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10-01-2007, 10:16 PM
Whose gonna win

10-01-2007, 10:56 PM
Needville will be very hungry after last weeks loss in double OT to Columbus. I'm gonna take Needville by 9.

10-01-2007, 11:19 PM
I don't understand why Sweeny is struggling so much to score points. With Jammer, Griffin, & Marsh out there it seems to me they should be scoring at a greater rate than they are. Needville should be able to outscore them....
One thing is for sure, one team is gonna be in serious trouble after this game is over.....

10-01-2007, 11:24 PM
I'm taking Needville on this thread and Sweeny on the other...lol.

10-02-2007, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Necked
I don't understand why Sweeny is struggling so much to score points. With Jammer, Griffin, & Marsh out there it seems to me they should be scoring at a greater rate than they are. Needville should be able to outscore them....
One thing is for sure, one team is gonna be in serious trouble after this game is over..... It all still comes down to the offensive line and they have struggled. Sweeny has a very good Off. line coach and he is working hard to get them there, but sometimes it just isn't there. Both teams will come to play so I think it will be a battle.

10-02-2007, 09:49 AM
This is always a dogfight but Needville hungry and talented. Needville by 10.

10-02-2007, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by JDOG
It all still comes down to the offensive line and they have struggled. Sweeny has a very good Off. line coach and he is working hard to get them there, but sometimes it just isn't there. Both teams will come to play so I think it will be a battle.

I wholeheartedly disagree, it comes down to Sweeny coaches giving the kids an opportunity to make plays and win the game. If they quit playing politics and begin to use their athletes regardless of who their parents or friends are, they will have an opportunity to win the rest of their games.

10-02-2007, 12:05 PM
So you think the Offensive line is just fine? I don't see any stud athletes sitting on the bench behind any non athletes. I don't care who it is, if you don't have blocking up front it is hard to run or throw.

10-02-2007, 12:16 PM
I'll defend the Sweeny coaches on that one. I worked with those guys and they are very hard working and loyal to the program. I've worked with a lot coaches in 22 years, and I would put Coach Zaijeck at the top of my list when it comes to honesty, integrity, and hard work.

10-02-2007, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
So you think the Offensive line is just fine? I don't see any stud athletes sitting on the bench behind any non athletes. I don't care who it is, if you don't have blocking up front it is hard to run or throw.

I did not say that I believed that the offensive line was just fine, the argument that I am advancing is the fact that Sweeny does have athletes, maybe not as many as last year, if the coach is as good many are portraying he would be able to adjust to the talent he has. But when you take out your two best athletes (the receivers) on offense, it is a dead give away to the opposing coaches what plays are going to be called. By the way isn’t the offensive line coach the offensive coordinator?

10-02-2007, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by 18handicap
I'll defend the Sweeny coaches on that one. I worked with those guys and they are very hard working and loyal to the program. I've worked with a lot coaches in 22 years, and I would put Coach Zaijeck at the top of my list when it comes to honesty, integrity, and hard work.

I am not judging Coach Z personally, I know what kind of person he is off the football field also, but the reality is that he is not fair in all cases. When every kid except the quarterback can be pulled or yelled at something is not right. I am also not questioning the coaches work ethic, but when the casual fan can see what is wrong on the field and understands what adjustments need to be made something is wrong.

10-02-2007, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by lilballa255
I did not say that I believed that the offensive line was just fine, the argument that I am advancing is the fact that Sweeny does have athletes, maybe not as many as last year, if the coach is as good many are portraying he would be able to adjust to the talent he has. But when you take out your two best athletes (the receivers) on offense, it is a dead give away to the opposing coaches what plays are going to be called. By the way isn’t the offensive line coach the offensive coordinator? I think the talent is not as great this year as in past years, and I believe the reason those two are taken out is for a break because they play on defense. These classses have not won a lot all the way coming up if you look at their past. We do need to find a way to get the ball to them more and we'll see what adjustments are made. As far as the QB I have seen him get jumped on and yelled at plenty this year. And it is not unusual for a QB not to get replaced as other players are on the field. You can watch every team and all kinds of subs are made but not at QB. If the offensive line plays well, the rest will come together.

10-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
I think the talent is not as great this year as in past years, and I believe the reason those two are taken out is for a break because they play on defense. These classses have not won a lot all the way coming up if you look at their past. We do need to find a way to get the ball to them more and we'll see what adjustments are made. As far as the QB I have seen him get jumped on and yelled at plenty this year. And it is not unusual for a QB not to get replaced as other players are on the field. You can watch every team and all kinds of subs are made but not at QB. If the offensive line plays well, the rest will come together.

