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View Full Version : Bounty hunter 'Dog' spews N-word

11-01-2007, 12:23 PM


Old Tiger
11-01-2007, 12:24 PM
so who are you?

Dog better be careful in the streets if he is ever looking for a black guy.

11-01-2007, 12:35 PM
The irony is that his concern was in getting caught using the word publically and losing his career! If you don't want something heard, don't say it!

Old Tiger
11-01-2007, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by gatordaze
The irony is that his concern was in getting caught using the word publically and losing his career! If you don't want something heard, don't say it! Haha...I noticed that also...

Ranger Mom
11-01-2007, 01:14 PM
Heck....as much as the "N" word is thrown around by ALL races these days, I am not sure anymore if it is a derogatory term or a term of endearment!!:)

I was in a room full of recovering drug addicts last night....about 30 in all.

Needless to say, I was the minority, being white AND a woman! I cannot count the times I heard the "N" word thrown around...no one ever seemed the list bit offended to me, as far as I could tell.

I even heard 3 guys...one black, one hispanic and one white "freestyling" and the word was used several times there.

I realize that Dog was mad so I am sure the context he used it in WAS derogatory, but my question is this:

Is the "N" word with the "er" at the end different than the "N" word with "a" at the end???:confused:

11-01-2007, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

Is the "N" word with the "er" at the end different than the "N" word with "a" at the end???:confused:

lol....i think it is

11-01-2007, 01:18 PM
I am not sure if this is true or not, My broth(er) said he saw something on You tube with the NAACP literally putting the word in a coffin and putting it in the ground.

Ranger Mom
11-01-2007, 01:21 PM
I just read the comments and most everyone is defending him....even black people!

One lady said she is a black woman and she uses the word every single day!!! She said it's a sad day when a PRIVATE conversation goes public like that!!

Heck...I cringe to think of some of the things I have said in private that could have gotten out!!

Rita..Debbie...neither one of yall have been recording our phone convos.....have you???:eek: :eek: :D

Sweetwater Red
11-01-2007, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I just read the comments and most everyone is defending him....even black people!

One lady said she is a black woman and she uses the word every single day!!! She said it's a sad day when a PRIVATE conversation goes public like that!!

Heck...I cringe to think of some of the things I have said in private that could have gotten out!!

Rita..Debbie...neither one of yall have been recording our phone convos.....have you???:eek: :eek: :D

Who was Monica Lewinsky's friend that was secretly recording
all their phone conversations?:thinking:

11-01-2007, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
Who was Monica Lewinsky's friend that was secretly recording
all their phone conversations?:thinking:

Linda Tripp


11-01-2007, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I just read the comments and most everyone is defending him....even black people!

One lady said she is a black woman and she uses the word every single day!!! She said it's a sad day when a PRIVATE conversation goes public like that!!

Heck...I cringe to think of some of the things I have said in private that could have gotten out!!

Rita..Debbie...neither one of yall have been recording our phone convos.....have you???:eek: :eek: :D

Dude, do you know how much trouble it is to even get those three-way calls going? I wouldn't even know how to record one! LOL.

11-01-2007, 03:55 PM
Isn't there some law or something that says you can't use a phone conversation against another person if they don't know that they are being recorded or something like that? That is why some places when you call tell you that they are recording the phone call? Did the National Enquired tape the private conversation between Dog and his son?
I am not justifying what he said, but if he thought it was "private"- like RM said..... we all have probably said things in private that we don't want people to know about. Personally, I hate the "n" word and don't use it.

Sweetwater Red
11-01-2007, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
Isn't there some law or something that says you can't use a phone conversation against another person if they don't know that they are being recorded or something like that? That is why some places when you call tell you that they are recording the phone call? Did the National Enquired tape the private conversation between Dog and his son?
I am not justifying what he said, but if he thought it was "private"- like RM said..... we all have probably said things in private that we don't want people to know about. Personally, I hate the "n" word and don't use it.

The woman in the above picture got away with it didn't she?:thinking:

11-01-2007, 04:29 PM
I believe the law is that you can not use a recorded conversation in a court of law without first advising the person on the other end of the conversation that the call is being recorded....

As for his use of the N word, well its just one of those double standards....and white people can't say it plain and simple..its a big no no and will cost him regardless of if anyone likes him or not..

A story I have about a white person using the N word....we had a kid at my college who was a lot like me in that he listened to a lot of rap and was kind of embedded in hip hop culture and had a lot of black freinds.....only difference between us was that he went to Wills Point which is country and I went to Everman..

Anyway I had noticed throwing the N word pretty freely out with his friends who were from Terrell and Wills Point, me personally I hung out with a lot of athletes they knew me pretty good and I had carte blanch to use the word according to them but I decided against it...

