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View Full Version : Boy glues hand to bed to avoid going back to school

01-08-2008, 11:37 AM
Mexican boy glues hand to bed to avoid going back to school

10:35 AM CST on Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Associated Press

MEXICO CITY - A 10-year-old Mexican boy dreaded returning to school after Christmas break so much that he glued his hand to his bed.

Sandra Palacios spent nearly two hours Monday morning trying to free her son Diego's hand with water, oil and nail polish remover before calling authorities, police chief Jorge Camacho told The Associated Press from outside the northern city of Monterrey.

"I didn't want to go to school because vacation was so much fun," Reforma newspaper quoted the boy as saying.

Palacios said Diego sneaked into the kitchen in the early morning to get the industrial glue, which he then slathered on his right hand. She didn't hear him get up, but later awoke and found him watching TV with his hand stuck to the bed, she told Mexican newspaper El Universal.

"I don't know why he did it," she told Reforma. "He's a good boy, but mischievous like all kids."

Diego's hand was fine, and paramedics managed to unstick him in time for class.

01-08-2008, 04:38 PM
This is funny. A couple of days ago, I woke up and went to wake my sons up because we had all slept late. The minute I opened the door I could smell maple syrup but didn't think nothing of it. I told them to get up and then went to the couch in the living room and turned on the tv. My oldest son came out and sat down with me but my youngest son didn't. I told my oldest to go wake up his brother and then I heard screaming coming from their room. I got up and saw that my baby boy had fallen asleep in the syrup and it glued his head to the mattress. I walked in just in time to see my oldest rip him off the mattress. Now my youngest son has a bald spot on the side of his head. :D

01-08-2008, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
This is funny. A couple of days ago, I woke up and went to wake my sons up because we had all slept late. The minute I opened the door I could smell maple syrup but didn't think nothing of it. I told them to get up and then went to the couch in the living room and turned on the tv. My oldest son came out and sat down with me but my oldest son didn't. I told my oldest to go wake up his brother and then I heard screaming coming from their room. I got up and saw that my baby boy had fallen asleep in the syrup and it glued his head to the mattress. I walked just in time to see my oldest rip him off the mattress. Now my son has a bald spot on the side of his head. :D who's on first????

Phil C
01-08-2008, 04:51 PM
When I was in the first grade I lived about a mile across town from the school. When we had recess the teachers would be drinking coffee so it was easy for me to sneak away from the school and walk home. When I got home my mother would take me back to the school. After a few times I decided there was no point in sneaking away. :)