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View Full Version : Im not one to blame coaches but...

12-09-2007, 12:42 AM
Waco Lavegas coaching today may have been the worst coaching I have ever seen this deep in the playoffs.

Now not taking anything a way from CS. Eskew is an outstanding QB and Mike Hicks had a great game at receiver. There defense was also pretty stout for most of the game. You can talk Vincent Mcneil or Royce Citys QB's all day but Eskews name should be mentioned with the very best in the state. I havent seen a 3a QB that had more pocket presence and made better decisions (outside of one play) then Eskew had he knew when to throw and knew when to run.

But I dont know what Waco Lavega was doing with their coaching staff. Id venture to say that almost any 3a coach could of won the game today if they were coaching Lavega. I mean the offensive play calling was horrible last week. But it may have been better today at the start of the game then they went back to the same play over and over. They throw the ball deep once at the end of the first half catch a 75 yard touchdown and never go deep again. Down by 3 with 19 seconds CS puts everyone back 50 yards they can hit the sidelines for an easy 30 yard gain and be about midfield or a little farther with 10 seconds and have a realistic chance. But they call a hail mary on the first play. You have Danzel Wilson who has one of the better arms I have seen this year and you dont let him throw the ball at all. I can understand if your running the ball well but when its getting stuffed you have to give your QB a chance to throw the ball. As for defense I have no idea what planet Lavegas coaches were on. With the athletes Lavega has how can CS players run wide open the whole game. Eskew literally stands in the back with all day to throw and has recievers running wide open 20 yards down the field. LV is running zone and they are throwing the ball to wide open men all game. I mean make some sort of adjustment at some point in the game. Lavega got passed on all day and made no adjustments to there defense at all. If Lavegas coaching was horrible they win this game. But it wasnt even good enough to be considered horrible.

I feel bad for the Lavega kids because this was some of the worst coaching Ive seen. Maybe Im seeing it wrong but thats my point of view

WOS maybe yall were right blaming yalls OC on the loss last week had yall thrown the ball down the field maybe were talking about Cuero West Orange Stark.

Milk That Cow
12-09-2007, 12:58 AM
LaVega's Head Coach is a very good guy...

But, he let's the offensive and defensive coordinators pretty much run the show and they are not that good...

There was way more talent on the Pirates side than the Cougars but they played fundamentally poor...

The Fourth Quarter for the Pirates today was "painful" to watch for them...

You just knew that China Spring would find a way to win...

I mean Eskew and Walls were playing a two-man offense in the fourth quarter and it was unbelievable that LaVega made no adjustments at all...

It was so deja vu on the last turnover of the game as LaVega seemed like they didn't know it was a live ball on the kickoff...

Great Game for China Spring...

Sad Ending of a Great Season for LaVega...

They shoulda won State...

12-09-2007, 01:02 AM
China Spring was just the better team today. We could all go back and look at all the things that could have been done but in the end China Spring was better today. La Vega had a great season.

12-09-2007, 01:03 AM
was the coaching really that bad?

12-09-2007, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by SNYDER325TIGERS
China Spring was just the better team today. We could all go back and look at all the things that could have been done but in the end China Spring was better today. La Vega had a great season. yeah your right and as I said all that matters is who is better on that given day. But you had to see how bad LVs coaching was to believe it

12-09-2007, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
yeah your right and as I said all that matters is who is better on that given day. But you had to see how bad LVs coaching was to believe it

Yeah true I wasn't there to see what was going on but I believe La Vega just got out played today.

If they were to play again tomarrow...La Vega might be playing Cuero next week.

12-09-2007, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by SNYDER325TIGERS
Yeah true I wasn't there to see what was going on but I believe La Vega just got out played today.

If they were to play again tomarrow...La Vega might be playing Cuero next week. Eskew made an unbelievable touchdown run to win it

12-09-2007, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Eskew made an unbelievable touchdown run to win it

Yeah, I was listening to the live feed...it sounded like a very tense game. Abilene Wylie vs. Gilmer was another amazing game played today!

12-09-2007, 09:53 AM
It was ugly, especially in the 4th quarter. I'm not sure if it was the play calling or play execution but still ugly. By the last few minutes of the 4th quarter, I thought LV basically gave up or wore out and no matter what was called, they weren't going out of their way to make any hit or block. If the play was right there, they would respond but if it was two steps over, they didn't. It was like all the wind was out of their sail. And CS took advantage and won.

It may have just been an off day for all involved.

12-09-2007, 10:03 AM
" Im not one to blame coaches but..."

uhhm, sound like you are ...


12-09-2007, 10:32 AM
Yes, he is blaming the coach. And if Pirate4State reads this, she will delete the thread, as she did yesterday on another thread regarding coaches.

You just wait and see....we all know her to be even handed, right?:rolleyes:

12-09-2007, 10:34 AM
If this thread is going to get deleted then I am hijacking it because it doesnt matter anyways. SO this is now my thread

12-09-2007, 10:39 AM

12-09-2007, 10:40 AM
I am a Romosexual and am not afraid to admit it

12-09-2007, 10:41 AM
LOL@Doctor...thats sounds scary.

12-09-2007, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by 3afan
" Im not one to blame coaches but..."

uhhm, sound like you are ...


ditto. no way it could have been the kids fault, or the other team for that matter.

12-09-2007, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Yes, he is blaming the coach. And if Pirate4State reads this, she will delete the thread, as she did yesterday on another thread regarding coaches.

You just wait and see....we all know her to be even handed, right?:rolleyes:

yeah right

12-09-2007, 12:31 PM
HaHaHa@Speed...you got it!

Bull Butter
12-09-2007, 12:36 PM
Call La Vega ISD and tell them that you would like to apply for their head coaching position.

12-09-2007, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Yes, he is blaming the coach. And if Pirate4State reads this, she will delete the thread, as she did yesterday on another thread regarding coaches.

You just wait and see....we all know her to be even handed, right?:rolleyes:
I wonder if maybe there's a difference in questioning play calling by an entire staff VS calling out one specific coach (repeatedly) by name. :thinking:

Ranger Mom
12-09-2007, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by R3Editor
I wonder if maybe there's a difference in questioning play calling by an entire staff VS calling out one specific coach (repeatedly) by name. :thinking:

That was my thought!!

Apples and oranges I tell you!!

12-09-2007, 02:06 PM
I just got through playing golf with a couple of guys that went to the game. Neither is associated with either school and the only comment they made about the game was that the LV coaches made no adjustments. They rushed 3 men and gave the CS QB all day to pick them apart. Their opinion matches the thread title.

12-09-2007, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
I just got through playing golf with a couple of guys that went to the game. Neither is associated with either school and the only comment they made about the game was that the LV coaches made no adjustments. They rushed 3 men and gave the CS QB all day to pick them apart. Their opinion matches the thread title. thats pretty accurate they ran the same defense that didnt work the whole game it was bad

12-09-2007, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by zebrablue2
ditto. no way it could have been the kids fault, or the other team for that matter. Im pretty sure I gave CS all the credit in the world so why dont you read the thread first

12-09-2007, 02:14 PM
wow....they only rushed three?
The first game versus CS they ran a 4-2 and rushed four and blitzed often
I can't really fathom why they would change somthing that worked so well

12-09-2007, 10:15 PM
There are about 60 or so head coaching jobs open at this time. Most are taking applications now. I suggest that many of you apply, interview, actually get the job, work hard, get lucky, win some games, watch film, formulate a game plan, put it all together and actually play in a regional final against a school in you district. Then you might have a clue what's its like. The only ones who can talk are the coaches in that game. Only they know the circumstances, chart plays, watched the film traded, looked at personel, know their personel, and everything about the game. You only watched a small portion of what actually happens. But since you are an expert you already know that huh? And you said you dont wanna blame coaches BUT? Yeah you did. Get a real coaching job. Or keep eating your hot dog from the stands.

12-09-2007, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by SpeedOption
There are about 60 or so head coaching jobs open at this time. Most are taking applications now. I suggest that many of you apply, interview, actually get the job, work hard, get lucky, win some games, watch film, formulate a game plan, put it all together and actually play in a regional final against a school in you district. Then you might have a clue what's its like. The only ones who can talk are the coaches in that game. Only they know the circumstances, chart plays, watched the film traded, looked at personel, know their personel, and everything about the game. You only watched a small portion of what actually happens. But since you are an expert you already know that huh? And you said you dont wanna blame coaches BUT? Yeah you did. Get a real coaching job. Or keep eating your hot dog from the stands. Havent bought a hot dog at a football game in about 6 years. And Im actually in the process of doing that right now. Im just discussing my opinion on the game and the coaches didnt put there team in the best position to win. Unless you were at the game you wouldnt understand so why dont you go run the speed option on another thread.

12-09-2007, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Havent bought a hot dog at a football game in about 6 years. And Im actually in the process of doing that right now. Im just discussing my opinion on the game and the coaches didnt put there team in the best position to win. Unless you were at the game you wouldnt understand so why dont you go run the speed option on another thread.

The coaches can call the plays, but the responsibility falls on the players to execute them.

12-09-2007, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by boudreaux
The coaches can call the plays, but the responsibility falls on the players to execute them. ground breaking discovery right there

12-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
ground breaking discovery right there

Since you said you are working being a coach you should know all about players executing plays. So when/if you get to be a coach you will know the importance of execution and coaching. But since you're still in the learning process, maybe you should work on it more before you call out the ones in your chosen profession. That is something else you will need to learn while you are working on it. You never do that. That will get you beat. Maybe your professors can teach you that concept. Best of luck in your chosen profession.

12-09-2007, 11:11 PM
wow....every body chill out
How is it any different for some one to blame a college or NFL coach but if you blame a High School one people go crazy

Don't say its diffent that are all coaches

12-09-2007, 11:16 PM
It only becomes a problem when you start to single out ONE coach and program repeatedly then it appears you have an axe to grind and that is something we do not allow on this board!

I have no problem with someone giving their opinion about how they saw the game.

Also, the "go get a coaching degree" schtick is so old & tired. Just because people didn't get a degree doesn't mean they can't have an opinion or know bad/good football when they see it!

I think everyone has had their say, if you have anything further to add take it up in private messages!

Thank you

12-09-2007, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by c-town_balla
wow....every body chill out
How is it any different for some one to blame a college or NFL coach but if you blame a High School one people go crazy

Don't say its diffent that are all coaches Maybe I could of worded it better. But I agree I was just trying to give my assessment of the game and it just so happened that it was that LVs coaching wasnt very good.