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08-01-2007, 06:08 PM
They said on football game broadcast last night that officials will be enforcing the sideline warnings more this season.

Guess that depends on what chapters tell their officials.

I guess team gets one warning then a 15-yard penalty.

Does that go for coaches too who are on the field?

08-01-2007, 06:37 PM
Unless the coaches are on the LOS or around where the play is gonna take place I doubt it. It's only a rule so the ref can run down the side easily.

08-01-2007, 06:43 PM
Emphasis is on this because of the sitaution with the coach in San Antonio that was injured severly
I understand that incident is currently in litagation
As per Taso and U I L, it will be enforced

08-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Chopblock
Emphasis is on this because of the sitaution with the coach in San Antonio that was injured severly
I understand that incident is currently in litagation
As per Taso and U I L, it will be enforced

Thanks Chop, it's nice hearing why from somebody who actually knows what is going on.

08-01-2007, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Antec
They said on football game broadcast last night that officials will be enforcing the sideline warnings more this season.

Guess that depends on what chapters tell their officials.

I guess team gets one warning then a 15-yard penalty.

Does that go for coaches too who are on the field?

yes. stressed this rule at the state meeting. they want it enforced. officials are afraid to throw the flag, thinking they will get scratched. all wings need to enforce the rule. it is for safety of the official as well as the players and coaches.

08-01-2007, 07:23 PM
they want his enforced every year and they say it every year like a broken record. This time they are more serious about it because there is pending litigation on the subject because of something that happened last year

08-01-2007, 07:26 PM
What happened?

08-01-2007, 07:28 PM
i dont know. Never heard

08-01-2007, 07:32 PM
I don't see how moving players back 2 feet would prevent and accidents.

08-01-2007, 07:42 PM
this is what i have been told, i was not there

an official was coming down the sideline and ran into a coach, it caused tramua to the head and the coach is in bad shape
iwill not comment on the litigation since im not sure about what the case is actually about

I was scratched by 2 schools for sideline warnings, heck figured if they wanted to be that way about it, i didn'twant to call for that school anyway

08-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Sidelines will be clean this year, or at least they better be. In a game in San Antonio in 2005, a SA Brackenridge coach stepped out onto the field on a turnover and was run into by an official. They hit head to head. The official was a little shaken but okay. The coach was in bad shape. He was in a comma for a while and has never fully regained his prior facilities. In fact, he had to quit coaching and teaching.

Then come the insurance companied. The insurance company for the school district paid out to the coach because he was hurt while on the job. The insurance company, trying to mitigate their loss, went after everyone involved in the game: the school district, coaches, officials, and TASO. I don't know what happened with any of these other than the TASO and suit on the officials.

TASO and the individual officials are fighting it. They are covered by an insurance policy through TASO, but this lawsuit has to be fought. Settling would set a very bad precedent and there is a lot of fear that every injured player or other interests would then pursue suing the officials. Texas would then wind up with very few officials willing to take on the liability of officiating.

Getting back to the sidelines, many officials have been afraid to enforce rules that are already there concerning the sidelines because in Texas (stupidly) coaches can scratch officials. Other states do not allow this nor do colleges or the NFL. Scratches by coaches are BS! I won't digress to that topic though.

So, TASO has told officials to enforce sideline rules to the letter or risk being in lots of hot water. They better enforce this and if coaches threaten to scratch because they do, that coach is immediately reported to the UIL.

The sideline warning is like this: after the ready for play is blown (the referee blows this before each play) all substitutes and coaches have to be in the coaching area or behind, six feet off of the sidelines and in between the 25 yardlines. There is also a team area, which is 12 feet off the sidelines and coaches are only allowed in the coaching box, but I don't think officials are too worried about this as long as everyone is 6 feet off the field.

If they are not back, the sideline official is to blow his whistle, drop his flag and notify the referee of a sideline warning. The first time is a warning. The second time is also a warning. The third time is a 5 yard penalty. Any subsequent infraction is a 15 yard penalty.

08-01-2007, 08:58 PM
First flag = warning

Second Flag = 5 yard penalty

Third and subsequent flags = 15 yard penalty

The UIL and TASO are very serious about it and I expect to see quite a few flags early in the year. Coaches that went to the TASO chapter meetings were told this.

Basically all players are to stay out of the coaching box and the coaches are to stay off the field. This allows room for the wing official and for working the chain.

08-01-2007, 09:01 PM
Centex, that is close but not quite accurate.

First time = warning
Second time = warning
Third time = 5 yards
Fourth and more = 15 yards

08-01-2007, 09:02 PM
There is one inaccuracy in your post. Other states do allow coaches to scratch officials. I don't know about all of them but I know some do.

And you are right, there are two warnings. I had a brain ___.

I just read our chapters outline for this and I knew it was two warnings. But that is why we have a white hat on the crew (for those brain _____.)

08-01-2007, 09:21 PM
the sideline right at the out of bounds line is where the side jodge or whatever he is is supposed to run. They shouldnt have to be looking at the sideline to make sure nobody is in the way. They s hould be able to run down the sideline and keep their eyes on the play or field!

08-01-2007, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by kaorder1999
the sideline right at the out of bounds line is where the side jodge or whatever he is is supposed to run. They shouldnt have to be looking at the sideline to make sure nobody is in the way. They s hould be able to run down the sideline and keep their eyes on the play or field!
