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09-03-2003, 11:20 PM
Intrested to hear what everybody thinks about the game with Caldwell and Madisonville. I know it will be a good game. Of course I am pullin for Caldwell to win, and of course I will be there in the stands cheering for my boys!
Go Swarm beat Madisonville!!!!!!!!!!

09-03-2003, 11:49 PM
I would like to see the Hornets win, too, but I hope they realize Madisonville is not shabby and they are out to avenge last year! Liberty Hill lost a LOT of players to graduation from last year's 10-2 playoff team so the jury's still out on what rating Caldwell deserves. Just tell them to remember to play four FULL QUARTERS. Tell them to try some flea flicker plays or do something fancy. With Brian Gilbert gone, somebody is going to HAVE to step up and plow through the line like they're out to prove something. And don't get cocky with two-point converion attempts. Just tough, no frills football. Good luck!

09-04-2003, 12:04 AM
i will go w/cald.i have my reasons,mad probably should not have not last week 2 spl,no disrespect.

09-04-2003, 07:56 AM
Of course I'm all for Caldwell! GO HORNETS!!!! :p

CHS_Grad '85
09-04-2003, 01:15 PM
Madisonville always gives us a great game... should be exciting... I'll be up in the stands cheering for our boys in burnt orange... :)

09-04-2003, 03:12 PM
why doesn't Caldwell play decent teams in pre season? I mean, Cameron, Marlin, Rockdale...even Lorena w/ Fairfield play pretty testy games. I mean it helps to prepare for what's upcoming u know? Cameron plays CS, Bellville and Gatesville; Marlin has 4A University and Burnet among others, and Rockdale has...well Bellville and I can't think of who else they have but still, that's a hell of an opener win or lose. I've just wondered that for a while that's all. Yeah Marlin scrimmages Mart but Mart is a known powerhouse in 2A that for a while would have survived 3A similar to Celina. Oh well....

09-04-2003, 03:27 PM
Last year is the first year in a long long time that Caldwell has had a weak schedule.They have played the likes of Bellville,Columbus,Giddings,Madisonville,Robinson.

CHS_Grad '85
09-04-2003, 03:31 PM
theyoefnshow - you're asking the wrong folks - fans don't make up the schedules....

09-04-2003, 05:41 PM
By the likes of Friday's scores, perhaps the Yoe should borrow Caldwell's schedule for a while.

Sorry, you asked for that one, pal!

09-04-2003, 06:51 PM
trust me, I'd rather lose via blowout to a good solid team than schedule a 5-0 non district schedule only to be embarassed come district.

09-04-2003, 11:05 PM
We'll see who gets embarrassed, Mr. 54-21

09-04-2003, 11:20 PM
Why don't you look at history son. You'll see Cameron at the top of the 3A charts and that is a fact. People have been saying since December that this is going to be an off year. Oh well, can't have a winning record every year can ya? Oh wait, I forgot, Cameron has had one nearly 30 of the last 33 years. Let's see, that includes a state ring, a few semi final appearances, several quarterfinal appearances and more district championships than you could even fathom. MY BAD. Caldwell wouldn't know much about that....does Milano even have a football team?

09-05-2003, 07:45 AM
Just wait, Mr. oYe. Your day is coming. Now hurry and hired the refs.

09-05-2003, 10:02 AM
"Go ahead and hired the refs"

Man, the Milano grammar system must be more jacked up than we all thought.

09-05-2003, 11:47 AM
It's called a typo I don't feel the need to do a formal proofing for ANYONE in Cameron

09-06-2003, 11:42 PM
Cameron has a good team and I am totally backing GoForIt. theyoefnshow, you should really stop showing out.

Thanks GoForIt, atleast someone believes in Caldwell.


09-07-2003, 01:27 AM
OK FIRST OF ALL LIL YOE GUY SHUT UP! Second thanx GoForIt! I am glad youare backing us even if some people cant! I will agree that Cameron is a good team but if people are goin to have attitudes like that then their team doesnt mean anything!

