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View Full Version : And you thought I wouldn't be back.....

11-24-2002, 02:28 AM
First things first, Congrats to the Mighty Yoemen version 02 on a job well done this season! You guys have nothing to be ashamed of because there are about 200 other 3A teams that would have given anything to be in the spot you were in tonight and you made it, not them. Hold your head up high guys, especially you younger classmen. To the seniors, thanks for the memories, especially to you Billy Pittman, Roderick Knight, Ross Watson, Tra Wilcox, Tucker, Thomas and all of you guys. You've all made the times and effort spent going to watch you all week in and week out well worth it. I know it stings now but life goes on and though you'll always have the memories, you've all got so much more to look forward to in the game of life. You make your town proud and we all salute you. To the Yoemen coaches, you did what you could and regardless of what anyone may tell you guys, you've always given your job and done a hell of a job doing so! My hat is definately off to all of you gentlemen!!
Now, on to the game. Well, what can be said? No, you aren't going to hear "refs screwed us" or "we didn't play good" or "you guys got lucky." Hell, the refs couldn't have determined a game like this. Bottom line? Final score. Simple enough. However, Jasper had to be thinking about it first quarter. After that, the implosion began. I can't say I was impressed with the big guys as I thought I should have been.......they didn't really do too much really. But the team as a whole got the job done and thats what matters.

There are some things that stand out though.....This is not the words of a sore loser because it's hard to make excuses when you lose by this margin BUT.....What was up with this......
1.Why did your tackle INTENTIONALLY step on Billy Pittman when he was clearly down? Not fall, but STEP on him?

2.Why on God's earth did you CHEER when you saw that he was injured? I mean, come on, *** is that about? It's horrible that some of you would find pleasure in what could have been a career ending injury for this man. Does this one game mean that much to where his livlihood means nothing? If so, that is sick.

From what I could tell, it was a clean game for the most part...unless Kinta and Ross were jawing but that's not unusual. Congrats Jasper, you definately proved me wrong. Now just make it to where Cameron can say we were beaten by the eventual state champions.