here. You want to say what's my problem? What's Forney's problem? Is football the only sport that counts? If that's the case, then why does Forney even have a basketball team, if football is all that matters? Just play football then. Also, maybe you should go tell all the Forney basketball players that their sport doesn't matter. Go tell them they are busting their butts in practice every single day for a meaningless sport. Have you ever played basketball? Do you know the skill it requires to play the sport? I'm sure you don't. But hey, running with the flag, now there's a sport.

02-15-2003, 11:48 PM
lol, all ive ever played is basketball, and i do know that for sure it takes for talent than football does...and yes, we are in texas and this is 3A were talking about, where about the only thing that does matter is football.

oh, and thanks for the flag comment, ive had leg troubles since birth, and wasnt able to play sophomore year for surgery and got screwed over so i sucked my junior year, and didnt play this year, cuz it sucks knowing that i was better as a freshman than as a junior....that comment helped me a lot...thanks for the boost

02-16-2003, 02:14 AM
I'm glad I could give you a boost, just as you gave a boost to all the basketball players by saying their sport doesn't matter.

02-16-2003, 02:07 PM
lol, ok, i said theyre sport doesnt matter.

im just saying that its not as important in texas or in 3A, and especially not on this board.

im sure the players arent pissed cuz they know that football is more important in texas, i sure didnt care when i used to play, cuz i played for the love of the game....then, i lost that love, so i quit playing.

02-16-2003, 08:51 PM
jimmy-how could you say that?...dont ever say basketball doesnt matter again...i DO know where you live and i WILL come find you :mad:

Phil C
02-16-2003, 08:57 PM
Personally I enjoy basketball but then again I enjoy all sports in their season. The only thing I got against high school basketball is that they don't have a time limit on shots like college and pros and you can still possibly get a game of basketstall instead of basketball. Fortunately most teams and coaches play in the spirit of the game that it is intended and don't stall till maybe the last two minutes but I have seen some teams stall the last seven or eight minutes and I have never liked it even when it was the team I wanted to win do it. I feel the UIL needs to set a limit on Texas High School basketball stalling and make teams take a shot even if the limit is one minute and if they don't want a shot clock leave it up to the officials to warn a team after about a minute when it is obvious the team is stalling that they have fifteen seconds to make a shot or possession will change. That way we can have basketball and not basketstall. Oops! I made a mistake in saying I liked all sports because I don't like basketstall! :)

02-16-2003, 10:37 PM
very good insight, philc

Phil C
02-17-2003, 12:21 PM
Thank you Jim. The nearest thing to basketstall that I saw this year was when Aransas Pass played Sinton in Sinton this year (and I don't really mean to say anything bad about Aransas Pass since I have good friends there but it did happen this way). Aransas Pass didn't exactly play basketstall but they were holding onto the ball the last few minutes an extremely long time and would only shoot if it was an obvious easy layout which made good strategy considering the current rules. In the last few minutes they had a three point lead and Sinton has got good three point shooters but they used that strategy. Sinton probably could have held them to a two or three point loss but since we were behind we had to take a chance and foul them and they were able to make their foul shots and put the game away but had there been a time limit on the possession we may have pulled a big upset. Once again I don't really intend to make it seem like I am saying anything against Aransas Pass because it was obvious they were not playing their best that night and after the game some of their players admitted they didn't play good and would have to play better and Aransas Pass is one of the top teams in 3A and I do hope they do good in the playoffs. What I am complaining about is the rules that allow basketstall and not the teams or coaches that take advantage of it which is probably good strategy to win games for them.