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View Full Version : Texas Should Be Proud Of 2 High Schools

11-04-2007, 03:20 PM
When football season comes around we think of high school bands, teams winning a homecoming game or a state title, and most of all the excitement of big rivalarys in Texas and to help spark school spirit are the cheerleaders in this case their main goal is bigger than a state title and it's nationals for most squads who are the bigger schools Class 5A or 4A at Nationals it's known Small Varsity Competition and our very own Texas teams made it :clap: :clap: :clap: Congrats to San Antonio MacArthur and Victoria Memorial. MacArthur placed 4th and Victoria Memorial placed 5th

Old Green
11-04-2007, 03:25 PM
Victoria won it for 2 years straight a few years back. They're always good.

Gobbler Fan
11-04-2007, 03:30 PM
This article was in the Advocate a while back . I guess it show's how good these girls are .

MTV has its eye on MHS
Memorial drill team is being considered for TV series
October 13, 2007 - Posted at 12:00 a.m.

Believe the rumors, MTV is looking at Memorial High School's Dance and Drill Team.

Memorial is now one of five schools in the running to participate in television series about a Texas drill team.

D.J. Jaynes, the dance and drill team director, recently was contacted by an executive producer from the network.

"It was interesting, I got the first e-mail from them and I was like, 'e-mails are e-mails,' and I said, 'Sure we're interested,' like it's really going to happen," Jaynes said. "And then they e-mailed me back. They gave me the phone numbers to call. Before I had time to call them, they actually called me."

Executives have already visited the area for a first meeting with Jaynes, Greg Crockett and a member of the school board.

"They flew down this week and met with me," Jaynes said.

Other schools in the running are Westlake High School and Anderson High School in Austin and Friendswood High School and Kingwood High School in Houston.

"I think we are little more diverse than those schools. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing," Jaynes said.

The possibility of being picked for the show is exciting, but Jaynes said she is trying not to get too excited for something they don't have 100 percent yet.

"I've told the girls over and over: this may be, this may not be," Jaynes said. "We consider it a real honor to be one of the five schools. I think it's a good thing for Victoria and for the high school."

Jaynes said she does not know the final decision date. Her understanding is that producers will return to interview the team members of all five schools and then decide.

This is not something the team could have planned for, but they're happy it's here, Taylor Johnston, 18, senior major for the drill team, said.

"The whole world can see what our school and our drill team is about. We know we have a one-in-five chance. But the fact our drill team is up there with the best of the best - that is what matters. Even if we don't get picked for it, we know who we are and where we are. We're still going to be the same national winning drill team."