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11-27-2007, 02:51 AM
was 1010 posts ago...this will be # 6011. I missed 5000 and thought...okay..I'll go for 5500...I missed that one, so I said "okay...6000" Well...I missed that one too. SO...for my 6011th post I would like to reflect on my time on the DL. I found this site in 2004 trying to find some info on Ingleside's football team. I had just moved back to South Texas from Kuwait and was interested in finding out what all I had missed, etc. I first thought that it was a site for Sinton HS fooball and was welcomed **cough** warmly by many Sinton fans. I soon after found that BDR a close personal friend of mine was a member and that was it for me...I canceled my account and....okay..I'm lying. I'm still here. I want to say I had signed up a year or two previous but was unable to remember my login info or screen name...but I can't recall for sure. The DL has been a great source of HS football knowledge and many of the people here have been very helpful in painting the overall HS football landscape so that I could put a picture together in my mind of who's who in the state. I've made a few friends over the last few years (and probably a few enemies as well, LOL.) All in all, I consider the DL my second home and don't know how I'd function w/out this outlet. I wish I could meet more of you guys, but it usually never pans out that way. I met Boosty Hondo last year at the Ingleside/Pleasanton game. He, Rita, Russ, myself etc. met at halftime. I had met several of the Sinton posters a few years previous at the Ingleside/Sinton game in Ingleside. APPantherFan is an old friend of the family and when I was in HS I worked summers for her husband in Aransas Pass. hey Sherri, did he ever tell you about when I had iodine poisoning to my hands and they swelled up and turned pink and he sent me home? LOL.

In my few years on the DL...I have taken it w/ me to Arizona and it kept me up to date on Texas HS football...it has seen me become a husband and soon to be a father. I hope the DL is still around and goin strong when I become a grandpa as well. Anyway...here's to my years on the DL..and the ones to come! CHEERS!

PS...A word of advice to a select few...install this...your time around here will last alot longer:


11-27-2007, 02:55 AM
congrats bro on your 5000th, 5500th, and 6000th posts:clap: :clap: :clap:

big daddy russ
11-27-2007, 03:43 AM
Congrats, B. Who would've thunk that we would reconnect on some random football website after you got back from overseas? Of course, I was still violently opposed to cell phones and most modern technology when you left, so you only had my parents' number and address as I was living in College Station.

This site has been a blessing to me in that it's not only been a place where I can learn, share my thoughts with other informed fans, and vent when I need it, but also in that I've been able to keep up with you and your family as you (finally) decided to settle down. ;)

It's crazy that when you joined up here, the entire crew except for Troy was single. I had already started dating Amanda and everyone knew I'd go down eventually, but Aaron and Mike were still on their tear through all the single (and non-single, haha) women they could find, Dereck was still known as the "forever bachelor," and I couldn't keep track of you. Seemed like you had a new, good-looking woman on your arm everytime you came up to CS. It was a pretty good bet that I'd be the first to go down.

In that time, pretty much the entire group has found good women to settle down with... you included... and I'm gonna be one of the last to marry. Only Dereck trails, and he's getting married in August. So you could say that in your time here on the DL, we've entered an entirely new stage of life together, and you have a good one with a great woman laid out in front of you.

So here's to another three years and 6,011 posts... and many more after that. Congrats, bro.

11-27-2007, 07:09 AM
Congrats on your 5000th or 6000th or whatever. Just keep posting. :)

11-27-2007, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by IHStangFan

:clap: :clap: Classic!!! Congrats B!! It's been great fun picking at you & the rest of the Ingleside crew. ;) It's too bad you're a Colts fan, but I'll overlook it. :p :D

Here's to many more & your new family! :thumbsup:

11-27-2007, 10:30 AM
Congrats on the newest milestone ;) Keep em coming :cool: