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View Full Version : Fire Department wisdom (just for fun)

Chief Woodman
11-10-2003, 03:54 PM
Over 25 years of fire fighting I have heard and read many sayings that are kinda funny, yet true. Some of them even apply to sports.....Here are a few of them, so enjoy!

The very worst fireground plan is no plan (the second worse is two plans)

Fires give the test just before the lesson.

It was on fire when we got here, it will be out when we leave even if we do not put it out.

Very few things on the fireground fall up.

Don't stand too close to the guys who are always banged up.

You can't save anyone when you are a victim.

You can fool the spectators, but you can't fool the players.

When you warning light begin to melt it's a sign you are parked too close.

Put the wet stuff on the Red stuff.

If you think training is expensive, check out the cost of ignorance.

It is better to retreat with your crew than to bury your crew.

Procedures don't have feelings.

It's difficult to get a little excited.

If looking at a fire makes you crazy, don't look at it.

If you can't control yourself you can't control anything else.

Take the process serriously, not yourself.

If you are not dressed to play, stay in the bleachers and off the field.

Roofs are pretty dumb- they shead fire streams just like rain.

When someone screws up ask the standard question- "who taught him how to do it?"

There are not any time outs on the fireground.

The incident commander must be able to separate what is hope from what is a plan.

There is no credit on the fire ground...you pay for everything you do right now.

Do not think you are communicating just because you are talking.

You don't fall through from down below.

Someone who tells you how good they are is seldom as good as they say.

Don't change a rule by breaking it.

Smart firefighters are safe firefighters- vomiting ones are ugly.

If you panic be sure to run in the right direction.

Results count, excuses do not.

The only being who can control everything is God.

When someone is stubborn as a mule...ride 'em till you break 'em.

Being too prideful to admit your mistakes will eventually cost you (and those around you) more than you can pay.

Fire is the great equalizer...it will burn you regardless of Race, Creed or Gender.

<small>[ November 10, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Chief Woodman ]</small>