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View Full Version : Astros teammates disagree with Berkman over off-season moves

12-19-2007, 01:10 PM
Berkman's concerns not universal
By Alyson Footer / MLB.com

HOUSTON -- Lance Berkman may be concerned about team chemistry, but judging from the comments of select teammates on Tuesday, the first baseman's theories are not shared by the masses.

During a holiday event at Minute Maid Park on Tuesday, several Astros players openly disagreed with Berkman's assessment that team chemistry may be an issue in the wake of the sweeping changes general manager Ed Wade has made to the roster.

"Lance is Lance, and I can see where he's coming from, but I don't think there's going to be bad chemistry," Brandon Backe said. "I don't think there's any question if there's going to be chemistry with the team next year. I think everything's going to be OK."

Backe was asked to respond to Berkman's interview in Sunday's Houston Chronicle, during which Berkman said, "I feel like I've been traded to the Astros" and that "it saddens me in a way."

Berkman also said after watching so many players come through the system, everyone had grown comfortable with each other.

"It's been a tough offseason for me, personally," he said.

Backe, along with Chris Sampson and Woody Williams, disagreed. They like the moves Wade made and are looking forward to next season.

"Lance is going out on a limb," Backe said. "Maybe he's a little upset that his buddy Chris Burke was traded. But I don't know. He said what he said, and he certainly has a right to say what he wants."

"Ed Wade and Drayton McLane have been wheeling and dealing," Sampson said. "It's very exciting going into Spring Training and into '08."

Williams said he "strongly" disagrees with Berkman's opinions.

"Chemistry is what you make of it," the veteran starting pitcher said. "It's how you approach people, and it's how open you are with your teammates and how willing you are to get to know different people.

"There's guys that have been here five or six years, and they have a good camaraderie and some good close friendships were made. And now it's time to split them apart, and it's always hard. I know a lot of that's personal for Lance. He's the face of the organization, and he's someone that everyone looks up to, so his concerns concern a lot of people."

Count Williams as one who likes the moves Wade made this winter.

"Anytime you can better yourself. It's hard to give up on some of the young prospects, but to me, they are prospects until they are proven Major Leaguers," he said. "You never know what they are going to turn out to do. We've added some good pieces, no doubt about it."

Williams, Backe, Sampson and catcher J.R. Towles were at Minute Maid Park for the Astros' annual holiday party for Houston-area children. This year, the children were from SEARCH's House of Tiny Treasures, serving homeless children and their families, and Yellowstone Academy, serving low-income children growing up in difficult family circumstances.

The focus was on the kids, but with so much news swirling around baseball these days, the players were inevitably asked to address a myriad of topics, including the recently released Mitchell Report and its allegations about former Astros Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte.

Backe admitted he was surprised to hear those two names surface.

"I know Roger and Andy as people," Backe said. "I don't know them as a steroid user, I don't know them as not a steroid user. I personally don't care what they do. I'm not going to comment on it -- it's all speculation right now. I know Andy's isn't [after Pettitte admitting to using HGH two times], but it's not going to change my judgment on him, or anybody else, for that matter.

"I know that I'm clean, and I have nothing to worry about. I'm not going to judge anybody on it. Roger's done so much for me -- just helping me out, learning the game and learning my workout regimen -- that I don't really care, to be honest with you."

"It's a shame," Williams said. "But, at the same time, who am I to cast judgment on anybody? I don't know what they were going through in their careers. You open up all of our closet doors, and there are things we're not proud of, or things we wish we could have changed the way we responded to certain situations or decisions we made."

Backe agreed that the day the Mitchell Report was released was a bad day for baseball, but he's optimistic about the long-term effects the report will have on the game.

"It's the process of weeding it out, getting it out of the sport," Backe said, referring to performance-enhancing drugs. "Who knows, there's always going to be a drug, a stimulant out there, that's going to sell the player into possibly taking it to enhance his performance on the field. As long as it's not detected by any drug test, there's going to be a percentage out there that's going to be willing to take it. That's what going to get them money, and that's what's going to help them out in their career or their life.

"It's to each his own when it comes to that. Calling out the names [in the Mitchell Report], I think, could have been not done, but it was. I don't have anything to worry about. My name wasn't on it, it shouldn't be on it, and I'm fine and dandy with what they did. It was a sad day, but let's say that it's going to end up being a good day because it's going to help out our sport."

Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

My take: Berkman needs to zip it up, get in shape, and show up ready to ball. End of story.

12-19-2007, 01:16 PM
i think the Astros are going to be exciting for a change... Berkman is the last of the Killer Bee's, and Biggio and Bagwell, though great players, were boring... too much of the business and playing with no emotion... Valverde brings a spark... Tejada brings flare... they are not the boring Stros and as Pulillo says, the Astros were terrible and they needed change...

Sweetwater Red
12-19-2007, 01:17 PM
The Detroit Tigers made all kinds of moves too. Everybody on
their roster is grinning from ear to ear. Hmmmmmmmm,:thinking:

12-19-2007, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
The Detroit Tigers made all kinds of moves too. Everybody on
their roster is grinning from ear to ear. Hmmmmmmmm,:thinking:

I think Berkman has been in a bad mood since they gave Carlos Lee all that money. Bad part is, with Biggio gone and the roster almost completely turned over, he becomes the "leader" of the team. At this point anyway it doesn't sound like many others are following.

Old Tiger
12-19-2007, 01:54 PM
astros suck

12-19-2007, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Go Blue
astros suck

You would probably be much more credible if you brought something other than derogatory, snide opinions to the table. Like, the team will be better because............ or the team will not be better because............., but Astros suck? Pretty immature if you ask me.

Old Tiger
12-19-2007, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
You would probably be much more credible if you brought something other than derogatory, snide opinions to the table. Like, the team will be better because............ or the team will not be better because............., but Astros suck? Pretty immature if you ask me. well i didn't ask you so have a nice day :)

12-19-2007, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Go Blue
well i didn't ask you so have a nice day :)
I deliberately put that in so I could elicit another immature comment. Couldn't resist.