You are right it is not unusual to give the QB more leniency but when his play level is at best mediocre; why not give the backup a chance to give the offense a spark. As far as the QB getting yelled at, we must not be at the same games or I am not paying attention because I do not see him getting talked to or criticizes as much as the other kids. And once if we are praising the O-Coordinator, we must criticize him for the lackluster play of his offensive line

10-02-2007, 04:51 PM
The qb is not all that bad, what were his stats?

like 12-15 150+ yds no ints against us?

sounds efficient to me

no reason to get yelled at, and as far as the coaches comments was concerned.

The D and Special teams played a huge role in Sweeny's second half demise....

and im sure the gameplan was there but the offensive line looked not so great to me, and its hard to move the ball when the D was in the backfield every play.....

What did you want the coach to do?

throw hail marys every play so "they could have a chance to win"?

they had evry chance in the world just couldnt do it

He had his gameplan in place and all it boils down to is if the players executed it.....which they didnt

btw ill take needville by alot

10-02-2007, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
The qb is not all that bad, what were his stats?

like 12-15 150+ yds no ints against us?

sounds efficient to me

no reason to get yelled at, and as far as the coaches comments was concerned.

The D and Special teams played a huge role in Sweeny's second half demise....

and im sure the gameplan was there but the offensive line looked not so great to me, and its hard to move the ball when the D was in the backfield every play.....

What did you want the coach to do?

throw hail marys every play so "they could have a chance to win"?

they had evry chance in the world just couldnt do it

He had his gameplan in place and all it boils down to is if the players executed it.....which they didnt

now as far as the game this week goes....

sweenys D looked Porous(sp.) ans susceptible(sp.) to the big play so ill beleive wilkerson will have a huge night

btw ill take needville by alot

10-02-2007, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
The qb is not all that bad, what were his stats?

like 12-15 150+ yds no ints against us?

sounds efficient to me

no reason to get yelled at, and as far as the coaches comments was concerned.

The D and Special teams played a huge role in Sweeny's second half demise....

and im sure the gameplan was there but the offensive line looked not so great to me, and its hard to move the ball when the D was in the backfield every play.....

What did you want the coach to do?

throw hail marys every play so "they could have a chance to win"?

they had evry chance in the world just couldnt do it

He had his gameplan in place and all it boils down to is if the players executed it.....which they didnt

btw ill take needville by alot

First of all I said the QB was mediocre at best and that is truth. Do not give me his stats because if he throws a five yard out and the receiver takes it the distance it counts toward his stats, so his numbers are irrelevant without knowing how he got to that number. Secondly if the opposing defensive is playing well and taking away what you game planned to do then it is the responsibility of the coaches to adjust during the game. That is what other successful programs do. Once again I have seen Sweeny play and they do not use their athletes properly.

10-02-2007, 06:09 PM
needville by 14:hand:

10-02-2007, 09:53 PM
This is a big rivalry game

They've been playing since around 1950 or so when Needville became a school

Throw the records out

No matter what sport the teams get up for each other

Uncle Buck
10-02-2007, 10:00 PM

The DC at Sweeny would love to talk with you. WHy not give him a ring and yall can discuss a better game plan for the Blue Jays. As a matter of fact I think the Staff would love to speak with someone who really knows football. Maybe you could enlighten them.

Sweeny Kids have played their Hearts out every game. All of them including the QB. I guantee you no one gets more pressure from the head coach than his son. You see Coach Z expects more from his son than any other player. Thats what its like being a coaches son. If coach Z thought the other Player, who by the way is an outstanding young man, would correct the problem, he would not hesitate to make a change. The problem for the offense this year is inexperience on the offensive line. 6 Starters from last year graduated. Two from this year have missed games because of injury. When you have a Smaller over all line than the 2A school you play, thats going to Hurt. See you dont get it. All you do is talk trash from the stands. You have no vested interest in the game or the team. I have always believed that what comes out the mouth is a reflection upon ones charactor. If you dont have anything positive or uplifting to say about these young men, then keep your mouth shut.

10-02-2007, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Uncle Buck

The DC at Sweeny would love to talk with you. WHy not give him a ring and yall can discuss a better game plan for the Blue Jays. As a matter of fact I think the Staff would love to speak with someone who really knows football. Maybe you could enlighten them.

