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View Full Version : Holy Crap!!!!!!!!

10-20-2007, 11:51 AM
I'm at work and Corey Bradford(Former Texan WR) comes in my job...

I recognize the name and get an autograph...

this is so sweet...

hes like my new fav player.....

10-20-2007, 11:55 AM
Your favorite player doesn't even play. That's nice.

10-20-2007, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by carter08
Your favorite player doesn't even play. That's nice. who cares?

its still sweet

10-20-2007, 12:37 PM
i bet he was appreciative of the gesture.

10-20-2007, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
i bet he was appreciative of the gesture. nah this is how it happened...

I work at a fishin pier right...

well, he brings his fam in, and i ask him 4 his id... b/c he gets a rental wagon....(its policy, like collateral for our wagon)

So, i see the pic and i recognize the face...

then i look at the name and think "no way"

so i go look him up on Wikipedia and it gives his full name and Birthdate.. (matches the ID)

So i go back outside and this is what i say

me-"hey man, can i ask u a question?"

him-"yea sure"

me- "Are you Corey Bradford (he smiles at this point), like Corey Bradford that used to play for the Texans Corey Bradford?"

Him- "yea man, thats me" (kinda half laughing chucklin)

Me- " can you do me and my bro a favor?"

Him- "yes sure"

Me- "can u come in side and give us a Autograph?"

Him- "yea"

So we get it and we tell him thanks and he says no problem

Really nice guy... and was really cool about the whole thing....

10-20-2007, 01:06 PM
im sure he would keep it all to himself and not let it go to his head, but inside he was probably thinking "wow, even thought im not playing anymore, people still appreciate what i did."

10-20-2007, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
im sure he would keep it all to himself and not let it go to his head, but inside he was probably thinking "wow, even thought im not playing anymore, people still appreciate what i did." yea, I idolize anybody in Pro Sports

but he was really cool about it and was not all big headed or anything...

It just kinda caught him off gaurd a lil bit....

took him by surprise...

but it was awesome

10-20-2007, 01:54 PM
My uncle coached Tony Brackens and we consider Tony family.