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View Full Version : I was almost a statistic last night

11-05-2007, 03:36 PM
Any of you hear about the bad wreck on I-20 last night about 7? It was about 2 miles west of Abilene.
I was on my way back home from being in the Austin area all weekend. My wife just dropped me off to get my pickup at Abilene, and left ahead of me about 3 minutes.
I got up on I-20 at the ramp just west of the Flying J truckstop. Just as I had gotten up to full speed, I moved into the left lane to pass a one ton ford pulling a trailer. I saw east bound headlights go off the road, down into the grass median and then back up on the highway. When I saw them coming back into the median I started hitting my brakes because I could tell he was coming across this time. I then hit the grass and was shutting down as fast I could. BOOM! and crap was flying everywhere. When I stopped, I was only feet away from a pile of metal I couldnt even identify at the time as a late model black chevy pickup. It had had 4 young men in it on their way to Abilene after being out hunting. Two were now laying out on the highway, and 2 were pinned in the truck. I ran to the two on the highway first, because I actually spotted them first, and didnt even realize there were 2 still in the truck. It was crazy as hell from there on out. It's all kindof a blur now. Me and two other guys managed to pull one young man out that seemed to not be hurt too bad, but he was asking about his buddies the whole time. I knew the driver was dead, and figured one of the two laying out on the highway probably wasnt going to make it either, but I wasnt about to tell him that.
At some point, I'm really not sure when. I ran over to the white ford pickup (the same one I was just about to pass). When I saw the whole drivers side caved in, I was assuming the worst when I ran up to it. To my surprise though, I could see the driver moving and could hear him talking to someone. When I got there and asked him how he was, he said "I'm beat up pretty bad, but I think I'm alright". "Can you open my door"? I said there was no way that door was getting open. I went to the passenger side, opened the door, started throwing stuff out of the way, ripped his console out and he and I started trying to get him out the passenger side. But his left leg was pinned in badly, and I got worried that we might do more harm than good if we kept trying. He ended up being pinned in there for at least an hour before the jaws of life were used to get his door ripped off.

Frankly I was amazed at how fast emergency help got there.

I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head quiet honestly. Everything was happening so fast, it's almost like my mind couldnt process it all. It's still like fragmented peices of a foggy memory really.

The guy in the white Ford pulling the trailer is the Ag teacher at Loop ISD, and he had one of his students with him. Luckily the student didnt seem to be hurt badly. He was out trying to get a rope on a steer that had gotten out of the trailer.

With all the many miles I have traveled, I had always been surprised that I had never been the first one up on a bad wreck. Now that I have been, I sure hope I never have to see it again!

11-05-2007, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Any of you hear about the bad wreck on I-20 last night about 7? It was about 2 miles west of Abilene.
I was on my way back home from being in the Austin area all weekend. My wife just dropped me off to get my pickup at Abilene, and left ahead of me about 3 minutes.
I got up on I-20 at the ramp just west of the Flying J truckstop. Just as I had gotten up to full speed, I moved into the left lane to pass a one ton ford pulling a trailer. I saw east bound headlights go off the road, down into the grass median and then back up on the highway. When I saw them coming back into the median I started hitting my brakes because I could tell he was coming across this time. I then hit the grass and was shutting down as fast I could. BOOM! and crap was flying everywhere. When I stopped, I was only feet away from a pile of metal I couldnt even identify at the time as a late model black chevy pickup. It had had 4 young men in it on their way to Abilene after being out hunting. Two were now laying out on the highway, and 2 were pinned in the truck. I ran to the two on the highway first, because I actually spotted them first, and didnt even realize there were 2 still in the truck. It was crazy as hell from there on out. It's all kindof a blur now. Me and two other guys managed to pull one young man out that seemed to not be hurt too bad, but he was asking about his buddies the whole time. I knew the driver was dead, and figured one of the two laying out on the highway probably wasnt going to make it either, but I wasnt about to tell him that.
At some point, I'm really not sure when. I ran over to the white ford pickup (the same one I was just about to pass). When I saw the whole drivers side caved in, I was assuming the worst when I ran up to it. To my surprise though, I could see the driver moving and could hear him talking to someone. When I got there and asked him how he was, he said "I'm beat up pretty bad, but I think I'm alright". "Can you open my door"? I said there was no way that door was getting open. I went to the passenger side, opened the door, started throwing stuff out of the way, ripped his console out and he and I started trying to get him out the passenger side. But his left leg was pinned in badly, and I got worried that we might do more harm than good if we kept trying. He ended up being pinned in there for at least an hour before the jaws of life were used to get his door ripped off.