Sweeny Kids have played their Hearts out every game. All of them including the QB. I guantee you no one gets more pressure from the head coach than his son. You see Coach Z expects more from his son than any other player. Thats what its like being a coaches son. If coach Z thought the other Player, who by the way is an outstanding young man, would correct the problem, he would not hesitate to make a change. The problem for the offense this year is inexperience on the offensive line. 6 Starters from last year graduated. Two from this year have missed games because of injury. When you have a Smaller over all line than the 2A school you play, thats going to Hurt. See you dont get it. All you do is talk trash from the stands. You have no vested interest in the game or the team. I have always believed that what comes out the mouth is a reflection upon ones charactor. If you dont have anything positive or uplifting to say about these young men, then keep your mouth shut.

First of all calm down my friend, this is simply an observation of the facts. I am not judging the kids or the coaches personally. Secondly, when I do attend games I do speak with the DC and some of the other coaches and tell them the same thing that I saying on this board. In fact, some of them understand the problem. What you need to do is quit letting your emotions blind you from seeing that in fact there is a problem. If I did not want to see the team succeed I would not even be debating the facts on this message board, so your comments are very ignorant. Finally when has analyzing a situation said something about someone’s character? It time to quit believing that we can not criticize our “precious” little kids. Trust me I do get it, I have grown up around the game my entire life and on your best day you could not tell me nothing about the game that I did not already know.

LH Panther Mom
10-03-2007, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
and on your best day you could not tell me nothing about the game that I did not already know.
I might know a few people that would argue that fact with you. :) FWIW....

10-03-2007, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
First of all calm down my friend, this is simply an observation of the facts. I am not judging the kids or the coaches personally. Secondly, when I do attend games I do speak with the DC and some of the other coaches and tell them the same thing that I saying on this board. In fact, some of them understand the problem. What you need to do is quit letting your emotions blind you from seeing that in fact there is a problem. If I did not want to see the team succeed I would not even be debating the facts on this message board, so your comments are very ignorant. Finally when has analyzing a situation said something about someone’s character? It time to quit believing that we can not criticize our “precious” little kids. Trust me I do get it, I have grown up around the game my entire life and on your best day you could not tell me nothing about the game that I did not already know. Wow, I've never met anyone before who knows everything about the game. You are really special.

10-03-2007, 06:47 AM
Good post Uncle Buck!!

Seems to me that all lilballa255 wants to do is criticize Sweeny coaches. All of his posts deal with Sweeny. I think it is time to support the team, the kids, and the coaches with positive comments. The players all hear about these comments too, I'm sure, and so you have to watch what you say sometimes so you don't mess up what the team is trying to do, and that is win. The coaches there want to win as much as anyone else and they will do what it takes to do that.

No coach is perfect, no player is perfect, no fan is perfect, etc., but if everyone works together, then a lot of great things can be accomplished by getting better and better everyday. I'm sure that the Bulldogs will get better everyday because of the pride that the players and coaches have in their team, program, school, and community.

10-03-2007, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by 18handicap
Good post Uncle Buck!!

Seems to me that all lilballa255 wants to do is criticize Sweeny coaches. All of his posts deal with Sweeny. I think it is time to support the team, the kids, and the coaches with positive comments. The players all hear about these comments too, I'm sure, and so you have to watch what you say sometimes so you don't mess up what the team is trying to do, and that is win. The coaches there want to win as much as anyone else and they will do what it takes to do that.

No coach is perfect, no player is perfect, no fan is perfect, etc., but if everyone works together, then a lot of great things can be accomplished by getting better and better everyday. I'm sure that the Bulldogs will get better everyday because of the pride that the players and coaches have in their team, program, school, and community.

I have been getting a lot of messages and comments about my posts. I never stated that I did not support those young men that are playing their hearts out every Friday night. What I did do was shine light upon something that Sweeny has historically had a problem with. Trust me I am one of the Dogs biggest supporters and hope that they return to the playoffs. Do not take one of my comments and frame that as if I do not want the Dogs to succeed look at all of my posts and examine their merits, you might find that there is some truth.

I never said I knew everything about the game. I was simply responding to comments made by Uncle Buck, questioning my character. I do not know everything about football, nobody does, but I do believe that I do know enough about it to understand some simple thing that the Dogs can do to help out the QB. Why not put him in the shotgun to give him more time and take pressure off the offensive line. Give the athletes the ball more often, quit being so predictable on offensive. These are just simple suggestions. I apologize if I hurt anyone’s feeling with my comments.

