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10-06-2007, 02:46 AM
Even though it was a blowout, thanks for the invite G. It was fun to watch them play. Very well coached team on both sides of the ball. A bit undersized on the lines, but their linemen were much more aggressive than most spread teams I've seen in recent years. Morrison is fun to watch. I hope he gets that attitude in check though. I can see how the 7 on 7 thing happened with him after that unsportsmanlike in the 2nd half. Really talented kid though. He sure was fun to watch, especially when he'd improv on a play.

Only thing standing between Royse City and Gilmer is the state champs and possibly a Roosevelt team trying to pull off an upset. Sure hope to see RC and Gilmer play soon!

10-06-2007, 10:00 AM
so that was you with G last nite JR? If I had known, I would have introduced myself.

Morrison's attitude? that kid has a great attitude..........he did not get an unsportsmanship penalty, that was #1 not #10........Morrison is a great kid JR, he is intense but always a great attitude and very respectful

Old Tiger
10-06-2007, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by dogdad
so that was you with G last nite JR? If I had known, I would have introduced myself.

If you se g2 you'll know it's g2....tons of ladies around him and an entourage

10-06-2007, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by dogdad
so that was you with G last nite JR? If I had known, I would have introduced myself.

Morrison's attitude? that kid has a great attitude..........he did not get an unsportsmanship penalty, that was #1 not #10........Morrison is a great kid JR, he is intense but always a great attitude and very respectful

DD, he is referring to the Unsportsmanlike Richard got after he was talking to the Pitt player that almost sacked him and hit him kinda late but it was not called.

10-06-2007, 10:27 AM
oh ok did not realize
I still stand by my opinion of Richard's attitude though
a very respectful kid, but very intense
he does not like to lose..... very, very competitive

10-06-2007, 10:31 AM
Agreed, confident and does not let the opposing try to rattle him. Stands his ground...he is never intimidated.

10-06-2007, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by rangerjoe33
DD, he is referring to the Unsportsmanlike Richard got after he was talking to the Pitt player that almost sacked him and hit him kinda late but it was not called.

Yep that's the one. Question about number 20 (believe it was him)...When they had that brief fight in the 3rd quarter how was he not ejected? I know Pitt players started it (sad for Pitt that that incident was the most fire they showed all night), but I thought if a punch was thrown it was an auto ejection?

I can now say I've seen a team get a safety on a kickoff return. That was fun to watch too...lol. I'm guessing Pitt doesn't care how deep the kick is since they returned it twice while being at least 7 yards deep in the end zone.

As for Morrison, I like a player who plays with a great deal of intensity and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Pitt's players could use some of that fiery attitude.

10-06-2007, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by dogdad
so that was you with G last nite JR? If I had known, I would have introduced myself.

Haha yeah that was me. Had to come straight from work from way over on the west side of Plano. I had no time to change clothes. That's the third time this year I've had to go to a game wearing business clothes and a tie...lol.

If Velt gets a shot at y'all I'll be at the 2nd round game as long as Madison doesn't make the 2nd round. Looking forward to seeing an RC vs. Velt matchup. Stop by and talk if that game happens.

10-07-2007, 12:25 AM
I talked to one of the RC coaches today who aked me about your comment regarding Morrison. He wanted me to pass on to you that the unsportsmanlike penalty you referred to was on an O-lineman and not on Morrison. Furthermore, he wanted it said that Morrison has never had an attitude and he was concerned that this erroneous perception is publicly stated here. He also was wondering what 7 on 7 incident you were referring to. He knows of no 7 on 7 incidents.

10-07-2007, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by dogdad
I talked to one of the RC coaches today who aked me about your comment regarding Morrison. He wanted me to pass on to you that the unsportsmanlike penalty you referred to was on an O-lineman and not on Morrison. Furthermore, he wanted it said that Morrison has never had an attitude and he was concerned that this erroneous perception is publicly stated here. He also was wondering what 7 on 7 incident you were referring to. He knows of no 7 on 7 incidents.

Only know what I was told and I'd trust who I got that from. My eyes though don't lie to me that he was jawing with the guy who tried to get the sack as well as having an animated conversation afterwards. I really couldn't care less that he was jawing. It happens. I also watched with my own eyes number 20 throw 2 punches in that brief melee yet was not tossed from the game. That's on those refs though for briefly losing control of things.

Any coach wasting time caring about observations made by an impartial bystander an internet message board comes off as being pretty silly. Pretty lame to be completely honest. Worry about what happens on the field and not a message board...If the staff of the team I follow responded everytime someone said something they saw one of their players do they'd be on message boards 24/7. There wasn't anything put here that involved any negativity or attacks on a kid.

When my team has been good they've been called just about everything in the book, but their coaches could really care less what folks say on a message board. One coaching friend of mine used to tell them some of the things they were called and they always got a good laugh out of it.

Again I don't really much care about the negative things I saw, I'm just saying what I saw happen. I had no horse in the race. Just there to see a game with G and didn't care one way or the other who won or lost. Should be seeing RC playing Gilmer not too far down the road. Looking forward to it. Winner should be favored to bring home a state title.

Aesculus gilmus
10-07-2007, 08:49 AM
Is it true that Royse City already has 4A enrollment numbers (based on 2005 cutoff, which was around 950, IIRC)?

I read that on another message board the other day.

I don't guess Gilmer stands a chance against such a human wave coming at them. Our enrollment as of last week was only 698.

10-07-2007, 02:02 PM
It is a given that RC will go to 4A next alignment. (I have spoken to several high level administration folks that confirmed it.) I do not know the exact number.

10-07-2007, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Aesculus gilmus
I don't guess Gilmer stands a chance against such a human wave coming at them. Our enrollment as of last week was only 698.

And it begins...