Frankly I was amazed at how fast emergency help got there.

I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head quiet honestly. Everything was happening so fast, it's almost like my mind couldnt process it all. It's still like fragmented peices of a foggy memory really.

The guy in the white Ford pulling the trailer is the Ag teacher at Loop ISD, and he had one of his students with him. Luckily the student didnt seem to be hurt badly. He was out trying to get a rope on a steer that had gotten out of the trailer.

With all the many miles I have traveled, I had always been surprised that I had never been the first one up on a bad wreck. Now that I have been, I sure hope I never have to see it again!

Pray for these guys. I knew the driver and guy you're talking about that kept asking about his buddies is going to be fine from what his roommate told me last night. Apparently, they were coming back from opening w/e and didn't unload one of the guns by mistake. From what my friend told me, it went off and hit the driver, and that's what caused the wreck.

11-05-2007, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by RMAC
Pray for these guys. I knew the driver and guy you're talking about that kept asking about his buddies is going to be fine from what his roommate told me last night. Apparently, they were coming back from opening w/e and didn't unload one of the guns by mistake. From what my friend told me, it went off and hit the driver, and that's what caused the wreck.

Wow, we didnt know this last night. We were all trying to figure out why he crossed the median like that. It didnt appear to me that he ever hit his breaks. This explains why.

11-05-2007, 03:44 PM
Thank God you're OK - I'll keep all involved in my prayers.... I have often wondered how I would react in a situation like that....... scary indeed. My oldest son and 2 buddies (who happen to be coaches) were headed to Corpus one Friday evening and came upon a fatal wreck between Bayside and Corpus (the 1st on the scene) and my son, being in the medical field was the obvious one to deal with the lady thrown into the ditch (she ended up OK) but the passenger was the one the passed away. He said his emergency training went into auto-pilot and it was hours later that he started sorting things out. Anyway, it was an immediate gut check to all 3 of the guys.........

11-05-2007, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
Wow, we didnt know this last night. We were all trying to figure out why he crossed the median like that. It didnt appear to me that he ever hit his breaks. This explains why.

Well all I knew was that that friend called me and told me my other friend, his roommate, was coming back from hunting last night and he said what he thought happened was a gun went off and hit the driver in the back which might've peralized him so he couldn't do anything after that. I just got a message from my friend that said that kid you talked to was banged up pretty bad but he's going to live.

Aesculus gilmus
11-05-2007, 03:47 PM

Wow, reading this account is rather bland by comparison to your gripping eyewitness testimony. Prayers to all concerned.

11-05-2007, 03:48 PM
wow that's scary & crazy!

deer spotter
11-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by RMAC
Pray for these guys. I knew the driver and guy you're talking about that kept asking about his buddies is going to be fine from what his roommate told me last night. Apparently, they were coming back from opening w/e and didn't unload one of the guns by mistake. From what my friend told me, it went off and hit the driver, and that's what caused the wreck.

What a sad sad story. Never never never assume somone has their gun unloaded. Take the bolt or clip out and leave the action open. Put the guns in a case in the back of the truck lying crossways in the bed. You can never be too careful.
I too was the 1st at a wreck. The girl died as I was checking her pulse for the 3rd. time before the ambulance got there. That was in 1978. It can still haunt me today if I dwell on it. Believe me talking to a professional will help if it continues bother you.
My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone concerned.

11-05-2007, 03:55 PM

11-05-2007, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by RMAC
Well all I knew was that that friend called me and told me my other friend, his roommate, was coming back from hunting last night and he said what he thought happened was a gun went off and hit the driver in the back which might've peralized him so he couldn't do anything after that. I just got a message from my friend that said that kid you talked to was banged up pretty bad but he's going to live.

Thanks RMAC! Please keep me informed of any news on any of the people involved that you hear about.
I guess I'll always wonder about the survivors and the unfortunate families of those that died.
Just so you know, I said a prayer for your friend as I was checking him for life signs.
I still dont quiet know how to process all this. But we should all realize just how fast this could happen to any of us. It sure hit home with me last night.

