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View Full Version : State Farm Lone Star Showdown Updates as of 11-25-07!

Phil C
11-25-2007, 08:26 PM
This showdown is between Texas and Texas A&M involving several sports with 19 points available. As of right now thanks to the football win the Aggies lead 3 to 2. It takes 10 out of 19 points to win outright and in case of a tie at 9.5 to 9.5 then UT wins the cup since they won it last year. UT has won it the last three years but the Aggies have a good chance to win it this year and perhaps next year. But they better do it this year because UT has really done well on paper in several recruiting classes. This year (2007-08) the Aggies won the Women's Cross Country point by a total of 1 point and that is extremely close. I look for UT to possibly take over this point next year because there best runners are sophomores and freshmen and next year it will tough for the Aggies to take this event as they have the past 3 years.

The next event doesn't happen until January 30, 2008 so we have a long wait but then the action starts after that date.

In Men's Basketball I thought the Aggies might get both 1/2 points because Durant left UT but UT is going well and I think they will probably split the point. I think the same thing will happen in Women's basketball.

I look for the UT Men to get the indoor and outdoor track and field point while the Aggies will the women's point.

I look for UT to dominate Men's swimming and diving as usual and the Aggies to get the point in Women's swimming and diving. But UT has a new swimming and diving coach that has been successful and won several NCs and has just recuited a top class so I expect them to dominate after a couple of years so the Aggies better get this point the next two years.

In tennis since the women play at College Station I think the Aggies will get the point and the UT men I think will cancel that point out in Austin.

In golf I expect a split again with UT men getting the point and the Aggies getting the women's point.

I expect the two schools to split in outdoor track with UT getting the men's point and the Aggies getting the Women's point.

I think A&M will get both 1/2 points in softball.

At this point if what i think is going to happen happens then A&M will have cinched the competition this year with baseball left and I predict that will be a hard fought point but I think A&M will have ten points and have cinched the competition. But things can chance and just 1 or 1/2 a point the other way can make the difference.

But this is A&M's best chance to get the overall win with maybe a chance next year. The main thing is A&M really helped themselves winning in football this year and I don't see them winning it again next year in Austin but of course I didn't think UT would get beat this year. So you never know. We will see.

11-25-2007, 09:03 PM
Good info. Phil.

Definitely A&M's best chance in a while. Basketball teams, softball, baseball, tennis, etc. put A&M in a good spot. But you never know & I am sure it will be very close.