Meanwhile our buddy from Wills Point was throwing out the N word and I told him that if someone who didn't know him heard him throwing that word out it would be bad news...his opinion differed so I said OK and sat back and watched...soon enough this skinny kid throws out the word in front of one of my buddies (a 6'5 300 pound DL from Killeen) who didn't really know him like that...and it didnt work out to well for him...

It's a long story but the point is the word is a big taboo..I don't think anyone should use the word but if you're white and you say it...it never works out well unless your audience is the Klan

11-01-2007, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
it never works out well unless your audience is the Klan


true dat

11-01-2007, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Go Blue
so who are you?

Dog better be careful in the streets if he is ever looking for a black guy.

There isnt many in Hawaii lol their all hawaiian looking, or atleast on his show they are.

Ranger Mom
11-01-2007, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
I believe the law is that you can not use a recorded conversation in a court of law without first advising the person on the other end of the conversation that the call is being recorded....

As for his use of the N word, well its just one of those double standards....and white people can't say it plain and simple..its a big no no and will cost him regardless of if anyone likes him or not..

A story I have about a white person using the N word....we had a kid at my college who was a lot like me in that he listened to a lot of rap and was kind of embedded in hip hop culture and had a lot of black freinds.....only difference between us was that he went to Wills Point which is country and I went to Everman..

Anyway I had noticed throwing the N word pretty freely out with his friends who were from Terrell and Wills Point, me personally I hung out with a lot of athletes they knew me pretty good and I had carte blanch to use the word according to them but I decided against it...

Meanwhile our buddy from Wills Point was throwing out the N word and I told him that if someone who didn't know him heard him throwing that word out it would be bad news...his opinion differed so I said OK and sat back and watched...soon enough this skinny kid throws out the word in front of one of my buddies (a 6'5 300 pound DL from Killeen) who didn't really know him like that...and it didnt work out to well for him...

It's a long story but the point is the word is a big taboo..I don't think anyone should use the word but if you're white and you say it...it never works out well unless your audience is the Klan

So...was that the "N"-er word or the "N"-a word!!

I'm still confused as to what the difference is and why one is okay and the other not so okay!!

Sweetwater Red
11-01-2007, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
So...was that the "N"-er word or the "N"-a word!!

I'm still confused as to what the difference is and why one is okay and the other not so okay!!

Put either one at the end of these two sentences.

What's up my......

He's a......

It's not the word it's the context. :thinking:

11-01-2007, 05:25 PM
Heehee... a certain Dave Chappelle skit comes to mind... haha

11-01-2007, 05:43 PM
Is the "N" word with the "er" at the end different than the "N" word with "a" at the end???

It just depends. Im a white male and say it to my black friends all the time, only because to us it like saying "my friend", they call me their N word. So in that sense it isn't meant in that context. I've only had a couple of black people tell me tell that they didn't like me (or anybody else for that matter) using that word because they didn't like it in general...and I respected them, and understood where they were coming from, because the origin of that word is not something to be proud of. So in my opinion I think regardless of weather or not you say it with a A, or ER at the end of it, I think it just depends on how you say it, and in what company you are surrounded by. I think its crazy when I hear a lot of white suburb kids saying it because they really don't hang out with a lot of black kids, and don't have a true understanding of the word one way or the other. I think that has a lot to do with it as well, you have to kind of respect what the word represents, and know where it came from. I have never said the word ending with ER because to me that's a slap in the face to most of my best friends, but when they are calling me it (ending with a A) it lets me know that I fit in. I wouldn't just walk up to somebody I don't know, and be like "what's up my "A" " but if they feel comfortable enough to say it around me, I have never had a problem saying it back to them. I know a lot of yall probably don't understand or "Get" what im trying to say, but if you knew...then you would know.

As a regular white american I wouldn't suggest using it, only reason I feel half ok to say it is because I have been raised around mostly black folks for the most part of my life, and feel that I "understand"

Like I said I don't expect most of yall to understand unless you were in my shoes. So bash if you feel the need, its not going to change me or who I am. I know alot of yall are going to think of me as being a White'ER and I could care less. Like I said unless you knew me or have met me, you have no I deal.

Now DOG is WRONG for what he said, he meant the word in the most derogative way possible....kudos to his son for not caring about who he dates based on color :clap:

11-01-2007, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Heehee... a certain Dave Chappelle skit comes to mind... haha

lol...i know how forgetful you _____ are:D

_____ party of 2, _____ party of 2

11-01-2007, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Bull19
lol...i know how forgetful you _____ are:D

_____ party of 2, _____ party of 2

My sister told me the whole Dave Chappelle joke you are referring to. I was lol at her. She watches the comedy channel all the time. I don't.

