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View Full Version : Texas Tech vs. LSU to open season?

02-06-2008, 02:24 PM
These's speculation on a Tech message board yesterday and today regarding an LSU matchup 8/31 this coming season. Apparently LSU cleared a lesser game on that date in search of a BCS school to play. Rumor has it that the unnamed BCS school that they are talking to is Tech. (Some talk of this on LSU's board, too.) No one seems to know if LSU would insist it be played in Baton Rouge for sure, or possibly Houston, Dallas, etc. Or if it would be a home and home, or it LSU would pay Tech for the one game at LSU. Interesting.

02-06-2008, 02:26 PM
Here's the link to the discussion


02-06-2008, 02:39 PM
There's a lot more to it than what's over on RP. The Rivals boards (with more Tech and LSU people) are full of it today. Here's the latest tidbit of "hard info" floating around...

LSU senior associate athletic director Verge Ausberry said late last night that he will fill that vacancy with another home game ? preferably with a school from a BCS conference.

Ausberry said he hopes to come to an agreement today or Thursday and has two candidates, including one from a BCS conference. He said he will work the phones today hoping to put a deal in place.


Ausberry said he hopes the athletic department administrator at the unnamed school from a BCS conference will agree to play LSU.

“They’re talking with their coaches,” Ausberry said. “I’m hoping. We’ve got to make a decision here. I’m pressing them too.

02-07-2008, 05:36 PM
Looks like Tech is playing Eastern Washington.

02-07-2008, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by kepdawg
Looks like Tech is playing Eastern Washington.
Yep. Tech coaches didn't want to open the season in Baton Rouge...even though LSU said they would make a return trip to Lubbock in 2010. Considering the expectations for Tech in 2008...I don't really blame them. Follow the Kansas/Hawaii model of 07 and hope to end up in a BCS game.