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View Full Version : Deathbed affidavit regarding 1947 Roswell Aliens

06-30-2007, 05:43 PM
Airforce officer leaves deathbed affidavit (http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21994224-2,00.html) in support of original press release regarding flying saucer crash at Roswell. Spooookeeeey:D

06-30-2007, 08:33 PM
interesting that he would only let it be discussed after his death...I almost challenged the source since it is dated tomorrow, but it's already tomorrow today over there.

07-01-2007, 12:44 AM
If the info he released is still classified, he wouldn't have any other choice but make it post mortem. Military prison isn't a nice place.

07-01-2007, 12:59 AM
The report concluded that the Roswell incident had been attributable to something called Project Mogul, a top secret project using high-altitude balloons to carry sensor equipment into the upper atmosphere, listening for evidence of Soviet nuclear tests.

The statements concerning a crashed weather balloon had been a cover story, they admitted, but not to hide the truth about extraterrestrials.

A second US Air Force report concluded claims bodies were recovered were generated by people having seen crash test dummies that were dropped from the balloons.

Oh sure, crash test dummies were standard issue on top secret high altitude surveilance equipment. (And who was it exactly that dropped them?)(And you'd listen for evidence of Soviet nuclear testing from southern New Mexico on purpose?)

07-01-2007, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by sinton66
Oh sure, crash test dummies were standard issue on top secret high altitude surveilance equipment. (And who was it exactly that dropped them?)(And you'd listen for evidence of Soviet nuclear testing from southern New Mexico on purpose?)

The white sand increased the sensitivity of the listening devices!

07-01-2007, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
The white sand increased the sensitivity of the listening devices!

And the crash test dummies were used to flatten the sand for better reflection properties?

slpybear the bullfan
07-01-2007, 02:47 PM
Ya'll are getting two different projects mixed up.

Operation Mogul was a Cold War spy project to see if balloons could be used as listening devices into the USSR. There was indeed a crash that occurred at the same time as "Roswell Incident" The USAF let out two different explanations... UFO and Weather Balloon as smoke-screens against the commies.

Operation High-Dive and later Excelsior & Man High were a series of very high altitude sky dives from balloons. High Dive used instrumented dummies and Excelsior and Man High were humans doing it. The record jump was 102,000+ feet! All were carried out above the environs of Roswell.

There are many who believe Aliens have visited our planet. I am not one of them. Thousands and thousands of reports, but not one single piece of undisputable forensic or physical evidence. A Dr. Philip Klass has even placed a $10,000 offer out there for anyone who can provide evidence. I especially like what the producers of NOVA said in 1996 when filming a special about the Alien question...

"Where's the Physical Evidence?
A Letter from the Producer
March 1996

When the subject of alien abductions was first suggested as a possible NOVA, I was intrigued. As a long-time sci-fi buff and one open-minded to the notion of extraterrestrial intelligence, I could not help but be curious about the bizarre and frightening reports of extraterrestrial kidnappers. So I started reading and watching the virtual explosion of media coverage on these strange encounters.

Although stories and anecdotes abounded in the press and electronic media, I discovered that there was very little critical analysis or serious discussion about the origins and meaning of the phenomenon. Eventually we here at NOVA came to believe that we had not just an opportunity but an obligation to respond. So we brought the lens of science journalism to one of the strangest stories of our time.

One of the trickiest decisions for the film has been how to deal with the alleged physical evidence surrounding abductions. Abduction proponents frequently point to such physical evidence - photographs of 'ground traces' left by UFOs, or most commonly, reports of strange scars or scoop marks on the body of an abductee.

When examined more closely, so called ground traces are usually just a commonly occurring fungus. Scars and scoop marks appear to be quite ordinary, and likely result from everyday injuries or traumas. But still, we at NOVA were curious and open-minded. Abduction proponent Budd Hopkins, for one, claims to have more compelling evidence - even an x-ray of an alien nasal implant.

In interviews and in writing, and specifically in a letter sent October 17, 1995, we offered several abduction proponents the opportunity to have NOVA hire independent scientists to examine any physical evidence from a current case. We went so far as to offer to perform an MRI or other radiological tests (with the approval of a physician) in cases of alleged nasal implants. We were not taken up on our offer, and it was further suggested that the aliens are too smart to let such evidence fall into our hands.

One MIT physicist, a fervent proponent in alien abductions and in the process of scientific inquiry, has confirmed that there is not one, single, independently confirmed piece of scientific evidence for an alien abduction. Not one. In fact when pressed further, most proponents themselves back off the importance of such 'conventional' data, and point instead to what they refer to as the real evidence for abductions; that is, the similarities in the stories themselves, and the sincerity and emotionality with which they are told. This then is the true heart of the alien abduction phenomenon and the focus of our documentary."

