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View Full Version : Swedish Woman Gets Superfast Internet

07-22-2007, 09:59 PM
Swedish Woman Gets Superfast Internet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden — She is a latecomer to the information superhighway, but 75-year-old Sigbritt Lothberg is now cruising the Internet with a dizzying speed. Lothberg's 40 gigabits-per-second fiber-optic connection in Karlstad is believed to be the fastest residential uplink in the world, Karlstad city officials said.

In less than 2 seconds, Lothberg can download a full-length movie on her home computer — many thousand times faster than most residential connections, said Hafsteinn Jonsson, head of the Karlstad city network unit.

Jonsson and Lothberg's son, Peter, worked together to install the connection.

The speed is reached using a new modulation technique that allows the sending of data between two routers placed up to 1,240 miles apart, without any transponders in between, Jonsson said.

"We wanted to show that that there are no limitations to Internet speed," he said.

Peter Lothberg, who is a networking expert, said he wanted to demonstrate the new technology while providing a computer link for his mother.

"She's a brand-new Internet user," Lothberg said by phone from California, where he lives. "She didn't even have a computer before."

His mother isn't exactly making the most of her high-speed connection. She only uses it to read Web-based newspapers.

07-22-2007, 10:17 PM
Okay smart ass, you post all these articles on here. How do we get this super high speed system over here????? ;)

07-23-2007, 04:57 AM
What would you want that for Luvhoops34? ;)

07-23-2007, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by bobcat1
What would you want that for Luvhoops34? ;)

ummmm to surf the internet faster:confused:

07-23-2007, 09:06 AM
so she can talk faster on the downlow............

07-23-2007, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by rangerjim
so she can talk faster on the downlow............

You can only post just so fast. :eek: