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View Full Version : Animal WWE - Cougar vs. Bobcat

12-19-2007, 12:12 AM
OK, mascots get to match up in this round of Animal WWE

Which animal would win this fight and take home the state championship?

12-19-2007, 12:40 AM
A cougar would win...

idk why and it would take home the trophy to its cubs

12-19-2007, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by NDFootball
A cougar would win...

idk why and it would take home the trophy to its cubs

Good response. Lacking a reasoning, but nonetheless having a happy, heartworming ending! Vicious overgrown felines are just so cute!

12-19-2007, 01:09 AM
bobcats are pretty vicious when provoked, and being as they have quickness on there side i would have to go with a bobcat over a cougar

12-19-2007, 01:43 AM
The truth is Bobcats are smarter.

Take the case just outside Celina, here is this little bobcat making lunch of this road killed moose, when a monkey comes walking up and says

"Mr Bobcat, there is one big bad cougar up there in a tree just licking his chops, I think he wants to eat you"

The little bobcat knows he is in a world of crap about now, but after a quick glimpse, he just continues eating on the moose. He knows he isn't fast enough to outrun such a big marvelously fast cougar, and to small to win a big fight, so after a bit of thinking, he asked the little monkey to help him out. While he finishes off the rest of the moose.

He instructs the little monkey to sneak around to the tree where the cougar was at, and bring him to him....so the little monkey goes up to the tree where the cougar is and tells the big fast cougar where the little bobcat was and he could sneak around this way to ambush him.

So the cougar with the monkey on his back, slithers through the bushes and when they are just about to be in range of the little bobcat the cougar asked the little monkey, why are you helping me?

The monkey replied, oh I am not helping you, I am helping the bobcat. He killed that moose yesterday and it is about all gone, so he sent me to get you for lunch.

The cougar in a startled state had to reconsider his options...and decided since that poor little bobcat could bring down a moose he wanted no part of him..and proceeded to leave the area.

The bobcat survives another day.

The moral to this story, is if you are outsized , and not fast enough to run, you can always win by out thinking a cougar or baffling them with B.S. and intimidation:)

The bobcat with victory in hand, can now happily bring back the trophy to his den in Celina, where there will be a huge parade and the other little bobcats will admire the trophy and just know that in a few years, they too can baffle a cougar and bring back their own trophy:) .:D

12-19-2007, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by alaskacat
The truth is Bobcats are smarter.

Take the case up in Alaska, here it s this little bobcat making lunch of this road killed moose, when a monkey comes walking up and says Mr bobcat, there is one big bad cougar up there in a tree just licking his chops, I think he wants to eat you"

The little bobcat knows he is in a world of crap about now. He isn't fast enough to outrun such a big marvelously fast cougar, so after a bit of thinking, he asked the little monkey to help him out. While he finishes off the rest of the moose.

He instructs the little monkey to sneak around to the tree where the cougar was at, and bring him to him....so the little monkey goes up to the tree where the cougar is and tells the big fast cougar where the little bobcat was and he could sneak around this way to ambush him.

So the cougar with the monkey on his back, slithers through the bushes and when they are just about to be in range of the little bobcat the cougar asked the little monkey, why are you helping me?

The monkey replied, oh I am not helping you, I am helping the bobcat. He killed that moose yesterday and it is about all gone, so he sent me to get you for lunch.

The cougar in a startled state had to reconsider his options...and decided since that poor little bobcat could bring down a moose he wanted no part of him..and proceeded to leave the area.

The bobcat survives another day.

The moral to this story, is if you are outsized , and not fast enough to run, you can always win by out thinking your opponent or baffling them with B.S. and intimidation:)

The bobcat with victory in hand, can now happily bring back the trophy to his den in Celina, where there will be a huge parade and the other little bobcats will admire the trophy and just know that in a few years, they too can baffle a cougar and bring back their own trophy)


Wow, did you think of that all yourself? Impressive, yes.:clap: :clap:

12-19-2007, 01:53 AM
pretty much..lol :)

12-19-2007, 02:51 AM
it depends which animal was trained by mike vick

12-19-2007, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by coach
it depends which animal was trained by mike vick

Ooooohhh!! Good one. :devil:

Old Tiger
12-19-2007, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by coach
it depends which animal was trained by mike vick greatness!

12-19-2007, 07:29 PM
I thought the thread was about Cougar vs Bobcat....not Pitt bulls:)

Wouldn't matter result would be the same

Old Tiger
12-19-2007, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by alaskacat
I thought the thread was about Cougar vs Bobcat....not Pitt bulls:)

Wouldn't matter result would be the same Mike Vick killing both for lack of performance? :p

12-19-2007, 07:32 PM
A cougar would RKO the bobcat and it'd be over.

12-19-2007, 07:35 PM
We'll never know. Everyone knows that the WWE is fixed!!!

12-19-2007, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by coach
it depends which animal was trained by mike vick

I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Nice!

12-19-2007, 09:55 PM
Well the bobcat is quicker, probably could escape and live to fight another day but if this is a cage match and space is limited than a cougar would take it hands down.

12-21-2007, 05:06 AM

12-21-2007, 08:50 AM
good thing this game has nothing to do with animals (unless you are referring to the guys on the offensive/defensive lines)