10-03-2007, 01:10 PM
What athletes are not getting the ball in your opinion? Are you refering to the wideout? And what are you saying Sweeny historically has a problem with?

10-03-2007, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
What athletes are not getting the ball in your opinion? Are you refering to the wideout? And what are you saying Sweeny historically has a problem with?

Yes I am referring to the receivers. Trust me I know they also play defense, but getting them the ball a little more would only help the team out. I am saying that Sweeny has historically, in some cases had a problem with favoritism and letting politics get in the way of winning. This is no reflection upon the coaches as people. It is just my opinion and as people we should be able to have disagreements.

10-03-2007, 01:47 PM
Well I'm sure you could go to most teams in the state of Texas and people would say there are politics being played on every team, especially when there are parents involved. I don't have a kid on the team but I don't see politics in this case. I think getting the ball in the playmakers hands is always good, and I hope they find a way to do that. But I think we are short on playmakers. I think alot of kids are playing hard and want to win, but as I said these classes have struggled through the years and have really worked hard to make as much improvement as they have. And they have definately improved since their soph. year. I still think it all comes down to the offensive line. If they come together everything else will look much better. Including the defense for not having to be on the field so long.

10-03-2007, 01:55 PM
Some of you guys must have forgotten how well Sweeny did last year. You don't become a dumb coach over a years time. I would give Coach Zajicek the his staff the benefit of doubt. I know these guys are quality individuals who only want what's best for the program...

10-03-2007, 02:05 PM
Now that we have aired our disagreements, I think the Dogs will have a sense of urgency and pull off the upset by 4.

10-03-2007, 03:02 PM

10-03-2007, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by bobcat04
Some of you guys must have forgotten how well Sweeny did last year. You don't become a dumb coach over a years time. I would give Coach Zajicek the his staff the benefit of doubt. I know these guys are quality individuals who only want what's best for the program... Not only last year but many years before with the same nucleus of coaches. They have built a great program and I think they will get the best out of the kids from year to year. Some years are just better,it goes in cycles. The Dawgs will come to play!

10-03-2007, 03:33 PM

10-03-2007, 03:41 PM
how did this get turned into a "Sweeny coaching staff resume" thread? We're not talking about what kinda people the coaches are, we're not talking about what Sweeny or anyone else for that matter did LAST year.....this isn't a "lets all hung and sing songs" feel good thread....I believe it was titled "Sweeny -vs- Needville"....so lets get off the respect our coaching staff or else kick and talk some football!!


10-03-2007, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
how did this get turned into a "Sweeny coaching staff resume" thread? We're not talking about what kinda people the coaches are, we're not talking about what Sweeny or anyone else for that matter did LAST year.....this isn't a "lets all hung and sing songs" feel good thread....I believe it was titled "Sweeny -vs- Needville"....so lets get off the respect our coaching staff or else kick and talk some football!!

Thanks. ditto

Needville to much

Jays by atleast 14

10-03-2007, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
how did this get turned into a "Sweeny coaching staff resume" thread? We're not talking about what kinda people the coaches are, we're not talking about what Sweeny or anyone else for that matter did LAST year.....this isn't a "lets all hung and sing songs" feel good thread....I believe it was titled "Sweeny -vs- Needville"....so lets get off the respect our coaching staff or else kick and talk some football!!

Thanks. By the way, your cowbells suck and yes Needville is supposed to win. But will find a way to lose. Sweeny by 7 but Nerdville will beat the Dub and throw the district wide open. And by the way respect our coaching staff or else! How about singing a song. Roll out the barrels and on Wisconsin!

10-03-2007, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
By the way, your cowbells suck and yes Needville is supposed to win. But will find a way to lose. Sweeny by 7 but Nerdville will beat the Dub and throw the district wide open. And by the way respect our coaching staff or else! How about singing a song. Roll out the barrels and on Wisconsin! Wait, the Swank is gonna beat the ville, who will in turn beat us, who beat sweeny?

what a theory.....

After this week,

Brookshire Royal(2-0)

10-03-2007, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
By the way, your cowbells suck and yes Needville is supposed to win. But will find a way to lose. Sweeny by 7 but Nerdville will beat the Dub and throw the district wide open. And by the way respect our coaching staff or else! How about singing a song. Roll out the barrels and on Wisconsin! LOL!! WOW!! Put down the pills.