11-05-2007, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by RMAC

This picture is right next to where I got stopped. I ended up moving down the road a short peice so that red truck and fire truck could get in there. This picture was taken probably about an hour after the wreck. The vantage point of this pic was exactly what I saw when we all came to a stop. Actually I was just a few feet closer than from where this pic was taken.

Ranger Mom
11-05-2007, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by STANG RED
This picture is right next to where I got stopped. I ended up moving down the road a short peice so that red truck and fire truck could get in there. This picture was taken probably about an hour after the wreck. The vantage point of this pic was exactly what I saw when we all came to a stop. Actually I was just a few feet closer than from where this pic was taken.

Wow!! That is just a harrowing sight!!! Is the driver the only one who died?? If so, that is a miracle in itself!

My prayers are with you STANG RED. I saw a guy get hit by a car and die several years ago....it was something I will NEVER forget!!

LH Panther Mom
11-05-2007, 04:26 PM
I'm awfully glad you're okay, SR. My prayers go out for all. :(

11-05-2007, 05:23 PM
That wreck almost caused me too have a wreck, It was about 7:45 or 8:00 when I came up on the wreck. It was dark and I was just cruising along and I was just rounding over the top of the overpass before the wreck and I saw a line of cars on front of me. There was nobody infront of me so I didnt get to see anybody slowing down and there was a guy stopped in the road that didnt have his brakes or flashers on so i assumed he was moving until I realized how quickly I was approaching him, I had to hit the ditch to keep from hitting him... It scarred the crap out of me...

This is beside the fact but the whole time was in line while they were deverting traffic the guy behind me had his brights on and it really pissed me off...

That was one of the worst wrecks I have ever seen...

The worst would have to be when I was on I-20 east bound going through Eastland. A car and a truck collided completely splittting the car in two right behind the driver seat, There was no way that everybody in the wreck survived that one...

11-05-2007, 06:04 PM
Thanks for the concerns. But I really think I'm ok.
I just wish things were a little clearer in my mind about what I witnessed.
I do vividley remember a strong feeling of helplessness. Which is very strange to me. I had never experienced that feeling before. I hope to never experience it again.

11-05-2007, 06:20 PM
Glad you're ok SR. You'll probably remember bits and pieces of what happened for a long time. I imagine your adrenaline kicked in big time, especially when you said you tore out the console of the ag teachers p/u. I think you're doing the best thing for yourself by putting your thoughts down.

11-05-2007, 06:30 PM
I hope everything turns out....i know what you mean by having feelings of being helpless and not being able to remember details...thats how i was whenever i had my car wreck, it was like slow motion, but i couldnt do anything fast enough to do anything about it

AP Panther Fan
11-05-2007, 06:32 PM
I sure am glad you are okay. Thoughts and prayers for you and everyone involved in this horrible accident. I can't even imagine how I would react if I had been in your shoes...I would probably be a basket case indefinitely. Hang in there.:)

11-05-2007, 08:19 PM
Everybody is back to having really cool INDIVIDUAL avatars...

Rangermom has my fav

LHPM has the cool purple lightning

APPF has the cute paw prints

Reggie has....welll Reggie;)

11-05-2007, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Everybody is back to having really cool INDIVIDUAL avatars...

Reggie has....welll Reggie;)

:kiss: :inlove:

11-06-2007, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Everybody is back to having really cool INDIVIDUAL avatars...

Rangermom has my fav

LHPM has the cool purple lightning

APPF has the cute paw prints

Reggie has....welll Reggie;) Way ta jack a serious thread. Sur am glad ur okay big brother.
We will pray fur tha famblies of those who loss thar loved ones.:(

11-06-2007, 11:19 AM
I have heard that it was only the driver that got shot that actually died. I havent seen or heard anything official though. If anyone knows any status updates on the others involved, I sure would appreciate knowing. Thanks.

Ranger Mom
11-06-2007, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by STANG RED
I have heard that it was only the driver that got shot that actually died. I havent seen or heard anything official though. If anyone knows any status updates on the others involved, I sure would appreciate knowing. Thanks.

Do you know if the shot killed him...or the actual wreck?

11-06-2007, 11:29 AM
Didn't he get shot in the back of the head?

We had a similar hunting accident out here several years ago. Two brothers were hunting illegally and ran from the land owners. They stopped at an intersection about two miles from my house. The gun went off and shot one of the brothers. They managed to make it as far as the Dewees Store and the boy died under a tree. Really sad for all involved.