09-07-2003, 01:47 AM
lol....pity you kids are so blind by your lack of knowledge of this sport. You tell me to "shut up" due to my attitude. Why? Because I tell you the truth? Because Cameron has a rich history behind it spanning almost 4 decades? Let's look at something that even you simpletons can understand shall we? Straight from www.texasfootball.com.... (http://www.texasfootball.com....)

SEP 19 MART H 7:30
SEP 26 BURNET A 7:30
OCT 03 ENNIS A 7:30

SEP 12 ELGIN A 7:30
SEP 19 TAYLOR H 7:30

SEP 12 HEARNE A 7:30

Do you get it or shall I spell it out for you? Cameron, 4 possibly FIVE teams that will make the playoffs this year.
Marlin, 2 4A POWERHOUSES, the #1 team in 3A, another 4A squad and a rival (yet potent) 2A school.
Rockdale, again, 4 teams that will hit playoffs. Giddings has proven they are for real, Elgin is always a contender, Bellville...nuff said and have you seen 4A Taylor this year? They're killers. Yeah Smithville is in there but that's for the annual "Tiger" battle.
Now lets look at Caldwell. LIBERTY HILL, a 3A squad that showed last year that they played mediocre teams (such as yourselves) and were MANHANDLED when they played Burnet. oooo wow, 50 points on Smithville. The average JV team could do that. MADISONVILLE who? HEARNE, a team that couldn't cut it in 3A and had to drop to 2A and even there they are only average. SMITHVILLE, don't make me laugh. GIDDINGS, the only legit team you guys play in pre district. Now tell me. Of the 4 teams I've mentioned. Who do you think will be the best suited for district play? I'll give you a hint. The same three that were in the playoffs last year.

09-07-2003, 09:22 AM
YoeTurd, YOU are the quintessential (look up the word) "too much time on my hands" computer geek! How is a coach supposed to know from one year to the next who is going to be a playoff caliber team until you actually go head to head?
NOw stick this in your pipe and suck on it a while: LIBERTY HILL was 10-2 last year and even beat the eventual 3A Division II champion Bandera in district by the same point spread they beat Caldwell (7) in non-district. As for them losing to Burnet - let's see the oYe go up against Burnet (a should-be 4A program) and see who gets walloped. MADISONVILLE is not a low-caliber program annually that any team should hide their face over scheduling. They're an hour from Caldwell, a Brazos Valley rival and made the playoffs 3 of the past five years, narrowly losing to SEALY three years ago in the playoffs. Remember Sealy. Hmmm? M'ville always give Mexia and Crockett a test when they play.
HEARNE's dropping to 2A has NOTHING to do with whether they or ANY TEAM can "cut it" as you put it. It's all about enrollment and they constantly have team speed and have an outstanding new coach the past two years so quit judging and trashing them because of HISTORY! They were 7-4 last year which is a big improvement from past years and they're 2-0 now. (Knowing Hearne's temperament with the law, you might think twice about snickering too joyfully). Now SMITHVILLE, yes I admit they have struggled every year and can't keep a coach to save their lives - but when their coach asks to schedule another because of proximity, how does the other coach supposed to respond in return, by saying "Sorry, you're lousy program just isn't good enough for our program, losers"? And GIDDINGS is always solid on defense and has good special teams and speed plus they are our biggest rival.
The problem in Yo-Yo land is that you have the big heads and think you could schedule Converse Judson and Midland Lee and they would be "HONORED" to play you. Look what happened in playing China Spring and Bellville already. Bellville, by the way, Caldwell played in non-district nearly every year and have taken turns claiming a win (last time we played was a 16-15 triple overtime road loss before they went on to win their district). The year before Caldwell won 20-13.
In other previous years, Caldwell played Mexia, Robinson, Needville, Schulenburg and COlumbus and held their own neary every year. But did you hear anyone praising the Hornets for have the balls to play them? Sure did not.
Here's a new bomb for you: Lorena's gonna beat you. Other teams know winning in Cameron takes more than what a six-figure job can buy and the score and time-keeper would have to be tied up and gagged first. Not that some teams would resort to crime like "others"....

