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12-14-2003, 07:49 PM
Tripleheader at Texas Stadium draws over 55,000
Matt Diggs
TexasPrepXtra.com Senior Writer

And although not all of the 55,000 went home happy, all that went can agree they saw some of the top teams in the state.

In the first game, Denton Ryan, in some would call an upset, upended Highland Park 45-21.

When looking at this game, after seeing the Ennis game, one would figure that Highland Park's Matthew Stafford would have a field day with the Denton Ryan secondary. The Denton Ryan secondary had a field day with Matthew Stafford. With unrelenting pressure and victory at the point of attack, Denton Ryan was able to rattle Matthew Stafford and send bone jarring hits to the receivers which made them visibly reserved.

Justin Willis played the role of Matthew Stafford, tossing 30, 25 and 43 yard passes to Ryan White. Derek Lokey was a presence all day, as was Calcius Williams.

Ryan outgained Highland Park 544-219, regaining the swagger and confidence that a two-time defending state champion should have. The final score was Denton Ryan 45, Highland Park 21.

Ryan advances to play LaMarque in San Antonio at the Alamodome on Saturday at 4pm.

Although the weather may have kept some away, over 22,000 was the official attendance for the Southlake Carroll vs. Allen game. This game was highly anticipated as two teams with potent spread offenses faced each other with a berth to San Antonio against Katy on the line.

But, on this day, the defense and special teams would win the game ball.

Everyone had heard of super kicker Garrett Hartley. He is the best kicker in the state.

The crowd watches in amazement during pregame warmups, as he regularly kicks field goals from 50-65 yards.

But during the game, he is often relegated to extra point duty.

Today, he shined, while having the Allen Eagles wondering what if they had a field goal kicker.

Two Allen drives within the 30 ended in turnover due to loss of down when Allen could not convert on 4th down and long attempts.

When Southlake was faced with similar situations, Hartley was asked to put 3 on the board.

And he did with unparalleled accuracy.

A 16-7 halftime lead by Southlake Carroll was briefly challenged after the first drive of the second half. Allen drove on the first drive of the second half behind the legs of DeMyron Martin (22 carries, 188 yards). His six yard scamper combined with an extra point miss saw the lead drop to 16-13.

Cue the Southlake Defense.

They would not allow the Allen offense to score again until the game was decided.

Cue Chase Daniel.

He methodically led the offense down the field at clips of 7-12 yards. When he went long, he was very accurate.

The ball was put in his hands 66 times, 26 on rushing and 40 on passing. He did not disappoint.

Three straight possessions with Southlake Carroll touchdowns and Allen punts effectively sealed the game.

Allen played a turnover and penalty free game as a testament to their discipline, but it was not enough as Southlake Carroll upended Allen 37 to 21.

The 3A state championship did its part to contribute to the 55,000, with a crowd of over 16,000. Two frenetic one-school cities closed down the towns and headed to Texas Stadium.

The Jordan Shipley show took 12 seconds to begin. The 85 yard kickoff return got the Burnet faithful on their feet, but the extra point sailed wide left.

But the Terrius Purvey show wasn't willing to be upstaged.

Penalties stifled Gainesville in its first drive, but Terrius Purvey strapped the team on his back and drove them to a 7-6 lead.

The Shipley show continued.

Although Gainesville overexaggerated defenses to contain Shipley, putting two people on him regardless of where he was on the field, he broke free and McGee hit him in stride on a 50 yard pass. The 2 point conversion was true, as the lead went to 14-7.

With the combination of Darcel McBath and Terrius Purvey, Gainesville answered again on a Terrius Purvey 1 yard run.

A gutsy call by the Burnet special teams set up Burnet's third, and ultimately last touchdown. A punting situation at midfield late in the first half resulted instead in a bit of trickery.

McGee tossed a pass to Shipley to set up great field position. On a third and goal, Chris Levens busted through a huge gap on the left side for a 21-14 halftime lead. A 52 yard field goal by Steven Arenas fell short as the last seconds of the first half ticked off.

The first half saw Burnet winning the game, but being dominated defensively. The Gainesville gameplan was to restrict Shipley and McGee and let the rest of the team beat them and counter their speed.

That's exactly what Burnet could not do. In the second half, they could not get a sustained drive going. Purvey added a 1 yard run and Chris Brown added a 3 and 15 yard run to put window dressing on the 35-24 final result.

Governor Rick Perry was on hand to award the state championship trophy to the Gainesville Leopards.

In a very classy move, Burnet fans honored Corey Fullbright at halftime, along with several Everman players. Anytime a Gainesville player was hurt, the Burnet fans would cheer as if they just won the game when he arose. This was a classic state championship game between two premiere programs. It will be remembered by the communities for years to come.

Article from TexasPrepXtra.com