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View Full Version : Texas loses again to Washington State 28 to 20

PhiI C
12-31-2003, 12:13 AM
Texas should just as well stay out of San Diego if that is the only bowl they can get. They lost again. They should have just stayed home and got started early on their recruiting. I see no positive help from this game on their recruiting.

12-31-2003, 12:43 AM
I could watch Mack Brown lose every single day. I love it. I wish they woulda left a camera on him the entire night.

I hear Spurrier knocking on the door.

12-31-2003, 01:24 AM
mack brown is a good coach in my opinion but i dont think that he manages his roster well. first the applewhite, simms controversy, and then how come he started mock instead of young tonight?

12-31-2003, 09:30 AM
B/C he is an IDIOT!! I only watched the last 6 minutes or so of the game and even when they were down by 8 I knew they were not going to win b/c he makes poor decisions & plays to close to the vest and had the wrong QB out there!! :mad: UT will be stuck w/ him for awhile though! :rolleyes:

Ranger Mom
12-31-2003, 09:32 AM
One bright spot in the night - at least BEVO get's to retire!! (I can't help it, I always feel sorry for the "live" mascots!!)

Phil C
12-31-2003, 09:35 AM
I don't know if Texas will ever win a national championship with him but he has done a good job with 10 plus seasons and does recruit even though this loss may be a big setback but I remember USC stuck with a coach like this for ten years and then he won several national championships. His name was John McCay (?) and he later coached at Tampa Bay. I predict that Mack Brown will win at least two national championships at Texas if they stick with him.

Phil C
12-31-2003, 09:37 AM
Oh and the officiating could have been better. For example the fumble recovery for the touchdown Washington State made the Texas running back was already down when he lost the ball and Mock's arm was moving forward when they ruled that it was a fumble near the end of the game when it was obviously a forward incomplete pass. Oh well. Stay away from San Diego Texas.

Gilmer Buckeye
12-31-2003, 10:54 AM
When is Mock gonna transfer to SFA? I'll pay his bus fare. (I don't think there are any commercial flights into Nacogdoches.)

12-31-2003, 12:21 PM
Phil C:
and Mock's arm was moving forward when they ruled that it was a fumble near the end of the game when it was obviously a forward incomplete pass. I beg to differ here, Phil. I thought that it could be argued that his arm was moving forward (though I thought the ball fell free before his arm went forward). The point is that the ball very obviously went backwards. At that point his arm movement became irrelevant, since even if his arm was moving forward, the "pass" was actually a lateral, and therefore correctly ruled a fumble. :rolleyes:

12-31-2003, 12:23 PM
I could watch Mack Brown lose every single day. I love it. I wish they woulda left a camera on him the entire night.
:D :D :D
...and I love the way he covers his mouth on the sidelines when he talks to his coaches upstairs - like anyone would really care what he says!

12-31-2003, 12:39 PM
WSU was blitzing on almost every down, and Brown did not have the sense to keep his backs or even 3 backs to pick up the rush. He has the 2 of the better receivers in College football, and they easily could have beaten 1 on 1 coverage.

And I did not see many screen pass plays either.

12-31-2003, 12:42 PM
Bottom line......Mack Brown got completely outcoached!!....AGAIN

slpybear the bullfan
12-31-2003, 12:54 PM
If Mack Brown cannot take this year's team to SD and beat WSU then he will NEVER win a BCS big bowl much less a National Championship at UT.

12-31-2003, 01:00 PM
I gave up on Mack Brown when Texas had first an goal at the 4yard line and Cedric Benson in the backfield.What did they do. They gave it to Benson on first down,he got about half of it to the two yard line,then they throw two incomplete passes and have to kick the field goal.Who all thinks Washington state could have stopped Cedric Benson three times from the two yard line?

12-31-2003, 01:04 PM
WSU was blitzing on almost every down, and Brown did not have the sense to keep his backs or even 3 backs to pick up the rush. He has the 2 of the better receivers in College football, and they easily could have beaten 1 on 1 coverage.

And I did not see many screen pass plays either. I am not a coach but if someone was blitzing me on every down a screen pass or bootleg is how I would try to avoid it. Vince Young is a perfect QB for the bootleg. Thats what the Miami Dolphins did to the Cowboys #1 defense this year in Dallas.

12-31-2003, 01:21 PM
mack brown is a good coach in my opinion but i dont think that he manages his roster well. first the applewhite, simms controversy, and then how come he started mock instead of young tonight?He didn't start Mock, he started Vince, and once again, he proved that he's not a good QB, but that he's a good athlete. I wanna say he was like 6/15 for 15 yards or something. Awful, the guy couldn't throw the ball and hit the broad side of a barn, and decision making is awful. He's a tremendous athlete, but not fit to run 'that' Texas offense, needs to become a WR or go to Nebraska. I think if Vince played the whole game, Texas woulda lost by 20, cause they figured him out pretty quick.

Mack Brown is a good coach, but then again, who wouldn't be a good coach when you have a top 3 class EVERY year. However, he will never take that talent to the top. But I'm glad, because I love watching him 'golf clap' on the sideline when his team of arguably the best talent in the land is losing. Priceless, Let Mack Stay!!!

12-31-2003, 09:53 PM
I agree with Bellville22 in the aspect that Mock should have been starting in front of Young. They should have utilized Young's athletic ability elsewhere and let Mock start QB for the whole year. I do think that Texas should get rid of Mack Brown and Carl Reese, because those guys are just horrible, especially Reese and his defense.

01-01-2004, 02:54 AM
They need to fire mac and get steve spurrier

01-01-2004, 07:06 AM
Brown only adjusted to the blitz twice the whole game which resulted in 2 plays to Roy Williams - one a score and the other down to the 5 yard line. Texas let the best coach get away to Arizona (Stoops brother). Those kids at UT deserve a great coach and should have a couple of Titles and National Championships!

