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11-07-2002, 11:28 PM
I just went to my hometown 7th grade game tonight. The names of the team are not important. The hometown team had about 25 kids on the sideline and the opposing team had over 70. The hometown team had about 6 or 7, two way starters and were obviously outmatched in overall talent. The hometown boys scrapped to a hard-fought 12 to 8 win and they were on cloud nine. They had been undefeated throughout the season but the people in the stands didn't give them much of a chance in this game because they were so outnumbered. They fought hard anyway. When one of the kids came up to the stands after the game, tears started rolling down his cheek when he saw his mom and dad. I have known this young man for years. He is not a wimp or momma's boy. He's a scrappy, tough little kid. His tears were from a mixture of joy and pride that his team had stood firm and accomplished a task that not many people thought that they could accomplish. It made me think back to the last time I played for my hometown. It was a loss in the playoffs. I remember the tears and immense sadness. The tears were not because we lost a game. After all, it was just a game. The tears came because I knew that I would never wear my hometown colors again. I would never go to war with these guys again, who I had played with since the 7th grade. I would never be able sit down with my dad and talk about the previous nights game or fight with him over the saturday morning sportspage. When I walked off of the field for the last time I didn't fully realize why I was so sad. Now I understand, and through the eyes of that little 7th grade boy, I remember why I loved the game so much...Thanks Brandon.

eye of the tiger
11-07-2002, 11:50 PM
Very moving story Vet. Brought back memories of my last game. A loss to Lufkin in the state quarter finals(that should date me a bit). I admit a tear came to my eye. Thanks for sharing.

11-08-2002, 12:01 AM
thanks for the post vet...i am not a player but a student fan of forney.
even though i will come back to games next year from college, it wont be the same, i wont ever paint my chest in school spirit, i wont ever make a fool of myself at a pep rallies, i wont ever have yelling contests with my buddies...it is these things that make football great...not victories but spirit.

that's what used to astonish me when opposing teams would score a TD in a blowout, yet they would go wild...that is the game of football

11-08-2002, 12:24 AM
Wow! Great post Vet! Definately brings back memories of that cold December night in West Texas when I played my last high school game. I can still remember standing in the end zone,tears in my eyes, not wanting to take off my helmet because I knew Id never put it back on. Thanks for posting!

11-08-2002, 12:35 AM
vet, you've reminded us all why we love the game so much! Thanks for the post! I think I might retire for the night on your thoughts. As for Brandon, don't feel any sadness for him. I don't know him, but I'm proud of him. He's already a champion!!

11-08-2002, 12:39 AM
I admit, when we lost to Sealy in the state semi-finals back in 1994, I cried my eyes out. I was crying mostly because our dream of making it to the state championship game was erased, and we were only one more win away. That's what hurt the most.

When we made our way back to Port Isabel, and were turning our uniforms in, that was when I realized that I would never wear good ol' "Tarpon Blue" on the football field again. I stood there over the hamper for what seemed like an eternity, my jersey clutched in my hand, I finally unfolded it, put the jersey on my face, and took a very deep breath. I wanted to burn the smell of the football field, the sweat, the tears, all the weeks of hard work, all into my memory. After I did that, I looked at "Tarpons" on the front of the jersey above the number, gave it a kiss goodbye, and placed it in the hamper. It was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do in my life.

In April of this year, one of my fellow teammates passed away from a malignant tumor in his lower back that could not be operated on. One of his final wishes was that all of his teammates be there at his funeral, all wearing their jerseys. His wish was granted. About 15 of us that were able to make it to the funeral all wore our jerseys from the 1994 season, including myself. It felt great to wear my old HS jersey again, but I didn't do it for myself, I did it out of respect for my fallen teammate. After the funeral, some chose to just keep their jerseys. I, however, chose to return it to the school because I respect my school enough to return what belongs to them. But before I turned it back in, I gave the jersey one more good sniff, and another kiss goodbye.

11-08-2002, 08:47 AM
TFINT, that's as good as a 21 gun salute any day! These are the things that make this game so special and intriguing. It is just a game, but those that have been fortunate enough to take part in it know the true meaning of teamwork, commeradie and spirit. There are precious few activities that can relate to this in the human experience.

11-08-2002, 02:18 PM
Vet, I know what you are talking about. I was there and it was awsome. You've got to be proud of those kids, they fought until the very end. The visiting team also played extremely hard. Hats go off to them too. Almost the entire home team was in tears, not just the one you named. That was what the game is all about. Over coming adversity.

11-08-2002, 07:16 PM
Excellent post, man it was just last year when we got beat by La Grange in the semi's and I think about last year almost every day. About how close we were, how hard we worked, how much fun we had, and about all the good things. This is what football is all about in my mind. Excellent post.