11-06-2007, 11:35 AM
Here is the latest article from the Abilene paper:

Driver in fatal wreck was shot

By Doug Myers
Monday, November 5, 2007

One killed, several hurt in crash on I-20

A hunting rifle discharged inside a 2005 Silverado pickup, striking and killing its driver, and causing a head-on collision on Interstate 20 near Tye Sunday that also hospitalized four people.

Justice of the Peace Mike Pueschel, who pronounced James Michael Edwards, 22, of Abilene dead at the scene, said a passenger on the right side of the back seat was holding a high-caliber deer rifle that accidentally fired, sending the bullet through the front seat and hitting Edwards.

Noting there was no indication alcohol had been involved, Pueschel said he determined the shooting to be accidental and that not enough evidence existed to warrant an autopsy.

"There just wasn't anything there to indicate foul play," Pueschel said. "It simply looked like a tragic accident from all the evidence I saw."

Sgt. John Cummins, a spokesman for the Taylor County Sheriff's Office, said, "Sheriff's office detectives are currently investigating the case as an accidental shooting."

Pueschel acknowledged the sheriff's office had requested Sunday evening and again Monday that an autopsy be performed, but that he declined to sign off on one because it wasn't necessary.

Cummins said an autopsy is routine in "any type of death investigation."

Convincing Pueschel to order an autopsy, Cummins said, is "still something to be considered and worked out."

"Throughout the investigation, it might be something that will be asked for continually," Cummins said.

The three other men in the pickup were injured:

Daniel Millican, 21, and Corey Wayne Matjeka, 23, both of Abilene, were listed in fair condition at Hendrick Medical Center.

Brett Parker, 22, also of Abilene, was treated and released.

Edwards' pickup crossed the interstate median and collided head-on with a westbound 2005 Ford F350 Super Duty pickup about 6:45 p.m. The occupants of the Ford, driver Jared Floyd, 26, and Phillip Mitchell, 17, both of Loop, were listed in fair and good condition, respectively at Hendrick.

Pueschel said he made his determination to not call for an autopsy after he spoke with Matjeka and after hearing from a sheriff's deputy who had spoken with Millican.

Pueschel said he believed it was Millican who was holding the gun when it went off.

"That boy's life is gonna be changed," Pueschel said. "You can't imagine what they're going through."

It was "just boys who had been out on an outing," Pueschel said, calling them friends of each other.

Cummins said deputies were dispatched to assist the Texas Department of Public Safety. During the investigation, Cummins said, it was learned Edwards had been shot and killed inside the Silverado.

Investigators start "with the evidence they are given," Cummins said, and that initial evidence from those interviewed is that it was an accidental shooting.

Nothing, however, such as criminally negligent homicide or another charge, has been ruled out, Cummins said.

Trooper Sparky Dean, a spokesman for Abilene DPS, said law enforcement secured the crash site and made sure those injured in the incident were transported to the hospital before officers moved Edwards and realized he had been shot.


Ranger Mom
11-06-2007, 11:38 AM
WOW!! I feel for the kid who was holding the gun! Whether it was accidental or not, that kid has a weight to bear!!

11-06-2007, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! I feel for the kid who was holding the gun! Whether it was accidental or not, that kid has a weight to bear!!

Very sad. He will have to live with the fact that he shot and killed one of his friends for the rest of his life. I hope he gets some counseling.

11-06-2007, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
WOW!! I feel for the kid who was holding the gun! Whether it was accidental or not, that kid has a weight to bear!! Yep, gotta be awful for him.

11-06-2007, 12:17 PM
This is going to sound really obvious and the only reason I am posting this comment is so other hunters who may not do these things are protected in the future. Prayers to anyone involved, no matter how far removed from the situation.

1. If you have rifle or gun case use it when transporting a weapon.
2. Remove the bolt from the weapon during transport, just put it in the case. Chances are you will be cleaning the weapon when you get home anyway.
3. Place a trigger lock on the weapon when you are transporting it.
4. Remove all rounds from the weapon when you leave the hunting lease/land.

As a Marine I have received siginificant training with weapons, everyone should respect any kind of fire arm, no matter the caliber. With all the training I have received I am very calculating when handling a weapon, climbing into a deer blind, cleaning, chambering rounds, etc. Holding a weapon in your hand should be a very humbling experience, you are handling life and death for any living creature.

You have to know at all times the power that is in your hands. I can imagine that kid sitting in the truck probably with a new rifle or a borrowed one, laid across his lap hands close to the trigger, hit a bump, forgot to remove the round from the chamber, etc...hit a bump and BAM! How sad. I am not saying that is what happened but I can picture in my mind that happening very easily. When you grow up in the big country you are exposed to weapons and dangers, the older you get the more complacent you get..."I have been there done that", "I have been hunting since I was 10", etc.

To all the hunters out there, please be safe, teach your children as best you can.

AP Panther Fan
11-06-2007, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by rangerjoe33
This is going to sound really obvious and the only reason I am posting this comment is so other hunters who may not do these things are protected in the future. Prayers to anyone involved, no matter how far removed from the situation.

1. If you have rifle or gun case use it when transporting a weapon.
2. Remove the bolt from the weapon during transport, just put it in the case. Chances are you will be cleaning the weapon when you get home anyway.
3. Place a trigger lock on the weapon when you are transporting it.
4. Remove all rounds from the weapon when you leave the hunting lease/land.

As a Marine I have received siginificant training with weapons, everyone should respect any kind of fire arm, no matter the caliber. With all the training I have received I am very calculating when handling a weapon, climbing into a deer blind, cleaning, chambering rounds, etc. Holding a weapon in your hand should be a very humbling experience, you are handling life and death for any living creature.

You have to know at all times the power that is in your hands. I can imagine that kid sitting in the truck probably with a new rifle or a borrowed one, laid across his lap hands close to the trigger, hit a bump, forgot to remove the round from the chamber, etc...hit a bump and BAM! How sad. I am not saying that is what happened but I can picture in my mind that happening very easily. When you grow up in the big country you are exposed to weapons and dangers, the older you get the more complacent you get..."I have been there done that", "I have been hunting since I was 10", etc.

To all the hunters out there, please be safe, teach your children as best you can.

great post! This entire thread has made me want to revisit this with my son and husband ASAP.:(

11-06-2007, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Very sad. He will have to live with the fact that he shot and killed one of his friends for the rest of his life. I hope he gets some counseling.

I think it was accidental. Im not hackin on you but, why would he shoot the driver and risk the rest of their lives? Doesnt sound right. He possibly could have done it but it all sounds accidental. And there is every reason in the world to believe that the gun went off on its own. They could have hit a bump and it went off or the kid bumped the gun and it went off. Lesson here is to always have safety on, gun unloaded and pointed away from everyone.

Ranger Mom
11-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Stownhorse
I think it was accidental. Im not hackin on you but, why would he shoot the driver and risk the rest of their lives? Doesnt sound right. He possibly could have done it but it all sounds accidental. And there is every reason in the world to believe that the gun went off on its own. They could have hit a bump and it went off or the kid bumped the gun and it went off. Lesson here is to always have safety on, gun unloaded and pointed away from everyone.

I don't think she meant that he did it on purpose...but he DID shoot and kill his friend, accident or not!!!

11-06-2007, 12:56 PM
We passed by the scene on our way back to Abilene and I was amazed at how far the traffic was backed up. I had no idea what had happened until I heard the story from the news last night. It turns out that the young man who died, along with the one who was in the passenger seat went to high school with a friend of mine from college.


I bet she might be able to get an update on the survivors so if I hear anything from here I will let everyone know.

11-06-2007, 01:04 PM
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the shooting was completely accidental. Whether it was the shot that killed the young man, or the crash, is anybodys guess, and there is no way they will ever know without doing an autopsy. I can tell you this though. I dont see how any of the 4 in the black chevy survived, and the worst part of the damage was right in front of the driver. I can certainly see how the wreck alone could have easily been what caused his death. I left the seen about 2 hours after the wreck happened, and they had not yet taken the young man out of the black chevy, and I am almost certain no one knew anything about a gunshot yet at that time. I dont believe there was anyway to see any evidence of it till the young man was removed and examined. I also did not hear anything said about there being a gunshot by either of the two young men that were able to speak. They just both seemed to be in shock and not really sure of what had happened. I asked them both if they knew what had happened, and neither could say they knew at that time. I just hope the young man that accidentaly fired the gun can somehow forgive himself someday and not let it ruin his life. He's got a long row to hoe yet. I'll be praying for him for sure.

11-06-2007, 02:29 PM
What a horrific accident. Prayers to everyone involved.