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View Full Version : Former USA World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer ill in Iceland.

Phil C
12-10-2007, 05:20 PM
I don't have any details but he was reportedly in a hospital but he may be out now.
At one time he was the best chess player in the world and is considered by most one of the greatest.
Please bear in mind I am not writing about his latest political and religious controversies but on his chess ability.
Most chess players peak in their early to mid twenties and last until their early to mid thirties even though they still play great chess in other times.
At his time he knew the openings better than anyone before him and he was outstanding in the middle and end games. He very rarely took over five minutes to make a move.
From 1957 to 1972 he played 576 games and won 327 of them with 188 being draws and 61 losses. This is outstanding. He won 57% of his games and in chess if a grandmaster wins 50% he is doing excellent. And his ration of wins to draws was an outstanding 1.74:1 where 1:1 is considered excellent. Since chess gives one point for wins and one half point for losses that means he had the outstanding score of 421 points out of 576 for 73%!
Of the 61 losses he was outplayed 38 times for a 62% of the losses, he lost 16 due to carelessness at 26% and he lost 7 or 11% due to trying too hard to win. In the ones he tried to hard to win he probably would have easily drawn them but he took chances to win. He lost 7 but most likely won many more by those efforts.
In 1969 he won the speed chess world championship (where the players move fast) by 4.5 points ahead of his nearest opponent. That is like winning the Super Bowl by 4 tds.
He really dominated the chess world on the way to the 1972 World Chess Championship crushing his opponents. He won the World Chess Championship in 1972 in 21 games and that was after spotting his opponent the first two games.
Outstanding indeed.
He was 29 when he won the world championship and unfortunately he was not to play international competition for the rest of his prime years. He didn't participate in tournaments which is needed to keep your chess playing form up. He refused to come to San Antonio for a Church's Fried Chicken tournament because he said it wasn't enough money even though it attracted the best players of the day including a former world champion, a future world champions and a future world champion contender.
It was a shame because if he had played serious chess for just 8 more years in his prime years he might have been considered the best chess player ever. Right now that goes to Garry Kasparov which is justified but I feel if both players could have played each other in their prime (which is impossible) I think Fischer would have had a good chance to win.
He did win a world championship though and is a great player. Too bad history couldn't have had more to work on. He really dominated chess from 1969 to 1972 for sure.

12-10-2007, 05:28 PM
Man Phil, that's some pretty good stuff. Did you write that?

Phil C
12-10-2007, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Man Phil, that's some pretty good stuff. Did you write that?

Yep! I had to do a little research. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.

Old Tiger
12-10-2007, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Man Phil, that's some pretty good stuff. Did you write that? Were you one of the top chess players in the chess club when we were in HS? I know I got knocked out in the first round of the tournament :(

12-10-2007, 05:29 PM
I enjoyed it too. Always been enamored by the Bobby Fischer story...

Sweetwater Red
12-10-2007, 05:34 PM
Could Fischer have beat IBM's Big Blue?


Phil C
12-10-2007, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Go Blue
Were you one of the top chess players in the chess club when we were in HS? I know I got knocked out in the first round of the tournament :(

Yep! We had a chess club starting my sophomore year. I had the honor to be the president my senior year. We didn't have but one tournament a year because we met after school and in lunch hour after eating just played chess and we had a couple of faculty members sponsor us and they were good players.
I lost out in the semis my junior year :(. My senior year I won the chess club championship and was very careful. I wasn't going to let that one get away. :)

12-10-2007, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Yep! We had a chess club starting my sophomore year. I had the honor to be the president my senior year. We didn't have but one tournament a year because we met after school and in lunch hour after eating just played chess and we had a couple of faculty members sponsor us and they were good players.
I lost out in the semis my junior year :(. My senior year I won the chess club championship and was very careful. I wasn't going to let that one get away. :)


12-10-2007, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Yep! I had to do a little research. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.

Impressive. ;)

Phil C
12-10-2007, 09:00 PM
To bring everyone up to date Garry Kasparov was recognized by most authorities as the World Champion in chess from 1985 to 2000. He retired in 2005 as the highest rated chess player in the world. During the 90s and early 2000s the chess world was in confusion with several federations and there were several who claimed the world championship but as mentioned Garry was considered the best.
In 2000 Vladimor Kramnic of Russia defeated Kasparov for the world championship in chess and held it till this year 2007. He is considered a very nice person (somewhat unusual for many chess greats) and is very concerned for chess. It was his desire to unite the chess world again and seems to have done so. Not only a great player but very unselfish indeed.
This year he lost the world championship to another great chess player from India, Viswanathan Annand. Kramnic has the right for rematch in 2008 and we look forward to the rematch with great anticipation.

Old Tiger
12-10-2007, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Yep! We had a chess club starting my sophomore year. I had the honor to be the president my senior year. We didn't have but one tournament a year because we met after school and in lunch hour after eating just played chess and we had a couple of faculty members sponsor us and they were good players.
I lost out in the semis my junior year :(. My senior year I won the chess club championship and was very careful. I wasn't going to let that one get away. :) Congrats Phil! Great accomplishment indeed! :clap:

Phil C
12-10-2007, 09:33 PM
Thank you Go! Our sponsors were good chess player and they played in our tournaments also since it really was just friendly competition. My classmate Jerry beat me in the semis when we were juniors in what was considered a mild upset. Our two sponsors met in the semis and generally Mr. Garza was the better player but Mr. Saenz pulled off the upset and won the match which we played as the best of two out of three. Mr. Saenz won the championship match against Jerry.
The senior year they matched Jerry and I early so one of the best players was going to be eliminated. I made sure it wasn't me as I won 3 straight games. Actually I had won the first two and cinched it but we played the third game anyway. Remember it was also for fun and competition.
I had clear sailing to the finals. Surprisingly Mr. Saenz met Mr. Garza in the semis again and again played at his best and pulled off another upset and I was to meet him in the final for the Freer High School Chess Championship for 1967. I thought sure that it would be Mr. Garza but he was out of form that day and I knew that if Mr. Saenz played that well to beat him I would have to play good and be careful.
We met in game one and it was hard fought. But I wasn't going to let that one get away and played careful and won game one. I wasn't going to let my senior year go without being the club champion at least once. I played carefully again the next game and won and had the championship cinched. We did play the third game but I didn't want to imply my win was a fluke and I won the third game to win the championship with a perfect 3 - 0 score.

As the president and a senior I got to talk to the incoming freshmen about the chess club. They must have heard about my skills because I was the only speaker there that got a standing ovation and cheer. :)

I was a popular fellow being a member of the track team and got voted Senior Class favorite that year.

Old Tiger
12-10-2007, 09:34 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

You're the man Phil!