11-01-2007, 06:21 PM
he meant to day "Naggers" I'm sure ..... :p

11-01-2007, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
he meant to day "Naggers" I'm sure ..... :p


the south park episode

Big Papa
11-01-2007, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by KTA
It just depends. Im a white male and say it to my black friends all the time, only because to us it like saying "my friend", they call me their N word. So in that sense it isn't meant in that context. I've only had a couple of black people tell me tell that they didn't like me (or anybody else for that matter) using that word because they didn't like it in general...and I respected them, and understood where they were coming from, because the origin of that word is not something to be proud of. So in my opinion I think regardless of weather or not you say it with a A, or ER at the end of it, I think it just depends on how you say it, and in what company you are surrounded by. I think its crazy when I hear a lot of white suburb kids saying it because they really don't hang out with a lot of black kids, and don't have a true understanding of the word one way or the other. I think that has a lot to do with it as well, you have to kind of respect what the word represents, and know where it came from. I have never said the word ending with ER because to me that's a slap in the face to most of my best friends, but when they are calling me it (ending with a A) it lets me know that I fit in. I wouldn't just walk up to somebody I don't know, and be like "what's up my "A" " but if they feel comfortable enough to say it around me, I have never had a problem saying it back to them. I know a lot of yall probably don't understand or "Get" what im trying to say, but if you knew...then you would know.

As a regular white american I wouldn't suggest using it, only reason I feel half ok to say it is because I have been raised around mostly black folks for the most part of my life, and feel that I "understand"

Like I said I don't expect most of yall to understand unless you were in my shoes. So bash if you feel the need, its not going to change me or who I am. I know alot of yall are going to think of me as being a White'ER and I could care less. Like I said unless you knew me or have met me, you have no I deal.

Now DOG is WRONG for what he said, he meant the word in the most derogative way possible....kudos to his son for not caring about who he dates based on color :clap:

believe me i understand where your coming from...but i just have a hard time comprehending while anyone would want to use it reagradless of an a or an er at the end of it...it just doesnt make any sense to me how somone regardless of color feels comfortble saying it... i know i never even thought about saying it regardless of how comfortable i was wiht the people around me or how it was being used around me

11-01-2007, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Big Papa
believe me i understand where your coming from...but i just have a hard time comprehending while anyone would want to use it reagradless of an a or an er at the end of it...it just doesnt make any sense to me how somone regardless of color feels comfortble saying it... i know i never even thought about saying it regardless of how comfortable i was wiht the people around me or how it was being used around me

I understand and respect your opinion. That word can mean sooo many different things depending on the context its used it I really dont think it will ever go away. Hopefully the negative meaning of that word will disapear as time goes on. In the time frame from when it was created until now it has went from just "scum" to refering to your best friend "yeah thats my n" "yeah hes my n". Im not saying the negative still doesnt linger (dogs use of it for example) but atleast it hasnt gotten any worse.

Old Tiger
11-01-2007, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom

Is the "N" word with the "er" at the end different than the "N" word with "a" at the end???:confused: Black friends that I am close with told me it's alright as long as you end it with an A but if you end it with an ER you're going to get your ass whipped.

Also he doesn't really care if you use it in Dave Chappelle renditions.

Ranger Mom
11-01-2007, 10:31 PM
The reason I asked is because my middle son uses it a lot. He once told me he is a black guy trapped in a white guys body..lol.

Anyway, he was the "white boy" I was referring to that was freestyling with the black and hispanic guys. They all 3 used it while they were flowing...or whatever in the heck that is called.

As a matter of fact, they referred to themselved as Suga Shane (my kid), N**ga Nate, the black kid....and Joe! :D

I don't really care for that type of music personally, but I have to admit, anyone that can think of something to say THAT fast and have it all rhyme and blend in with the beat, is talented, IMO!!

Big Papa
11-01-2007, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
The reason I asked is because my middle son uses it a lot. He once told me he is a black guy trapped in a white guys body..lol.

Anyway, he was the "white boy" I was referring to that was freestyling with the black and hispanic guys. They all 3 used it while they were flowing...or whatever in the heck that is called.

As a matter of fact, they referred to themselved as Suga Shane (my kid), N**ga Nate, the black kid....and Joe! :D

I don't really care for that type of music personally, but I have to admit, anyone that can think of something to say THAT fast and have it all rhyme and blend in with the beat, is talented, IMO!!

i agree...when you hear a person that can really flow its amazing im like how can they do that...my brain just gets all locked up...now if im writing down a lil "flow" as i call them i can do it...but usually those are of the not serious type

Ranger Mom
11-01-2007, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Big Papa
i agree...when you hear a person that can really flow its amazing im like how can they do that...my brain just gets all locked up...now if im writing down a lil "flow" as i call them i can do it...but usually those are of the not serious type

It really is...we were driving down the interstate one day and he had "his" music going, and all the sudden he busts out with this whole song...er...flow about driving down the interstate with his sister and his mom......we were amazed!!!

Old Tiger
11-02-2007, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Bull19
lol...i know how forgetful you _____ are:D

_____ party of 2, _____ party of 2 these are the _____ i told you about at work...
