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Milk That Cow
11-01-2007, 11:14 PM
Since The Playoffs Are Clinched.

Which would you rather have?

Knowing that you have lost to your Bitter Rival Cameron 10 out of the last 11 years, and have practically forgotten what it's like to have THE BELL on the Rockdale side of the River...

Old Tiger
11-02-2007, 07:07 AM
I didn't know we had 8 posters from Rockdale? haha

11-02-2007, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Milk That Cow
Since The Playoffs Are Clinched.

Which would you rather have?

Knowing that you have lost to your Bitter Rival Cameron 10 out of the last 11 years, and have practically forgotten what it's like to have THE BELL on the Rockdale side of the River...

What do you think Milk that Cow? You tell us what you think.......

11-02-2007, 08:52 AM
I would rather win all of them. As it turns out when I played we lost to Cameron, and went 3 deep in the playoffs. So we were still playing while Cameron was playing thump thump. Sure I wanted to beat them, but them losing to Manor 34-6(a team we beat in district) in the second round and us still playing sure felt nice.

Johnny Utah
11-02-2007, 09:34 AM
Milk, my question for you is.... If Rockdale beats Cameron but does not win a playoff game, or vice versa(loss to Cameron, playoff win), will you still QUESTION what direction the program is heading in? WHO REALLY CARES HOW MANY TIMES CAMERON has beaten Rockdale. You are talking about teenagers playing a game. TALENT levels make a difference, coaching to some extent, but this time of year it is all about the PLAYOFFS baby!!! WIN THEM ALL!!!! If Cameron looses to the Rock, will the Coach get fired? They are in the playoffs. I believe some of these contests are hyped up too much by the fans, and the kids need to remember that it is a game, but in this case a TUNEUP for the playoffs. When I was in Rockdale in 90, the Rock lost to Cameron 42-7 to end the season 1-9. The next few years Rockdale played Sealy and Belllville and Burnet in the playoffs! Tough district and region ever since I can remember. Go Tigers!!!