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View Full Version : DUDE!! Don't disrespect... (baltimore cop deal - merged)

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 12:23 PM
I saw this on Good Morning America this morning.

Read the article, watch the video and see what you think!!

DUDE!!!! :eek: :eek: :D

A veteran Baltimore police officer was suspended after a video appeared on YouTube showing him manhandling a 14-year-old skateboarder.

The video, which was reportedly shot during the summer and just recently appeared on YouTube, begins with Officer Salvatore Rivieri approaching a group of teens on skateboards.

"You're not allowed to ride your skateboards here," Rivieri tells two teenage skateboarders.

"We were just rolling by. … I didn't hear him because I had my iPod on," said Eric Bush, the teen who bore the brunt of Rivieri's wrath.

On the video, Bush is seen referring to Rivieri as "dude," and the officer responds with force, shoving Bush to the ground.

"I was scared. I didn't know if he was going to punch me," said Bush.

He wasn't scared speechless though, as Bush continued to refer to Rivieri as "dude."

"I didn't do anything dude," Bush says again on the video, this time inciting a rant from Rivieri.

"Obviously your parents don't put your foot in your butt quite enough, because you don't understand the meaning of the word respect. You better learn how to speak. I'm not 'man,' I'm not 'dude.' I am Officer Rivieri!" he shouts.

"I was very upset," Bush's mother, Peggy Miller, said of watching the video.

Although skateboarding in the area wasn't allowed, she says the officer was out of line. "If I were to go to my job and I were to get upset with someone who called me dude three times and tackled [them], I'd be terminated immediately."

The Baltimore Police Department partially agreed. Rivieri, who has no complaints on his record, was suspended with pay.

"We don't know what happened before the video clip. We don't know what happened after. But there are obviously some things to be concerned about there," said Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Baltimore police.

ABC News showed the video to Harris Stratyner, a psychologist who deals with confrontation.

"You watch the video and you say, 'Gee that kid was disrespectful.' And then you see the police officer and you forget all about the kid calling him dude, because his actions were so outrageous," Stratyner said.

As for his actions, Bush says this could have all been avoided. "I would have left if he had been nice to me, but he just kept on going and yelling at me.

Watch video HERE (http://www.youtube.com/v/kBeB81PPlng&rel=1)

link to article (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=4282823&page=1)

02-13-2008, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
As for his actions, Bush says this could have all been avoided. "I would have left if he had been nice to me, but he just kept on going and yelling at me.

Okay, I haven't watched the video yet, but this statement right here just pissed me off!!! Been nice to you??? GMAB kid. An officer tells you you can't do something, then stop doing it & move on!! :bigcry:

Okay, let me go see what this dude's problem was! :D

02-13-2008, 12:34 PM
"is that camera on?.... if i find myself on..." yep, guess he found himself on youtube like he didnt want to

02-13-2008, 12:34 PM

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 12:34 PM
Dude is so overused these days anyway!!

I for sure thought he was a smart-ass...but I don't know if I thought "dude" should have sparked all that!!

Because of that stupid "Dude" commercial....me and my husband say it all the time now too!!!

DUDE!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUPvFAjpsVE)

02-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Kind of scary that idiots like that actually have jobs in the police force.

02-13-2008, 12:38 PM
LMAO! That was a bit over the top. If I had been that kid I would have been asking where Ashton Kutcher was!!!!! Besides, "I didn't hear you" and "Dude" I don't see where that kid was "mouthing off" to deserve to be taken to the ground. It isn't like he cussed him up & down or flipped him off!!

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
LMAO! That was a bit over the top. If I had been that kid I would have been asking where Ashton Kutcher was!!!!! Besides, "I didn't hear you" and "Dude" I don't see where that kid was "mouthing off" to deserve to be taken to the ground. It isn't like he cussed him up & down or flipped him off!!

That was my thought too!!

The "punishment" didn't quite fit the "crime"!!

I bet he was shocked though. It happened last summer, no charges were pressed, he probably never gave it a second thought...then all the sudden 9 months later it pops up on YouTube.....OOPS!!

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 12:55 PM
At the beginning of the video...is that little car he's standing in front of his patrol car???

If so...I may can see better why he is having issues!!:p :p

02-13-2008, 01:39 PM

Was the cop out of line?

02-13-2008, 01:56 PM
definitely out of line, he had no right to throw the kid on the ground.

02-13-2008, 02:50 PM
wow - i would have that cops ass on a silver platter if that were my kid...