I am with Carl Sagan and Philip Klass on this one...

07-01-2007, 03:24 PM
All of these operations were conducted in 1947? The US barely understood nuclear power themselves, much less suspected others. Do the dates of the Roswell incident and the "crash test dummies" jive? Did the US Military possess the automated devices to remotely release the dummies at the time? Can we really so easily discount an eye witness?

I know that our government engages in disinformation to the American public as well as the rest of the world ( I have personal knowledge of this). Shouldn't the minimum requirement for "plausible deniability" demand that the story be plausible?

07-01-2007, 04:19 PM
Actually, Operation Dummy Drop occurred in the late 50's and Operation Balloon Listening Devises was early 50's. Neither program matches up date-wise with the Roswell crash date. I have to agree with Slpy though, I seriously doubt it was an alien craft that crashed that day. No hard evidence.

07-01-2007, 05:41 PM
Wasn't it swamp gas reflecting the light from Venus? That's what I remember just before this man in black took my picture with that little flash camera of his anyway.:D

07-01-2007, 06:48 PM
There are no aliens. Not one single bit of any kind of evidence that they exist. It is kinda funny though when you see those TV programs with UFO "Experts" talk about how they are a 100 percent certain they do exist.

07-01-2007, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by JR2004
There are no aliens. Not one single bit of any kind of evidence that they exist. It is kinda funny though when you see those TV programs with UFO "Experts" talk about how they are a 100 percent certain they do exist.

There are many things that lack evidence. That does not mean they do not exist.

Well you gotta have faith.

07-01-2007, 06:58 PM
Ive never seen a Alien, but ive seen some crazy looking crafts just disapear out of thin air (No I wasnt knocking down cold ones). There has been too many people who have seen things, so are all those people crazy?

07-01-2007, 07:35 PM
IMHO, it's kind of naive for people to believe that we are the only inhabitants of the universe. The sheer odds against that fact are mind boggling. There are billions upon billions of stars out there. If just one of them has a solar system such as ours and a planet circling it capable of sustaining life forms, that's all it would take. Just one of the billions upon billions....

07-01-2007, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by KTA
There has been too many people who have seen things, so are all those people crazy?


07-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
IMHO, it's kind of naive for people to believe that we are the only inhabitants of the universe. The sheer odds against that fact are mind boggling. There are billions upon billions of stars out there. If just one of them has a solar system such as ours and a planet circling it capable of sustaining life forms, that's all it would take. Just one of the billions upon billions....

10 to the 23rd was the number I read about in a recent article concerning the number of planets estimated to exist in the Universe. That's a billion trillion!


If you can believe in evolution on Earth, then it shouldn't be a stretch to believe that out of this many planets you would get at least one other than earth that supports intelligent life. Probably a 100 trillion or more IMO.

07-01-2007, 08:35 PM
Just out of curiosity, did anybody else find it interesting that the report mentions a guy claiming the government asked him for several kid-sized coffins?

Just for kicks, if there WERE aliens, why would you want to bury them in coffins? Wouldn't you want to do research on them or preserve them somehow? Burial just seems stupid to me.

07-01-2007, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
Just out of curiosity, did anybody else find it interesting that the report mentions a guy claiming the government asked him for several kid-sized coffins?

Just for kicks, if there WERE aliens, why would you want to bury them in coffins? Wouldn't you want to do research on them or preserve them somehow? Burial just seems stupid to me.

They were for transporting them to an air force base in the Dallas area I believe as opposed to burial.

07-01-2007, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
They were for transporting them to an air force base in the Dallas area I believe as opposed to burial.

ooooh...any word as to which air force base they might be hiding out at? I'd love to go and open a bunch of those "Do Not Open" doors on a base to find them!

07-01-2007, 09:55 PM
oh man this thread could go forever..

well I might as well give it a tasty contribution

d/l the official UFO ARMY manual at this link:


07-01-2007, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
ooooh...any word as to which air force base they might be hiding out at? I'd love to go and open a bunch of those "Do Not Open" doors on a base to find them!

Watch out for the MIB!:D

07-01-2007, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Watch out for the MIB!:D

now that you mentioned it, I seem to be getting a case of deja vu, but I can't remember what happened...:doh:

slpybear the bullfan
07-01-2007, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
IMHO, it's kind of naive for people to believe that we are the only inhabitants of the universe. The sheer odds against that fact are mind boggling. There are billions upon billions of stars out there. If just one of them has a solar system such as ours and a planet circling it capable of sustaining life forms, that's all it would take. Just one of the billions upon billions....

