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View Full Version : So freakin close!!!!

01-25-2008, 09:44 PM
Sorry but I have to vent. I got a call yesterday afternoon from a coworker who knew that I was looking at getting a laptop. Apparently, another coworker's son, who works with computers, stumbled on some mispriced HP laptops at sears.com. They range in price from about $1,199-$1,399 normally. Some one a Sears messed up and their price online was $499.99. This is the laptop.


Everyone at work had bought about 20-30 total before someone called me to let me know. By the time they did call, Sears had yanked the laptops from the site. Thanks for the heads up guys. :(

01-25-2008, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
Sorry but I have to vent. I got a call yesterday afternoon from a coworker who knew that I was looking at getting a laptop. Apparently, another coworker's son, who works with computers, stumbled on some mispriced HP laptops at sears.com. They range in price from about $1,199-$1,399 normally. Some one a Sears messed up and their price online was $499.99. This is the laptop.


Everyone at work had bought about 20-30 total before someone called me to let me know. By the time they did call, Sears had yanked the laptops from the site. Thanks for the heads up guys. :(
Dammit, thats the exact same laptop im on right now...it would of been awesome if i saved 500 bucks, :(

01-25-2008, 10:12 PM
I keep torturing myself by watching the demo over and over again. I didn't intend to pay over $1000 for one, but to have the chance to by one for less than half the price would have been awesome. I never get this lucky.

01-25-2008, 11:37 PM
I bought a very decent laptop at Best Buy two weeks ago for a preacher for $450. Brand New. Just not the very latest technology. It had an excellent graphics card in it for you gamers.

I bought both my son and wife a laptop for $650 each back in June at Best Buy. Excellent laptops.

What I do is I walk in find a salesman that is standing around in the laptop area that looks like he is in the know.

I say, I am looking for your special stash of laptops that you want to unload. Not the newest tech, but excellent performance.

There is always special cabinet with these great buys. And you can even haggle a little bit.

If you doubt that they are decent. Get the specs of the special hidden buys and then walk over to the top of the line. You will find that you are not loosing out on anything, but just saving big bucks.

I bet each of you could walk out of Best Buy tomorrow with excellent laptops for less than $600 tomorrow if you desire.