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07-23-2007, 11:24 PM
a good poll on espn right now i would like to see what the downlowers think

07-23-2007, 11:32 PM
Well the Mobs involved with the NBA mess so I'm gonna go with it. Although it probably blows to be any of them right now.

07-23-2007, 11:32 PM
Selig, all of baseball is in question right now! the users are a who's who of baseball! Goodell is clamping down. Stern, well at least they pinpointed the ref. and hopefully just him!

Bull Butter
07-23-2007, 11:49 PM
Who I would most like to be.............

1. Goodell--- He seems to have a handle on things even though there have been more arrests in the NFL lately, he is handling it failrly well and I believe he'll continue to do so with the Vick thing.

2. Selig--- His hands are pretty much tied and he knows it. Over the last 26 years (since the strike in '81), MLB has let the players union become so strong that they pretty much do whatever they want and Selig is just along for the ride. He doesn't dare want to make them mad and face the possibility of another strike. On the other hand, the union realizes how costly the last players strike in 94 was and they try to work with the commish if it doesn't cramp their style too much.

3. Stern--- I truly believe that this Donaghy thing is just the tip of the iceberg. NBA officiating has been so scrutinized the past 10-15 years. It is so biased toward the home team and toward superstars, dating back to the Jordan era. Now those who have been suspicious have some viable ammo and I think this one ref is not the only one involved. Plus, anytime you have a league official with ties to organized crime, that can never be good:eek:

07-23-2007, 11:51 PM
I think its easy. Stern. He has a ref who is already admitting that he has bet on games, had the most technical fouls of any ref in the playoffs, has ties to the mob, AND he is going to talk about others involved in the league. This is only getting uglier and uglier for the NBA. If it turns out that players and refs alike were doing this, then you would see a massive meltdown of the league. This is one of those things that can destroy a league, baseball will not die because of steroids, football will not die because of dogfighting, but if it looks like games in the NBA have been fixed, especially playoff games, it could have terrible consequences.

07-23-2007, 11:53 PM
like i said, if its only that ref, it'll calm down, however if he becomes the TIP of a larger conspiracy involving several refs and players, UH OH!

07-24-2007, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Bull Butter
Who I would most like to be.............

1. Goodell--- He seems to have a handle on things even though there have been more arrests in the NFL lately, he is handling it failrly well and I believe he'll continue to do so with the Vick thing.

2. Selig--- His hands are pretty much tied and he knows it. Over the last 26 years (since the strike in '81), MLB has let the players union become so strong that they pretty much do whatever they want and Selig is just along for the ride. He doesn't dare want to make them mad and face the possibility of another strike. On the other hand, the union realizes how costly the last players strike in 94 was and they try to work with the commish if it doesn't cramp their style too much.

3. Stern--- I truly believe that this Donaghy thing is just the tip of the iceberg. NBA officiating has been so scrutinized the past 10-15 years. It is so biased toward the home team and toward superstars, dating back to the Jordan era. Now those who have been suspicious have some viable ammo and I think this one ref is not the only one involved. Plus, anytime you have a league official with ties to organized crime, that can never be good:eek:

Well said & I agree. None of them are in good spots right now, but the NBA is in big trouble from reports. NBA has troubles anyway with perception & credibility, so this only adds to the mix. Stern is it for me too.

07-24-2007, 11:45 AM
tough one, I go with vick though being the toughest situation to deal with.

07-24-2007, 11:45 AM
no brainer there.

07-24-2007, 11:46 AM
animal activist can be down right dirty w/ there protest and lobbyist. For good reason though......I don't necessarily disagree with them.

07-24-2007, 11:47 AM
just so they understand that if god didn't want me to shoot deer, elk, catch fish, then he shouldn't have made them out of meet!! :) :)

07-24-2007, 11:51 AM


07-24-2007, 01:20 PM
I picked Stern because I couldn't sit through as many NBA games as I could MLB or NFL.