I understand what ya mean '66... and I think the odds make it probable. I just don't presume that this means IF there is any other life that is Incredibly more advanced than us... they travel billions, upon billions of miles to our planet to do hokey things like leave "Landing marks" or "crash into the desert", or "probe humans", etc. Seems kinda cheesy for incredibly advanced civilizations...

So I continue to be skeptic that Earth has been visited. At least until the proof is there.

07-01-2007, 11:02 PM
Maybe exploding nuclear bombs over populated cities in a World War caught somebody's attention out there.

slpybear the bullfan
07-01-2007, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
Actually, Operation Dummy Drop occurred in the late 50's and Operation Balloon Listening Devises was early 50's. Neither program matches up date-wise with the Roswell crash date. I have to agree with Slpy though, I seriously doubt it was an alien craft that crashed that day. No hard evidence.

Actually, operation Mogul (Balloon listening devices) was conducted in 1947 through late 1948.

Operation High Dive began in 1953.

Wiki has a pretty good summary of the USAF report in 1997 that investigated the "Roswell Stories". From there you can dive further into the report if needed.


07-01-2007, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by slpybear the bullfan
I understand what ya mean '66... and I think the odds make it probable. I just don't presume that this means IF there is any other life that is Incredibly more advanced than us... they travel billions, upon billions of miles to our planet to do hokey things like leave "Landing marks" or "crash into the desert", or "probe humans", etc. Seems kinda cheesy for incredibly advanced civilizations...

So I continue to be skeptic that Earth has been visited. At least until the proof is there.

I don't presume that either, but I'm not going to wholesale discount any and every report. I tend to read "betwen the lines" in these things and try to form an objective opinion if an opinion is called for. I'm enough of a realist to know that there are things that exist that you cannot see, feel, hear, or smell, and sometimes we learn of their existence only by personal contact. So "lack of physical evidence" doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist.;)

07-01-2007, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by slpybear the bullfan
Actually, operation Mogul (Balloon listening devices) was conducted in 1947 through late 1948.

Operation High Dive began in 1953.

Wiki has a pretty good summary of the USAF report in 1997 that investigated the "Roswell Stories". From there you can dive further into the report if needed.


Slpy, wikipedia is not a credible source. Anybody can make that thing say whatever they want.

07-01-2007, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Slpy, wikipedia is not a credible source. Anybody can make that thing say whatever they want.

it might not be credible, but if you read between the lines, I'm sure that an objective opinion can be formed. :D ;) :p

07-01-2007, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
it might not be credible, but if you read between the lines, I'm sure that an objective opinion can be formed. :D ;) :p
The only problem with that is those lines can change at any time.;)

07-01-2007, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
The only problem with that is those lines can change at any time.;)

lol...good point.

07-01-2007, 11:22 PM
I will believe they are real when one either shakes my hand or abducts me and get's it's ass whooped while trying to give me an anal probe!

07-01-2007, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I will believe they are real when one either shakes my hand or abducts me and get's it's ass whooped while trying to give me an anal probe!

See, THAT would be credible physical evidence.

07-01-2007, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I will believe they are real when one either shakes my hand or abducts me and get's it's ass whooped while trying to give me an anal probe!

what if it was a hot alien chick with boobs?

07-01-2007, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
what if it was a hot alien chick with boobs?

That's what I like about Crzy, he's good with the "throwbacks". :D

07-01-2007, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
what if it was a hot alien chick with boobs? I don't know, if it was a hot alien chick I might just think she was really kinky. It would depend on wheter or not she fainted upon sight of the GreenMonster.

07-01-2007, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I don't know, if it was a hot alien chick I might just think she was really kinky. It would depend on wheter or not she fainted upon sight of the GreenMonster.

and that, 66, is why I ask the questions that I do...:D

07-01-2007, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by GreenMonster
I don't know, if it was a hot alien chick I might just think she was really kinky. It would depend on wheter or not she fainted upon sight of the GreenMonster.

Or whether or not you faint at the size of her probe.:D

07-01-2007, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Or whether or not you faint at the size of her probe.:D

ROFLOL...I seriously just busted out laughing at that...get 'em drunk enough though, and it might not matter!

07-01-2007, 11:43 PM
I just pictured myself talking like Cartman when he had the giant anal probe problem. That hot alien chick had better be worth it, that's all I got to say.

07-02-2007, 08:48 AM
ok...now yall are making me WANT to get abducted haha

slpybear the bullfan
07-02-2007, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Slpy, wikipedia is not a credible source. Anybody can make that thing say whatever they want.

I know its not credible to cite.. but it does get the dates right on this one.... its like a cheatsheet.

If you prefer the actual report instead of the WIKI cliff Notes version...



07-02-2007, 10:44 PM
See, it took them until 1994 to make the cover story "plausible".:D