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View Full Version : Roy Williams Suspended for 1 game

12-17-2007, 07:54 PM
this might just help the defense against the pass?

12-17-2007, 07:55 PM
I hope it's not for the horse collar.

This really hurts Dallas, because now both safeties will be second stringers on the field.

12-17-2007, 07:56 PM
yes it was for the horse collar.

Old Tiger
12-17-2007, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
I hope it's not for the horse collar. it is.

12-17-2007, 07:57 PM
The rule was basically put in for him, yet he continues to do it. NFL had to take a stand.

Horse collars are just dangerous & lead to injuries.

12-17-2007, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by g$$
The rule was basically put in for him, yet he continues to do it. NFL had to take a stand.

Horse collars are just dangerous & lead to injuries. its almost like going for the facemask to bring a runner down. Hes usually out of position and always trailing a play and uses that method to bring the runner down. He needs to dive and go for the legs like every other defender.

12-17-2007, 08:27 PM
our pass defense just got better

12-17-2007, 08:52 PM
Our pass defense is immediately better but our run defense will take a hit. Maybe a few hundred up-downs every day in practice this week, with someone taking him down by his horsecollar method, then him getting up again, and then it happening all over again, will put a stop to it happening to the Boys again.

12-17-2007, 09:15 PM
well...he can't get beat standing on the sidelines...

12-17-2007, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
I hope it's not for the horse collar.

This really hurts Dallas, because now both safeties will be second stringers on the field.

Ken Hamlin is hurt?

12-17-2007, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by NDFootball
Ken Hamlin is hurt?
It was Pat Watkins. Still not good, he has 30 tackles so far. That leaves Ken Hamlin, Keith Davis and Courtney Brown at safety

12-17-2007, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
It was Pat Watkins. Still not good, he has 30 tackles so far. That leaves Ken Hamlin, Keith Davis and Courtney Brown at safety

Ken Hamlin has done quite well at FS. Keith Davis has performed well at SS before too but they tried to make him a FS when they were looking for one.

12-18-2007, 10:27 AM
Suspension was well deserved.

I know you all want to bash Williams' play, but he's still better than the alternatives. This week, this suspension could be bigger than it normally would since the Panthers will be counting on Matt Moore to beat the Cowboys' secondary. The Cowboys could really have used Williams' run defense in this game, but I'm with the NFL on this one.

12-18-2007, 11:09 AM
He deserved the suspension. He's a liability in coverage and I'm not so sure he's that good against the run any more.

I was at the game Sunday and he looked like the slowest guy on the field. The reason he had to use the horsecollar on McNabb is because, once again, he took a piss poor angle and was desperate to make the tackle. As much as I hate to say it, he is the most overrated guy in the league. I would get anything I could for him this offseason. I'm serious.

12-18-2007, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by 75009Football
Our pass defense is immediately better but our run defense will take a hit. Maybe a few hundred up-downs every day in practice this week, with someone taking him down by his horsecollar method, then him getting up again, and then it happening all over again, will put a stop to it happening to the Boys again.

The run defense WILL NOT take a hit. Keith Davis plays the run very well.

12-18-2007, 11:27 AM
saw TWO horsecollar tackles last night on Monday Night football and nothing was said about that. I don't mind the rule but you have to be consistent

12-18-2007, 11:40 AM
I agree that the horse coller is dangerous...but man sometimes it's all you can do to catch someone from behind(I know that doesn't make it right).....with Williams it's just a bad habit

Phil C
12-18-2007, 11:47 AM
It is important to be politically correct!!


12-18-2007, 11:51 AM
It is a bad habit that Williams has and they have already fined him several times this year. It's almost like gets one a game. The league had to take a little more firm stance on Williams. It happens in almost every NFL game but not by the same person over and over. Better now than miss a playoff game. He may be a liability as a pass defender, but he is force as a run defender and in December and Jan. stopping the run is a must, especially if you are playing in cold bad weather. The Cowboys will probably have to win the last two to have home field advantage. If they lose one and have to go to Green Bay in Jan. they will definitley need Williams if it's a snow bowl.

12-18-2007, 12:09 PM
playing football is dangerous...

the NFL has a bunch of whiners... of course this started when Roy put the biggest baby of them all out with the horse collar, TO...

I like what Jimmy and Barry had to say about Petrino and the NFL... this is not a job, because in a job you have to do what the boss tells you or you are fired, no where near what the NFL is like... these are rich spoiled prima donnas who cry too much

Old Tiger
12-18-2007, 12:09 PM
i thought this was football? isn't football a dangerous sport.

12-18-2007, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Go Blue
i thought this was football? isn't football a dangerous sport.

yeah but you have to have some sort of safety in it........have you ever been horse collered......not a great feeling....I think I rather be cracked.

12-18-2007, 12:25 PM
It's football, you can get hurt tackling people at any time. I can understand the facemask being a penalty, but this rule is stupid in my opinion. If you don't want to get hurt, don't play the game, plain and simple, and if you tear up and cry when somebody you're watching gets tackled like that, then just stop watching.

12-18-2007, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
It's football, you can get hurt tackling people at any time. I can understand the facemask being a penalty, but this rule is stupid in my opinion. If you don't want to get hurt, don't play the game, plain and simple, and if you tear up and cry when somebody you're watching gets tackled like that, then just stop watching. whoa .... what??!!! someone (a fan) cried when someone got hurt??? :eek: :confused:

oh boy......:devil:

slpybear the bullfan
12-18-2007, 01:59 PM
The stupid part about this rule is that it is a legal tackle within the box between the tackles.

