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Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 10:18 AM
Are they terrible everywhere this summer, or did they just all migrate to my house???

Anyone have a good solution for getting rid of them......on the dogs AND in the yard???

07-20-2007, 10:21 AM

07-20-2007, 10:22 AM
Luckly, I have not had ANY problems (knock on wood) with ticks, but I know that at my aunt's house - just a block away they have ALOT of ticks. Weird.

Sorry, I don't have any tips to give you.

07-20-2007, 10:23 AM
you should make ashton wear one of those flea/tick collars they make for pets just in case...

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by jason
you should make ashton wear one of those flea/tick collars they make for pets just in case...

There isn't a tick around that has the nerve to get on her!!

She's kinda scary!!:D

07-20-2007, 10:27 AM
It's call front line plus. Use it works. It kilss fleas and ticks. You apply it once a month to each dog. Don't waste your money on flea collars or sprays.

07-20-2007, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Are they terrible everywhere this summer, or did they just all migrate to my house???

Anyone have a good solution for getting rid of them......on the dogs AND in the yard???

Yeah, move to Port Isabel :D

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
It's call front line plus. Use it works. It kilss fleas and ticks. You apply it once a month to each dog. Don't waste your money on flea collars or sprays.

Is that one of the base of the shoulders to the base of the tail things??

They have that....there are ticks crawling on the patio....the brick............YUCK!! I can't stand it!!!

07-20-2007, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Is that one of the base of the shoulders to the base of the tail things??

They have that....there are ticks crawling on the patio....the brick............YUCK!! I can't stand it!!!

ewwwwwww that's how it is at my aunt's house - they are EVERYWHERE!! Are your neighbors having the same problem? There is bound to be some kind of medicine you can buy for the lawn to kill those ticks.


Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
ewwwwwww that's how it is at my aunt's house - they are EVERYWHERE!! Are your neighbors having the same problem? There is bound to be some kind of medicine you can buy for the lawn to kill those ticks.


Yeah....the problem is BAD all around here!

I put bleach in a sprayer that you connect to your water hose and sprayed the yard one year (it doesn't hurt the grass).

Come to think of it....it didn't really hurt the ticks either. They didn't like it and they came climbing out of the grass and up on to the patio like ants!!

It was like they were coming after me or something......I had nightmares!!:eek: :eek:

I found some sulpher/garlic spray that is supposed to work, but I am going to PetSmart on my lunch hour and see what they have there!!!

07-20-2007, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Yeah....the problem is BAD all around here!

I put bleach in a sprayer that you connect to your water hose and sprayed the yard one year (it doesn't hurt the grass).

Come to think of it....it didn't really hurt the ticks either. They didn't like it and they came climbing out of the grass and up on to the patio like ants!!

It was like they were coming after me or something......I had nightmares!!:eek: :eek:

I found some sulpher/garlic spray that is supposed to work, but I am going to PetSmart on my lunch hour and see what they have there!!!


I hope PetSmart has something that will help.

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 11:12 AM
In my "research" I came across a site about a movie that was made in 1993.....called Ticks!!

I am guessing it wasn't a box office smash!!!


LH Panther Mom
07-20-2007, 11:12 AM
Probably some kind of sevin that you can sprinkle around the yard that's safe for pets.... Good luck! If all else fails, you can catch them, put them in an ashtray, take a Bic to them and laugh while they pop. :devil: :devil: (Yep, from experience.....)

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Probably some kind of sevin that you can sprinkle around the yard that's safe for pets.... Good luck! If all else fails, you can catch them, put them in an ashtray, take a Bic to them and laugh while they pop. :devil: :devil: (Yep, from experience.....)

I have already been witness to who can step on and squirt tick blood the farthest!!!


07-20-2007, 11:19 AM
Luvhoops gave good advice...Frontline Plus is good...so is Advantix. I don'g care for the pyrethrin based spot-ons. They are not as safe and effective as the other two and they don't work as well. They were established to "look like" Frontline when it first came out. There is one collar that is helpful....It is called the Preventic Collar. It last for 4 months and does a pretty good job. It can be used in conjunction with Frontline. Also spray the yard with an insecticide every 3 weeks. Also spray up on vertical surfaces because ticks like to climb...as you have seen before. Putting sulfur powder on the grass also helps some.

Frontline plus with a Preventic collar
spray yard with insecticide every 3 weeks
Apply sulfur powder to grass

Remember...on the pet, the above are not invisible barriers for ticks. You will still see ticks on the dog especially at first. These ticks will be dead in 24 hours. If you have a ton of ticks then the ones that die will be replaced by new ones the first couple of weeks...but as your treatment works the tick numbers will become less and less.

07-20-2007, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by vet93
Luvhoops gave good advice...Frontline Plus is good...so is Advantix. I don'g care for the pyrethrin based spot-ons. They are not as safe and effective as the other two and they don't work as well. They were established to "look like" Frontline when it first came out. There is one collar that is helpful....It is called the Preventic Collar. It last for 4 months and does a pretty good job. It can be used in conjunction with Frontline. Also spray the yard with an insecticide every 3 weeks. Also spray up on vertical surfaces because ticks like to climb...as you have seen before. Putting sulfur powder on the grass also helps some.

Frontline plus with a Preventic collar
spray yard with insecticide every 3 weeks
Apply sulfur powder to grass

Remember...on the pet, the above are not invisible barriers for ticks. You will still see ticks on the dog especially at first. These ticks will be dead in 24 hours. If you have a ton of ticks then the ones that die will be replaced by new ones the first couple of weeks...but as your treatment works the tick numbers will become less and less.

Damm RM, I thought you meant a few ticks not a thundering herd. I have used both frontline plus and the preventic collar when the tics were BAD with great results. But be prepared, the collar is expensive. Our dogs used to run loose in the pasture so we couldn't spray.

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by luvhoops34
Damm RM, I thought you meant a few ticks not a thundering herd. I have used both frontline plus and the preventic collar when the tics were BAD with great results. But be prepared, the collar is expensive. Our dogs used to run loose in the pasture so we couldn't spray.

LOL!! The "thundering herd" was when I bleached my yard....that was about 12 years ago.

They are bad and seem to be getting worse...but they aren't quite THAT bad yet!!!

07-20-2007, 01:29 PM

Ranger Mom
07-20-2007, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by LEROY

I was sincerely thinking about ordering that. I read about it on my "search" earlier!!!