Rocket Dad
02-13-2008, 02:51 PM
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.

02-13-2008, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.

Ahh so physical violence for saying Dude is ok then..gotcha

02-13-2008, 02:57 PM
kid was outta line, but cop was a bully --- i dont like bully's

02-13-2008, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened. just because you're old doesn't mean everything another old person does is right...

if that had been one of your kids that got thrown to the ground, you would have a fit...

all the cop had to do was tell them skateboarding was not allowed and they would have been on their way...

02-13-2008, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.

I agree, but sadly the concepts you speak of are foreign in today's world.

Those in authority are thought of as the enemy first.

02-13-2008, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Maroon87
I agree, but sadly the concepts you speak of are foreign in today's world.

Those in authority are thought of as the enemy first.

And do u think the cop pushing the kid down does not just add fuel to the concept that authority is the enemy?

02-13-2008, 03:00 PM
this is HUGE news here in the DC area

both the cop and the kid were inappropriate, but the adult should be expected to act like an adult.

02-13-2008, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.

I partially agree with you Rocket Dad, but that cop was still out of line. Yes the kid was a punk, and probably needs a lot more discipline at home. But that cop lost control plain and simple. He had no right putting his hands on that kid, and especially not throwing him to the ground. If he had kept a level head about him he had a good oppertunity to teach those kids something about respect. Instead all he did was make all those kids lose all respect for him, and probably for police in general. He did a great disservice to his badge, community, and to his fellow officers. And by the way, I'm 47, and I taught my daughter not to just automatically bow down to authority. If authority is wrong, it should be questioned, and when those who have authority abuse it, it should be taken away from them! This cop abused his authority without question!!!

02-13-2008, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
And do u think the cop pushing the kid down does not just add fuel to the concept that authority is the enemy?

I'm not saying it doesn't, but to me it's cause and effect: is this type of thing the cause of society's view of authority, or is this the effect of it.

02-13-2008, 03:05 PM
im sorry, but i cant take a guy working in shorts and driving that little thing seriously, i probably woulda listen to him, but cracked a few jokes on my way out.. the kids should listen and should be taught better, the cop shouldn't react the way he did....(reversing the story)i know i i was ever to lay a finger on a cop im sitting in the back of the car cuffed...(well, i dont know about his car hahahaha) so i dont see him getting a little time off bad...i mean.... hell, its suspension with pay... he's been with the force for a while sooooo i dont think his job was really ever mentioned with something so little as this. the writeup trys to make the cop really look like a bad guy(, but we all know how teenagers act(expecially during the summer time when there is nothing to do)).

what else do you expect from this confrontation, left corner you have a few bored teenagers who dont care much about respect and in the right corner, a cop wearing short driving a itty bitty car on a power trip.... youtube videos.

LH Panther Mom
02-13-2008, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.
IMO, the kid AND the officer were out of line.

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Rocket Dad
Child was out of line. When you start believing that citizens of a country have the right to question those in charge, you have problems. "Dude" AND OTHER GENERIC TERMS ARE FOR KIDS TO SAY TO OTHER KIDS, NOT ADULTS. Most of you on here that agree the cop was out of line are probably in your teens or 20's. I am in my 40's and was taught to listen and shut up when being talked to by authority figures (teachers, police, etc.) Go ahead and bash, I get the same responses on this site from you young-uns. Bottom line.. the kid in the video says yes sir we will move on and we understand that we were wrong ...... a confrontation would not have happened.

I agree to a point, but I think the officer WAY over-reacted!!

He threatened to smack the kid upside the head and told him he would be killed someday...for saying "dude?"....PLEASE!!!

Oh...and I am 44!!

02-13-2008, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I partially agree with you Rocket Dad, but that cop was still out of line. Yes the kid was a punk, and probably needs a lot more discipline at home. But that cop lost control plain and simple. He had no right putting his hands on that kid, and especially not throwing him to the ground. If he had kept a level head about him he had a good oppertunity to teach those kids something about respect. Instead all he did was make all those kids lose all respect for him, and probably for police in general. He did a great disservice to his badge, community, and to his fellow officers. And by the way, I'm 47, and I taught my daughter not to just automatically bow down to authority. If authority is wrong, it should be questioned, and when those who have authority abuse it, it should be taken away from them! This cop abused his authority without question!!!