10-03-2007, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
LOL!! WOW!! Put down the pills. right on, i was thinking the same thing....

10-03-2007, 10:17 PM
can't see needville going 0-2...

10-04-2007, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
Wait, the Swank is gonna beat the ville, who will in turn beat us, who beat sweeny?

what a theory.....

After this week,

Brookshire Royal(2-0)
Columbus(2-0) Any given night, anyone can win. Don't take anything for granted.

scrub c
10-04-2007, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
Any given night, anyone can win. Don't take anything for granted.

yeah... and grizzly adams did have a beard

10-04-2007, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by JDOG
Any given night, anyone can win. Don't take anything for granted. so ur telling me that stafford could have beat cuero on any given night?

10-05-2007, 06:03 AM
It happens all the time. But I don't think the these teams are quite that far apart in talent as you seem to think.

10-05-2007, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
so ur telling me that stafford could have beat cuero on any given night?


10-05-2007, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Bull19
yes haha, thats pretty funny.....

On cuero's worst night and Stafford had career games there would still have been a 10-15 point win for cuero....

much less any give night....

thast like saying our 7th grade B team could beat our varsity on any given night

Or like saying a hs team could compete with the horns on any given night

LH Panther Mom
10-05-2007, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
Or like saying a hs team could compete with the horns on any given night
Well, they have had some bad games lately. :p

10-05-2007, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Well, they have had some bad games lately. :p You're not trying to stir the pot are you? Or rather create a pot to stir?

S Town Stunnas
10-05-2007, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by lilballa255
I wholeheartedly disagree, it comes down to Sweeny coaches giving the kids an opportunity to make plays and win the game. If they quit playing politics and begin to use their athletes regardless of who their parents or friends are, they will have an opportunity to win the rest of their games.

Riiiiiiight Sweeny coaches are playing politics. You've been sniffing the plant fumes too long balla. If you're old enough to remember the last time Coach Z coached he benched the principal's kid. Doesn't sound to me like he's playing politics. Coach Z and his staff have forgotten more football than you'll ever know.

10-05-2007, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by S Town Stunnas
Riiiiiiight Sweeny coaches are playing politics. You've been sniffing the plant fumes too long balla. If you're old enough to remember the last time Coach Z coached he benched the principal's kid. Doesn't sound to me like he's playing politics. Coach Z and his staff have forgotten more football than you'll ever know. Nice first post, and welcome to the board....

where u from? sweeny possibly?

S Town Stunnas
10-05-2007, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
Nice first post, and welcome to the board....

where u from? sweeny possibly?

Thanks necks. Anyone that thinks that Coach Z is doing something just to keep peace in the community is crazy. Coach Z does now and has always done everything that he felt was best for the team and their chances to win.

10-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by S Town Stunnas
Thanks necks. Anyone that thinks that Coach Z is doing something just to keep peace in the community is crazy. Coach Z does now and has always done everything that he felt was best for the team and their chances to win.

Agreed. I don't like much of anything about Sweeny, but I can't find any fault with their coaches, they are all pretty good at what they do....

10-06-2007, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by S Town Stunnas
Riiiiiiight Sweeny coaches are playing politics. You've been sniffing the plant fumes too long balla. If you're old enough to remember the last time Coach Z coached he benched the principal's kid. Doesn't sound to me like he's playing politics. Coach Z and his staff have forgotten more football than you'll ever know.

You crack me up…. Blind loyalty is amazing…. Am I hitting a sore nerve with everyone by telling the truth?

Anyway let’s talk about yesterday’s game…. I must admit the QB did not do that bad this game, in fact if the O-Coordinator would have continue with the shotgun and spreading the ball around Sweeny might have had a chance to at least keep it close against a real solid Needville football team. For some reason once again the Dogs didn’t get the ball into the hands of the playmakers. When will they finally understand that they can’t run smash-mouth football like they did last year, this is an extremely different team. Defensively they must put more size on the field because Needville ran the ball at will. Finally the Dogs did not make any adjustments to counter what Needville was doing, what is the point of being in the press box if you can’t recognize what the other team is doing, you might as well be on the sideline or better yet just come sit in the stands with the fans and buy a ticket because that’s all the coaches seem to be doing is watching the game pass them by.

