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View Full Version : CROCKETT IS BACK!!!!

07-26-2003, 08:51 PM
Dont count the dogs out this season, they are very under rated, and are about to sneak up on alot of teams if there not careful. From what i hear....they have alot of new kids, and returning starters, that are ready for action. They played 7 on 7 in Louisianna, and took 1st place in a tournament over there. There secodary is averaging from a 4.41 to a 4.48 40 time, and is going to be very tough to get past. And the Senior receiver Kevin Robbins, 6'3, 200lbs, 4.3 40 time, is going to be tough to stop, along with there RB Su'Landrous Duncan, 6'2, 225, 4.4 40 time. LOOK OUT!!, Crockett is back, and better than ever!!!!

07-27-2003, 10:58 AM
Crockett's problem has NEVER been talent....they seem to be amoung the most talented teams in Region 3 every year...something just doesn't seem to be clicking there...

07-27-2003, 08:17 PM
I agree Matthew. Their rep from previous years hasn't lent to winning teams the last few years. From personal experience, the senior bunch that we have has handled Crockett's group playing them up through junior high to early high school, but they were always tough games. They seemed to have some athletes but would always lose to us in the final quarter plus. Maybe it was conditioning, maybe play calling. I do remember they had size to spare. I don't know.

07-27-2003, 08:21 PM
I've played against Crockett and they are talented, I will give them that, they just have no heart. When the going gets tough the shut it down, and it looks bad on the coaches for them letting them shut down. They have talented althetes that can take them very far, but they will have to change their heart and their will to win.

07-27-2003, 11:54 PM
Ive picked Crockett pretty high the past two seasons and have been let down each time. I wont make the same mistake this year.

07-28-2003, 09:01 AM
Crockett and Marlin are two teams that are always loaded with talent but never seem to be able to win it all.

07-30-2003, 12:16 PM
Crockett and Marlin are two teams that are always loaded with talent but never seem to be able to win it all.Yea!, Duckbutter, but the Bulldogs, from Marlin always seem to beat Newton, lets's see for the past 4 season Marlin 4, Newton 0;hmmm hope to the see you early December and will we make it 5, see ya.

<small>[ July 30, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: cunbed10 ]</small>