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View Full Version : Question about Homecoming?

09-30-2003, 06:33 PM
When I was playing the players did not leave the field house. Our coaches were coaching adjustments, tending to injuries, encouraging, chewing our tails off etc...Nowadays...our school has players come out for homecoming king and participate with their parents in a ceremony. They are usually some of the key players. I have no problem having a homecoming king and queen but couldn't this be done elsewhere so as not to be a distraction to the players on game night. Also, someone besides the team captains can crown the football sweetheart. We used to have a couple of the jv captains crown the sweetheart. I think that the whole homecoming atmosphere is distracting enough...the players don't need the extra stuff to worry about. Am I too "OLD SCHOOL"? What are your thoughts about halftime at homecoming? P.S. We have lost our last two homecoming games :mad:

09-30-2003, 06:42 PM
I agree with you. The best scenario in my opinion in dealing with homecoming is to have it before kick off. I may get chewed on for this view, but, I hate homecoming festivities. I hated it in high school and I hate it now. I love football, and that it what I want to see. Band is a different story, because it's okay to have something during half time, and band doesn't involve football players usually, at least not starters. Plus, a good band can really have a positive effect on the players during the game. And I've even known some sly band directors who play loud and hard when the opposing team has the ball near where the band sits. But, by having it before kickoff, people who are interested in it can be there early to see it, and it won't distract players like it would in the middle of a game, when adjustments are needed, and injuries need to be attended to. And those who don't care to see it, or could care less, don't have to sit through it. I agree wholeheartedly it can be a great distraction for the players though. I wonder if that plays any part in a team usually scheduling a weaker team for homecoming. I do know that one coach insisted on having homecoming during a non-district game, and my understanding was for the very reason you mention. He didn't want any distractions during district games, the important ones. Just my take.

09-30-2003, 06:43 PM
They should just schedule HC against a bad team, then there is nothing to worry about

09-30-2003, 06:46 PM
exactly i know that's what bellville varsity does.

09-30-2003, 07:04 PM
Except this year against Rice!!!!

09-30-2003, 08:39 PM
The only question I have is why nobody has asked to use our trucks and trailers for the parade this year!!TO ALL SINTON FOLK!!LA COPA FIELD SERVICES!!REMEMBER!!!

Ranger Mom
09-30-2003, 09:11 PM
In Greenwood the King is crowned at the Pep Rally (by last year's king) and the Queen is escorted by her dad (usually)and crowned by last year's queen. The players aren't part of the half-time activities at all. (Even band members who also play football don't march at half-time!)
And while we are on the subject, I noticed last year there were several Homecoming games during district. IMO, this should all be over and done with when district rolls around.

09-30-2003, 09:12 PM
Sweetwater never has football players on the field. We dont even crown a king, just a Queen. The girls escort and drivers are non football players. And about scheduling an easy team, we used to do that. Watched many homecoming games against the likes of Pecos, Ft. Stockton, Lakeview and Clyde. I was quite surprised this year when it was against Greenwood.

09-30-2003, 09:19 PM
Caldwell only crowns queens but we also do Dukes and Duchesses at homecoming. Football players can be Dukes. Yet since I've been going to high school Caldwell hasn't won a homecoming game. (I can't even remember if they did when I was younger.) But this year I believe that we can break the tradition.

09-30-2003, 09:22 PM
My nephew was nominated for Homecoming King at Merkel. He was on the field at halftime, just a few minutes after he caught a 70 yd TD pass. All the Homecoming festivities were just icing on the cake for him. I think the kids handle it alot better than the coaches. I bet most coaches would like Homecoming alot better if there wasn't all the distractions leading up to the game-- the bonfires, the parades,etc. I think all Homecoming games should be pre-district to avoid all the distractions. just my opion of course. Big games should have the whole focus on the game.

09-30-2003, 09:23 PM
Like I said earlier just schedule homecoming on a game where you know your team will most likely win

09-30-2003, 10:29 PM
In LG the homecoming crowning is done before the game. Beau at the pep rally and FB Queen before kick off. Players are in locker room with team and if one of the attendants happens to be in band, drill team, cheerleading...they can change and participate in their usual activity for the game. Seems to work out OK...everyone stays focused on job to be done. :)