I apologize right now to any player on the Sweeny team, this is not a criticism of you because you all played your hearts out. This is a criticism of the entire Sweeny coaching staff because if they hadn’t realized it, you are 0-2 in district with 5 games remaining there must be a sense of urgency NOW.

10-06-2007, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by lilballa255
You crack me up…. Blind loyalty is amazing…. Am I hitting a sore nerve with everyone by telling the truth?

Anyway let’s talk about yesterday’s game…. I must admit the QB did not do that bad this game, in fact if the O-Coordinator would have continue with the shotgun and spreading the ball around Sweeny might have had a chance to at least keep it close against a real solid Needville football team. For some reason once again the Dogs didn’t get the ball into the hands of the playmakers. When will they finally understand that they can’t run smash-mouth football like they did last year, this is an extremely different team. Defensively they must put more size on the field because Needville ran the ball at will. Finally the Dogs did not make any adjustments to counter what Needville was doing, what is the point of being in the press box if you can’t recognize what the other team is doing, you might as well be on the sideline or better yet just come sit in the stands with the fans and buy a ticket because that’s all the coaches seem to be doing is watching the game pass them by.

I apologize right now to any player on the Sweeny team, this is not a criticism of you because you all played your hearts out. This is a criticism of the entire Sweeny coaching staff because if they hadn’t realized it, you are 0-2 in district with 5 games remaining there must be a sense of urgency NOW. The only chance sweeny has left is to beat columbus, which will not happen.

They just dont have the talent this year to win like the past.

Uncle Buck
10-06-2007, 07:37 PM
Congrats to Needville they played a great game. Good luck to the Jays.

Balla.........Way to support the Team.....

10-06-2007, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Uncle Buck
Congrats to Needville they played a great game. Good luck to the Jays.

Balla.........Way to support the Team.....

Thanks Uncle Buck… Anytime I can show my support for the players I do…. So how did you like that Sweeny coaching? We got the greatest staff in the world right?

Uncle Buck
10-06-2007, 11:16 PM
We reap what we sow.

pancho villa
10-06-2007, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by lilballa255
Thanks Uncle Buck… Anytime I can show my support for the players I do…. So how did you like that Sweeny coaching? We got the greatest staff in the world right?

You must be the dad of on of the kids not good enoughto play RIGHT?

10-07-2007, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
You crack me up…. Blind loyalty is amazing…. Am I hitting a sore nerve with everyone by telling the truth?

Anyway let’s talk about yesterday’s game…. I must admit the QB did not do that bad this game, in fact if the O-Coordinator would have continue with the shotgun and spreading the ball around Sweeny might have had a chance to at least keep it close against a real solid Needville football team. For some reason once again the Dogs didn’t get the ball into the hands of the playmakers. When will they finally understand that they can’t run smash-mouth football like they did last year, this is an extremely different team. Defensively they must put more size on the field because Needville ran the ball at will. Finally the Dogs did not make any adjustments to counter what Needville was doing, what is the point of being in the press box if you can’t recognize what the other team is doing, you might as well be on the sideline or better yet just come sit in the stands with the fans and buy a ticket because that’s all the coaches seem to be doing is watching the game pass them by.

I apologize right now to any player on the Sweeny team, this is not a criticism of you because you all played your hearts out. This is a criticism of the entire Sweeny coaching staff because if they hadn’t realized it, you are 0-2 in district with 5 games remaining there must be a sense of urgency NOW. And where are you going to find that size? Wal Mart?

10-07-2007, 12:32 AM
To respond to you all at once… I am not one of the parents, I am just a fan that wants to see the Dogs succeed… If the Dogs staff begin to make improvements I will admit that I might have been wrong

10-07-2007, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by JDOG
And where are you going to find that size? Wal Mart?

That’s a real good point… But you must admit that not having size on the D- Line is hurting the Dogs defensively. I mean the kids on the field are doing the best they can possibly do, but when the opposing teams offensive line is getting to linebackers at will, it is a big problem. All I’m saying is maybe plug some of the big kids that don’t play offense and let them use their size. I understand that there are not that many of them, but maybe give some of the kids that don’t play a chance to prove themselves. Just a suggestion.

10-07-2007, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Uncle Buck
We reap what we sow.

What does that mean to me?

