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View Full Version : Stallone: HGH Use Is 'Nothing'

01-28-2008, 07:52 PM
Sylvester Stallone says he used human growth hormone to get buff for the new "Rambo" movie, and defends its use.

"HGH (human growth hormone) is nothing," the 61-year-old actor tells Time magazine in its Feb. 4 issue. "Anyone who calls it a steroid is grossly misinformed."

Because it is nearly undetectable, HGH has become a substance of great concern in major league baseball and other sports battling allegations of rampant doping.

"Testosterone to me is so important for a sense of well-being when you get older," he says. "Everyone over 40 years old would be wise to investigate it because it increases the quality of your life. Mark my words. In 10 years it will be over the counter."

Stallone directed and co-wrote the new "Rambo" movie, which arrived in theaters Friday.


01-28-2008, 08:34 PM
stallone is a "ba"

01-28-2008, 11:14 PM
for some reason i am not surprised by this at all

Old Tiger
01-28-2008, 11:16 PM
I bet no one understood it.

01-29-2008, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Bull19
stallone is a "ba"

or a "da" at times.

01-29-2008, 10:27 AM
It's a bit premature since we don't know much about the long-term effects, BUT he may just be right. :D

01-29-2008, 12:29 PM
It should be noted that he didn't just come out and become a spokeman (so to speak) for HGH for no reason. He was caught with it last year flying into Australia, so it was known that he used the stuff already. Story link to that incident below:

Stallone pleads guilty to Australia drug charges
Actor brought muscle-building hormones into country

01-29-2008, 12:40 PM
While he may be right in regards to it becoming a commonly prescribed drug...It has been my experience that when talking about hormonal therapy of any kind...the positive effect is ALWAYS balanced by a negative effect(s) that sometimes may not be realized for years. Hormones tend to effect multiple organ systems in ways that we have not even begun to understand...just a word of warning to those who may look at HGH as the fountain of youth...

01-29-2008, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by vet93
While he may be right in regards to it becoming a commonly prescribed drug...It has been my experience that when talking about hormonal therapy of any kind...the positive effect is ALWAYS balanced by a negative effect(s) that sometimes may not be realized for years. Hormones tend to effect multiple organ systems in ways that we have not even begun to understand...just a word of warning to those who may look at HGH as the fountain of youth...



01-29-2008, 12:43 PM
You might not realize that HGH and Testosterone are legal and prescibed to thousands of people interested in anti-aging.

The only legal problem anyone has is if their employer deems it an unfair advantage (athletes), you buy it on the black market (gym rats), or you bring more than you can take in 90 days into the country from abroad.

Austrailia apparently thinks 47 vials is too much to bring in. I am reasionably sure that he has a valid prescription for it as his profession allows it and he can afford it. Presciption GH costs more than $1000 per month.

The main side effects are encountered when people take more than physiological levels of these hormones. There are measureable optimal levels of these hormones in a properly function system at any given age. At 18, levels of testosterone are typically around 1000. A typical 40 year old is around 240. If you were to restore these levels to 1000 through HRT you would revialtilze the system. As long as you did not decide that 3500 was the "optimal level" you would experience little to no negative side effects. There are 40 year olds that through genetic gifts and great life habits naturally have Testosterone levels of 1000. They are not experiencing negative side affects. These people look and feel like their 18 because chemically they are.

Stallone is defying old age through the use of these legally prescribed chemicals. I applaud him and those that do not buy into the witch hunt that is currently in vogue.

Unfortunately 17 year olds with Testoterone levels that are naturally through the roof are prematurely shutting down their God given potential that may lead to a life of poor health and testosterone deficiency in exchange for a short cut to muscle mass. At 17 nothing beats food sleep and weights!

01-29-2008, 01:34 PM
Biggest group of U.S. users are men ages 35-60. Thats where 70% of the market actually is.