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08-24-2003, 11:23 AM
Good Luck to the up-coming season my fellow Hardin Hornets. Continue for improvement, never give up or hang your heads. To acheive you have to believe, it starts in your heart. Make this the fourth year consecutive for Hardin to make it to the post-season. I see that Anahuac is ranked 2nd in the District. My senior year they were picked to be us too, and the outcome of that game was definitely one sided, we beat them up and down the field.....48-20! Once again, best of luck on the games ahead, Bleed BLUE and GOLD.


Old Cardinal
08-24-2003, 12:04 PM
Mike, I was really proud for Hardin to make the playoffs last year....I am not sure why Anahuac thought that everyone would just lay down and die last year( an award them a berth), but your team stuck to their rigorous training and kept the poise to get into the playoffs. Hats off to your players and Coaches

08-24-2003, 01:45 PM
I don't think Anahuac would think people would just lay down and die, in the Hardin-Anahuac game last year it was a nasty game and there was a questionable call towards the end of the game, but all of that is in the past Hardin has to come to Anahuac this year and we will see how good people say Hardin is.

08-24-2003, 01:50 PM
I just feel like Hardin doesn't get the respect that it should. My football team in 2000 started this *Hornet Tradition, and I guess I am only standing behind the future teams when I say things like "You can count Hardin will be in the post-season every year from here on out". Do you think Hardin will be that 3rd seated team this year? Also, How does BC look this year, in comparison to last year ?????

Hope to hear from ya'

08-24-2003, 01:55 PM
I do not mean to sound rude, but as far as I know, and for as long as I can remember, dating back to 1992, Hardin has NEVER lost to Anahuac. How can people sit there and say " Well, Anahuac will be the second seated them this year, and they will beat Hardin this year ? You haven't ever beat us, and probably never will......

08-24-2003, 01:58 PM
That is mighty bold talk, I could see if you were someone from BC that has had alot of success but you arent. Although Hardin isn't a terrible team I just do not think they will be able to keep up with Anahuac this year.

08-24-2003, 02:01 PM
A lot of success ? Dude, this WILL BE the fourth year in a row, am I RIGHT ? What are you talking about BOLD TALK ? I have played sports in Hardin all my life. My Senior year we BEAT the living CRAP outta Anahuac, in all 3 sports?

Give me some facts behind your beliefs!!!!!!

08-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Hardin did not beat Anahuac in 2002 in Anahuac remember?

08-24-2003, 03:10 PM
Jesus merryann joseph, ONE TIME IN 12 years. Dude, come on, I was there that game, the officiating was absolutely horrible, REMEMBER, 2 touchdowns in the second half were called back for blocking in the back.....and Anahuac scored late in the 4th.....GOT LUCKY....will never happen again....

08-24-2003, 05:37 PM
Five more days until Coach Jack Parker, formerly of the Hardin Hornets returns to play at the field where the term "The Beginning of a New Tradition" he left behind. Coach Morgan will be head to head with Jack, and I think it's going to be a thriller. Hopefully Hardin will beat them with ease as last year.

Good luck Jack
Good luck Mike


08-24-2003, 11:06 PM
i played against both hardin and anuhac in 7 on 7 this summer ... anuhac and us liberty, were the only 2 undefeated teams ... i think this year anuhac should handle hardin pretty easily, anuhac just has to much team speed for hardin...

08-25-2003, 12:15 AM
We do not not need to talk about the officiating in that game when a touchdown by Anahuac was called back this past year because one of our guys hit one of the Hardin guys in the side.....it's on film clear as day. That won Hardin that game.

08-25-2003, 09:43 AM
Dude....Admit it! Anahuac is Hardin's step-child, it always has been, and Always will be. This year will be no change due to the reputation Hardin has to uphold. Can't lose to Anahuac, Won't lose to Anahuac. It's simple, maybe it will not be the blow-out my 2000 team put on ya'll, but at the end of the fourth quarter, the scoreboard will favor Hardin!

Enuff Said....

08-27-2003, 01:37 AM
7 0n 7 games do NOT prove anything! When I was a senior we beat H-D about 10 x's, in 7 on 7. When we played them first game of the year, we lost 42-19, so don't tell me about how 7 on 7 makes a team better than the other. I know more about Football than anybody you know kid.

08-27-2003, 09:56 PM
aight buddy whatever you say, you little hardin heros couldnt step on the field with anyone in 22AAA ,when you make it to the playoffs 9 years in a row then come talk to me .... until then shut up and let you team do the talking on the field .. all i was doing was offering an opinion on the game..

08-27-2003, 11:01 PM
When I was a senior we could have beat Liberty, but we did not play them. I'm saying 7 on 7 doesn't predict the outcome of the season by any means. And, there has been NO team in Hardin history "smaller" than Liberty son. Liberty has beat Hardin in the past with speed and talent. Know what you are talking about before you get on here running your mouth. I know everyone from Liberty, and tell me this, has Liberty EVER had a 6'6, 335 pound punishing lineman that went on to play in college and is now a NFL prospect, no sir, I didn't think so. Strap on your pads because your little tail is gonna need them. I hope ya'll win that district so good luck.