LH Panther Mom
10-07-2007, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
That’s a real good point… But you must admit that not having size on the D- Line is hurting the Dogs defensively. I mean the kids on the field are doing the best they can possibly do, but when the opposing teams offensive line is getting to linebackers at will, it is a big problem. All I’m saying is maybe plug some of the big kids that don’t play offense and let them use their size. I understand that there are not that many of them, but maybe give some of the kids that don’t play a chance to prove themselves. Just a suggestion.
Maybe the smaller guys are actually better at the position than the big ones? Maybe the kids who are playing have proved themselves in practice? Just a thought.....bigger doesn't always mean better.

10-07-2007, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Maybe the smaller guys are actually better at the position than the big ones? Maybe the kids who are playing have proved themselves in practice? Just a thought.....bigger doesn't always mean better.

That’s very true… But you must admit that changing up and giving them a chance wouldn’t hurt anything

10-07-2007, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
That’s a real good point… But you must admit that not having size on the D- Line is hurting the Dogs defensively. I mean the kids on the field are doing the best they can possibly do, but when the opposing teams offensive line is getting to linebackers at will, it is a big problem. All I’m saying is maybe plug some of the big kids that don’t play offense and let them use their size. I understand that there are not that many of them, but maybe give some of the kids that don’t play a chance to prove themselves. Just a suggestion. It's not so much that ya'lls lines are small, it's that needville's O line was huge.

10-07-2007, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by lilballa255
That’s very true… But you must admit that changing up and giving them a chance wouldn’t hurt anything The people who play, play for a reason.

The people who don't play, dont play for a reason.

Its that simple.

The coach is putting the players on the field who give them the best chance to win. its that simple.

You think putting scrubs on the field will make sweeny any better? i doubt it.

And if you are so set on putting these "bigger" players on the field, lets hear some names then buddy.

I dont know of anybody else on the sideline who can do better.

10-07-2007, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Maybe the smaller guys are actually better at the position than the big ones? Maybe the kids who are playing have proved themselves in practice? Just a thought.....bigger doesn't always mean better. Good to hear.

10-07-2007, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
The people who play, play for a reason.

The people who don't play, dont play for a reason.

Its that simple.

The coach is putting the players on the field who give them the best chance to win. its that simple.

You think putting scrubs on the field will make sweeny any better? i doubt it.

And if you are so set on putting these "bigger" players on the field, lets hear some names then buddy.

I dont know of anybody else on the sideline who can do better.

It is not that I am so set on the bigger kids because I realize that Sweeny does not have the size it has had in the past. Ok if they are not going to use bigger kids because they don’t have any, at least do some different things on defense like stunt the defensive line, put more in the box, run blitz more and let the corners play man. Like I have been saying these are just some suggestions. You can not keep doing what has not been working. Sometimes change is good.

10-07-2007, 01:32 PM
this hasnt been closed yet?

It made the over/under number of 20

10-07-2007, 01:33 PM
Get the ball to the playmakers...had one hit in the hands and the other in the facemask with the ball....

Lilballa.....I went by Sweeny High School earlier...the coaches are at the school....why don't you go up there and visit with them and give them the solutions that you seem to think they are missing...

I am sure they would love to visit with you unless you can't back up your opinions/.....you have stated that you talk to them...go up to the school and address the issue...let us know how that goes....I am betting you don't have the nerve.....I am betting you hide behind the screen name and never own up....

10-07-2007, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by areacode337
Get the ball to the playmakers...had one hit in the hands and the other in the facemask with the ball....

Lilballa.....I went by Sweeny High School earlier...the coaches are at the school....why don't you go up there and visit with them and give them the solutions that you seem to think they are missing...

I am sure they would love to visit with you unless you can't back up your opinions/.....you have stated that you talk to them...go up to the school and address the issue...let us know how that goes....I am betting you don't have the nerve.....I am betting you hide behind the screen name and never own up....

trust me
they dont have time
they are working

10-07-2007, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by areacode337
Get the ball to the playmakers...had one hit in the hands and the other in the facemask with the ball....

Lilballa.....I went by Sweeny High School earlier...the coaches are at the school....why don't you go up there and visit with them and give them the solutions that you seem to think they are missing...

I am sure they would love to visit with you unless you can't back up your opinions/.....you have stated that you talk to them...go up to the school and address the issue...let us know how that goes....I am betting you don't have the nerve.....I am betting you hide behind the screen name and never own up....

Did I hurt your feelings by telling you the truth? For the record I am not in the Sweeny area and I don’t have to tell them in person because they read this message board. I believe that some on the staff know what the problem is but won’t stand up to coach. If you want to know who I am I will be at the Sealy game in two weeks and I will not be hard to find. I hope that you are there so we discuss these issues.