:clap: :clap: I couldn't agree more!!! I like this post MUCH better than the one from this morning. :p

02-13-2008, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
im sorry, but i cant take a guy working in shorts and driving that little thing seriously, i probably woulda listen to him, but cracked a few jokes on my way out.. the kids should listen and should be taught better, the cop shouldn't react the way he did....(reversing the staory)i know i i was ever to lay a finger on a cop im sitting in the back of the car cuffed...(well, i dont know about his car hahahaha) so i dont see him getting a little time off bad...i mean.... hell, its suspension with pay... he's been with the force for a while sooooo i dont think his job was really ever mentioned with something so little as this. the writeup trys to make the cop really look like a bad guy(, but we all know how teenagers act(expecially during the summer time when there is nothing to do)).

what else do you expect from this confrontation, left corner you have a few bored teenagers who dont care much about respect and in the right corner, a cop wearing short driving a itty bitty car on a power trip.... youtube videos.

And the cop basically threatned the kid's life..If I said to a cop you get my name right so u can live in the world longer it I bet my house they would have me charged with some trumped up threatining the life of a civil servant charge

The kid had an attitude, yes..but IMO it was not such an attitude that it gave the cop a right to say he would smack in the head, then to actually use physical force

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:11 PM
I am curious to see "who-dun-its' take on this.

Aesculus gilmus
02-13-2008, 03:13 PM
C'mon, the cop was just doing his duty, protecting us from "Al Skaeda" terrorists.

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Aesculus gilmus
C'mon, the cop was just doing his duty, protecting us from "Al Skaeda" terrorists.

LOL!! :thumbsup:

02-13-2008, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
And the cop basically threatned the kid's life..If I said to a cop you get my name right so u can live in the world longer it I bet my house they would have me charged with some trumped up threatining the life of a civil servant charge

The kid had an attitude, yes..but IMO it was not such an attitude that it gave the cop a right to say he would smack in the head, then to actually use physical force agree.... i didnt hear the part where he said something about his life.... also we dont know the pre-story besides whats on the film. and from me saying "the paper makes the cop look like a bad guy" is just saying the kids just seemed like angels. check the cop for steroids..... think its just a case of roidrage.... feed his some estrogen pills and i bet youll see a different story(think of the scenes from the longest yard)


Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04
agree.... i didnt hear the part where he said something about his life.... also we dont know the pre-story besides whats on the film. and from me saying "the paper makes the cop look like a bad guy" is just saying the kids just seemed like angels. check the cop for steroids..... think its just a case of roidrage.... feed his some estrogen pills and i bet youll see a different story(think of the scenes from the longest yard)


At the beginning of the video, you can tell that is where the confrontation between the two start. The kid in question "says" he didn't hear the cop because he was listening to his Ipod, the cop tells him to take his earphones out....that was when it started going downhill.

02-13-2008, 03:21 PM
I like how his other friend is telling him to be quiet when he keeps mouthing! LOL

What would have been funnier is if had said, "Dude, be quiet" :p

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
I like how his other friend is telling him to be quiet when he keeps mouthing! LOL

What would have been funnier is if had said, "Dude, be quiet" :p


Every time I hear "dude" now (and my kids use it A LOT)...I will have a whole new take on it.

I have to admit, I don't think any of my kids have ever called me "dude", but I think Rita has!!:p :p :D

02-13-2008, 03:26 PM

wonder if the cop has this patch

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by DU_stud04

wonder if the cop has this patch

LH Panther Mom
02-13-2008, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I have to admit, I don't think any of my kids have ever called me "dude", but I think Rita has!!:p :p :D
Mine have when they have some "news". :D

02-13-2008, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

Every time I hear "dude" now (and my kids use it A LOT)...I will have a whole new take on it.

I have to admit, I don't think any of my kids have ever called me "dude", but I think Rita has!!:p :p :D

I call everybody "dude".

02-13-2008, 03:33 PM
I like the beer commercial where the only line in it is the guy saying "Dude" in lots of different situations, and it has a different meaning in every one of them. Cracks me up every time.

Ranger Mom
02-13-2008, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I like the beer commercial where the only line in it is the guy saying "Dude" in lots of different situations, and it has a different meaning in every one of them. Cracks me up every time.

I actually posted that further up somewhere!!!

Here it is again:

DUDE!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUPvFAjpsVE)

02-13-2008, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I actually posted that further up somewhere!!!

Here it is again:

DUDE!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUPvFAjpsVE)

Oops, yep I see where you did now. Guess that's what I get for just scanning instead of reading every post carefully. I'll try not to let it happen again.
Well, for today anyway.:D