01-01-2004, 12:04 PM
MB can sure recruit but can't do much with them when he gets them there - he's going to be hard pressed to find a QB to come to UT with the way he manages that position.

01-01-2004, 07:58 PM
i hated that game... i stoped watchin at the end of 3rd but started back middle of 4th haha

01-01-2004, 08:00 PM
Texas is soft and Mack Brown can't coach but whats new?

slpybear the bullfan
01-02-2004, 01:02 AM
Remember, Young IS Young... besides, Vince had some good rushes as well.

Think about this... Mock was a leader on four scoring drives...


01-02-2004, 11:26 PM
UT needs to fire Brown...he is too busy playing politics and not coaching football...and when is he gonna figure out the 2 QB system is not gonna work for him or at texas...oh well...i think he is just playing too much politics and not coaching enough football...

next generation
01-03-2004, 04:07 AM
Once again Mack Brown proves that he cannot win the "big game".

01-03-2004, 05:51 AM
I knew they were in trouble when Mock came in the 2nd series. Brown's idea was to play both of'em and hopefully make Mock happy enough not to leave. Hard to win with a QB who hasnt started in 6 games, and when he wont leave his QB in the game long enough to get into a rhythm.

01-03-2004, 10:40 AM
There's no way in hell Mock should have been in the game. Let him transfer. VY is way better than Mock. We the students know it, the fans know it, but yet it seems that Brown is the only one that doesn't know it. When you keep switching them in and out, it's hard for a QB to get hot and get a rhythm going.

Brown has got to go, but the powers that be (the BIG money doners: Hicks, Jamail, McCombs, etc.) like him too much.

01-03-2004, 02:44 PM
Hmmm, imagine that! The fans and the students think they know what the coach should do better than he does. Maybe they all should come to sidelines and do it for him.

<small>[ January 03, 2004, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: Jacket2000 ]</small>

next generation
01-03-2004, 03:33 PM
I agree with Bellville22 in the aspect that Mock should have been starting in front of Young. They should have utilized Young's athletic ability elsewhere and let Mock start QB for the whole year. I do think that Texas should get rid of Mack Brown and Carl Reese, because those guys are just horrible, especially Reese and his defense.Are you crazy? Young is an all around better quarterback and should of started with out any controversey.

<small>[ January 03, 2004, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: next generation ]</small>

01-04-2004, 11:56 AM
I agree that Brown is a great recruiter and awful coach. For him to have the talent he gets year in and year out and not do something with it is unbelievable. 22, you are awful to suggest a camera be on him the whole game with his golf clap (I never realized that was what that silly clap was)--I'd pay money to watch that film! Having been to his camp a couple times, I know one young man who said he'd never play for MB! Spurrier is taking a year off, might be enough time for UT AND A&M to reassess their coaching needs and wants!

01-05-2004, 02:41 PM
next generation:

I agree with Bellville22 in the aspect that Mock should have been starting in front of Young. They should have utilized Young's athletic ability elsewhere and let Mock start QB for the whole year. I do think that Texas should get rid of Mack Brown and Carl Reese, because those guys are just horrible, especially Reese and his defense.Are you crazy? Young is an all around better quarterback and should of started with out any controversey.Young is an all around better athlete than Mock, not sure he's a better QB. With those WRs, you HAVE to have someone who can get them the ball, Young can't.

01-06-2004, 12:32 PM
Phil C:
I don't know if Texas will ever win a national championship with him but he has done a good job with 10 plus seasons and does recruit even though this loss may be a big setback but I remember USC stuck with a coach like this for ten years and then he won several national championships. His name was John McCay (?) and he later coached at Tampa Bay. I predict that Mack Brown will win at least two national championships at Texas if they stick with him.I agree Phil C, although a new DC and ESPECIALLY a new AC are badly needed. I cannot fathom how a team can continue to get killed by a blitz with seemingly no adjustments. Even my 9 year old son was pissed off that they didn't go to the shotgun. This morning's Austin paper says they are both likely to go, although interestingly, Brown didn't think it needed to happen.

Brown is a great recruiter, he needs to recruit and be a CEO and get some creative coordinators to put the talent to good use.

01-06-2004, 12:41 PM
Oh, and BTW, I have to take exteme exception with anyone who thinks that Mock is better than Young. Young is, well sorry, young and inexperienced, but he is going to be a good passer. In some situations Mock is a better passer. Mock is solid when not under pressure, but he is pretty erratic against a team that puts any kind of pass rush. He had happy feet against WSU, and overthrew so many open receivers. You can't take away what Mock did vs. Tech, but he was obviously not the guy to beat the blitzes Washing State threw at him.

01-06-2004, 12:53 PM
Oh, and BTW, I have to take exteme exception with anyone who thinks that Mock is better than Young. Young is, well sorry, young and inexperienced, but he is going to be a good passer. In some situations Mock is a better passer. Mock is solid when not under pressure, but he is pretty erratic against a team that puts any kind of pass rush. He had happy feet against WSU, and overthrew so many open receivers. You can't take away what Mock did vs. Tech, but he was obviously not the guy to beat the blitzes Washing State threw at him.When Young was in the game, WSU used 'run blitzes', because they knew that he looks to run first. They were VERY effective in containing Young. I think he passed 6 of 15 for like 15 yards (I think?). I don't think there was anyone on the UT roster who could have QBed that team to victory (maybe if they brought back Simms, hahahaha), but I think in that game, Mock gave them the best chance. IMHO, Texas loses by 20 w/ Young at the QB.