I can’t argue with you about the playmakers dropping a couple of balls, but just because they drop a couple doesn’t mean you have to stop throwing to them. I mean the QB was 6 for 14 for 98 yards. Stats don’t mean that much but they do say something about the confidence or lack of confidence the coaching staff has in him. Let the kid throw more and have confidence that the receivers will make the catches and do something with it.

10-07-2007, 08:12 PM
Alright lilballa255 , so here is what I gather.
In your opinion:
1. Sweeny has no size upfront
2. Sweeny QB is not very good, but he threw ok vs Needville
3. You feel Sweeny should be in spread more


OK... I know a little football

If you are not very big up front and your QB is not very good, How do you expect to get the ball to the recievers? One of the downfall to the spread is if you throw incomplete passes, you do not use too much game clock....which means the other team has MORE time to move the ball and score. Maybe the Dogs are running some to keep the ball out of the opponents hands. From what I've heard on this board, the Jays are LOADED. So running the ball and playing keep-away from them may not be a bad game plan.
These are the same coaches that went 3 rounds deep last year in the playoffs. Sometimes you graduate talent and don't return much. I haven't seen the dogs this year, but to blame the same coaches that in the 90's went to the playoffs 11 years in a row and brought Sweeny back into the playoff mix every year since 2005 is crazy. I doubt thier tactics have changed that much.

You can take this for what its worth as an impartial observer.
I'm sure the Stown players play their hearts out, sometimes their "Roys are better than your Roys". Good luck to the DOGS.

10-07-2007, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by necks_c/09
It's not so much that ya'lls lines are small, it's that needville's O line was huge.

Our offensive line is far from huge.

190 ST
210 SG
212 C
195 TG
235 TT
205 TE

10-07-2007, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Crow22
Our offensive line is far from huge.

190 ST
210 SG
212 C
195 TG
235 TT
205 TE I meant height wise compared to Sweeny.

Thats a typical Needville o line.

Tall, in shape and strong.....

never have big slobs.....

Great team and always in shape......

Ill take that oline any day...i promise:D

10-07-2007, 10:47 PM
Why is this thread still on here?????? Someone needs to climb back into the tree he/she came from and and hide in their nest.

raider red 2000
10-07-2007, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Crow22
Our offensive line is far from huge.

190 ST
210 SG
212 C
195 TG
235 TT
205 TE

we wont play yall for a few weeks.... can we borrow a couple of those kids...at least while we play WC and sweeny :)

10-07-2007, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Crow22
Our offensive line is far from huge.

190 ST
210 SG
212 C
195 TG
235 TT
205 TE

Good Lord, I never thought I'd see the day there would be a shortage of corn fed Bohemians in Needville & Damon! :D

10-08-2007, 05:28 PM
You are right on about the Roys CenTex. As you well know it starts up front with the big Roys!

10-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by 18handicap
Good post Uncle Buck!!

Seems to me that all lilballa255 wants to do is criticize Sweeny coaches. All of his posts deal with Sweeny. I think it is time to support the team, the kids, and the coaches with positive comments. The players all hear about these comments too, I'm sure, and so you have to watch what you say sometimes so you don't mess up what the team is trying to do, and that is win. The coaches there want to win as much as anyone else and they will do what it takes to do that.

No coach is perfect, no player is perfect, no fan is perfect, etc., but if everyone works together, then a lot of great things can be accomplished by getting better and better everyday. I'm sure that the Bulldogs will get better everyday because of the pride that the players and coaches have in their team, program, school, and community.

Great post 18.

Look, I have not seen a game or even a practice all year due to family stuff & not being around the old hometown as much. But I do know these men are quality coaches & quality human beings. Some years are simply better than others. Coaches do NOT get stupid overnight. Talent comes & goes in cycles, & this year they are struggling it seems. The qb is often the most visible target, fairly or unfairly. Some questioned him last year when the team lost 3 rounds deep to eventual state champion Liberty Hill. I defended him then & nothing has changed. Football is a team sport, not tennis or golf. All the parts must work together.

I believe in Sweeny: the coaches, players, fans, & administration. We have had a proud program for many years. No need to overreact & point fingers. Just remember where we were before Coach Z returned, thank goodness, & righted the sinking ship. Let's stay classy & support the program.

GATA Dogs!