<small>[ September 07, 2003, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: GoForIt ]</small>

09-07-2003, 11:06 AM
Computer geek because...I go to the biggest website for Texas HS football? O...k. Madisonville 3 years ago? We're talking NOW, not yesterday. Like I said, what happened to Caldwell last year? They cracked and stayed home. Year before? They were a one man show that made playoffs in what? First time in 10 years? As for Hearne please. Their "temperment" has nothing to do with their success. Back when Hearne was 3A they did fine until 1st 6 weeks. Go figure. Your "crime" thing is a very weak statement as well. I'm 99% sure you know nothing that happened other than "Yoe superstar shoots someone in the face." If you knew the story you'd know that it was in self defense as PROVEN by a jury. Finally, I don't know *** you mean by talking about winning in Yoe land being difficult. Cameron has had just as many penalties and bad calls made against them as any other team that has ventured to play them.
Oh and one more thing. Giving teams "the honor" of playing the Yoemen isn't the case. It's about preparation for the district schedule. The two years I was on the squad we won back to back district titles, one of which we went totally undefeated the whole season losing by 1 point to eventual state semi finalists la Grange. Something tells me that A) you aren't even a player, just a band geek or B)you've never played a game in your life.

09-07-2003, 11:31 AM
All-region linebacker here and have a lot of friends who were in the band and they were able to use their talents beyond high school. Were you? I rest my case. Now keep livin' in the past. Alert: Toby York is gone. It was all a big, long dream.

09-07-2003, 11:32 AM
and it wasn't 10 years since playoffs - it was four.

09-07-2003, 12:22 PM
Ok Yoe dude.... is that all you can do is just bad mouth people? I take offense to your lil comment about band geeks. I am in the band, I am also in colorguard and doing both of those things is alot harder than you could ever think. I doubt you could do it! Sure you have a talent of running your mouth but from what I can see THATS ABOUT IT! If you are goin to sit here and bad mouth our team bc you think we have it easy and yall have it hard than we will see when we play October 10th. By the way, GoForIt is right, It seems everytime we are at Cameron more calls do get called on us than yall...same for many other teams as well. Now I am not trying to say anything...just pointing out an obvious fact!

09-07-2003, 02:48 PM
hey kids, I'm actually quite successful in my line of work and as for living in the past, I NEVER played for Toby York so I don't know why you keep referring to him. Yeah he was great but he's been gone a while. I was on the 1st two Sapp teams. Soo....boo yah.

09-07-2003, 11:02 PM
What is your line of work?? and I didnt say that you werent doing good in your line of work...I said you COULDNT DO THE STUFF THAT WE DO. (as in band and colorguard.) Like I said before Cameron is a good team but the attitudes yall have are horrible!! A good team cant make up for bad attitudes from the players OR the fans!!!!!!!

09-07-2003, 11:38 PM
DANG JEANA! (a little old school martin lawrence for all you younguns out there)

you guys are getting pretty ticked about a lot of stuff here, now lets all sit back and take a deep breath and think about this for a minute. is this worth all the bitter feelings that this is causing? no, there are other forums that you guys can go and rip each other apart in, the downlow is usually reserved for people who can take and give some constructive, yes constructive critisizm (sp?) from one another and not get all hissy about it. this time last year i went through a time of realizing that same concept as well, and now im all the better for it. hehe, now you guys can tell me to shut up, and i will, or you can decide to just chill out for a minute and move on with life, because there are more important things other than picking on the band "nerds" of america (and i was one in high school). anywhoo, i think im done rambling now...

<small>[ September 08, 2003, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: spaniard ]</small>