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View Full Version : Yes, Liberty could have zombies playing for them!

09-16-2003, 01:35 PM
Their was an inquiry as to whether Liberty could have zombies playing for them. The answer is yes. These zombies should be easy to tackle. Remember they lack free will and they lack a soul. They are used as slaves. Don't confuse them with the Hollywood zombies (they are not flesh eaters). If this spell works, I would suspect these zombie players will play poorly, thus giving the game to their opponents.
Some Liberty players may very well undergo zombification by a "bokor." They will be physically identical to a normal human being. They will just lack conscious experience. What I am not to sure of.....can the coaches tell the difference? I am working with a Haitian now to make that determination.
This work is so difficult when kids are involved.

09-16-2003, 02:04 PM