Consistency? Sheesh. If it is bad in the open field, gotta be bad when the QB is dropped back and not expecting it. As you might guess... MHO is that it needs to be dropped. I'll bet more guys used to get hurt with tackles at the knees than used to get hurt with the horsecollar tackle... no stats on that just a guess.

As far Roy... his speed a is a huge liability in the passing game AND the running game. Our opportunity to trade him was a couple of years ago. Now he is just a drain on the payroll for a guy to slow to cover, to slow to range the field and stop the run like we need, and prone to tackle illegally.

12-18-2007, 02:23 PM
remember it's the NFL and players are protected because they make money for the league and owners.

12-18-2007, 02:31 PM
It was bound to happen eventually. He is constantly reaching for the damn collar. True he is not the best cover guy on the team, but he is the second leader tackler with over 100 for the year. With him and Watkins out, Courtney Brown or Keith Davis will get the start.

12-18-2007, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
It's football, you can get hurt tackling people at any time. I can understand the facemask being a penalty, but this rule is stupid in my opinion. If you don't want to get hurt, don't play the game, plain and simple, and if you tear up and cry when somebody you're watching gets tackled like that, then just stop watching. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one that felt this was a stupid rule. Let's just all get flags and that way we can eliminate all non self-inflicted injuries?:rolleyes:

It's football. It's a contact sport.

What about the hair rule? The NFL ruled that you can tackle someone by their hair. That's just as dangerous as a horse collar tackle. And if you tell me to cut my hair, that's discriminating against people who like long hair.

When does the madness stop?:crazy1: :dispntd: :dispntd:

12-18-2007, 02:45 PM
the horse coller is only a rule in the NFL......I posted once it's because the players mean money to the league and owners....hence the rule to protect the investments.

scrub c
12-22-2007, 09:29 PM
I hate the rule... peroid.

Makes it more of a watered game with all the "safety" rules.

Oh, yeah, and I think you should be able to whack the QB on the head too...

12-23-2007, 12:47 AM
I heard tonight that if Roy Williams does it again that he's going to get a multi-game suspension.:rolleyes:

scrub c
12-23-2007, 09:59 AM
A) Collinsworth (or whatever his name is) is a whimp and I have a very difficult time watching a game he is announcing. If I really want to watch it, I usually mute it...

B) There needs to be some modification to the Roy Williams rule.

Here are some ideas...
-If a player is horse collared and makes a first down, no penalty.
-If a player is stopped short of the first down as a result of said horse collar... 5 yards and automatic first down.
-If a player is injured and leaves the game due to a horse collar...15 yard penalty.
-if the horse collar-er sends 3 players out of a single game due to said horse collar, then he could be subject to a 1 game suspension...

as it is now... its a dumb rule, it takes agression away from the game... think about it, they may as well be playing with flags on their waist... next thing you know the defense wont be able to tackle the RB...

12-24-2007, 03:37 AM
Originally posted by scrub c
A) Collinsworth (or whatever his name is) is a whimp and I have a very difficult time watching a game he is announcing. If I really want to watch it, I usually mute it...

B) There needs to be some modification to the Roy Williams rule.

Here are some ideas...
-If a player is horse collared and makes a first down, no penalty.
-If a player is stopped short of the first down as a result of said horse collar... 5 yards and automatic first down.
-If a player is injured and leaves the game due to a horse collar...15 yard penalty.
-if the horse collar-er sends 3 players out of a single game due to said horse collar, then he could be subject to a 1 game suspension...

as it is now... its a dumb rule, it takes agression away from the game... think about it, they may as well be playing with flags on their waist... next thing you know the defense wont be able to tackle the RB...

Scrub C, I respect what you have to say, but some of that is just crazy talk...

You may not like Cris Collinsworth, but the guy was a fine WR in the NFL for a long time & a storied athlete in the state of Florida (same HS team as Wilber Marshall & college teammate too at U. of Florida). He could play with great hands & precise routes. Looking at him most who didn't watch him play would not know that. Bryant Gumbel is awful, but I enjoy Collinsworth.

How about aggression & tackling, etc. while abiding by the rules? No one is confusing flag & tackle football. You have to protect the players from unnecessary injuries. This is one of those cases.

As for the horse collar rule or any other, it's dangerous & outlawed for a reason. The offensive player is left vulnerable & defenseless. Why is Roy Williams the only guy who seems to have trouble with it? Maybe because he is now too slow for a DB, often out of position, takes poor angles, & desperate to make up ground from behind to get the guy on the ground? Who else has multiple offenses doing it? It's the Roy Williams Rule guys because he keeps doing it.

You can't make sports rules as an if/then statement. IF somebody gets hurt, THEN this is the penalty? Or IF not, THEN this is the deal...that is crazy. That's why you can accept or decline most penalties, but the decision cannot include the injury aspect. This kind gets tacked on the end of the play anyway. Should we throw out all rules & let everything go? IF the OL chop blocks, THEN only enforce if the team gets a 1st down or scores? Interesting logic.

Football is & always will be a violent game - that's a big reason why we love it. Being aggressive & clean while playing hard can still be accomplished within the rules. Without rules you have utter chaos & absolutely dirty play.