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View Full Version : The Crazy Man at the Haircut Place

06-29-2007, 06:42 PM
I went to get my haircut a little while ago.

When I pulled up I could see that there were a lot of people, so I would wait until later.

Then a skinny white guy came out followed by a big black lady yelling at him while she was on the phone. I don't know what she was yelling about, but she seemed pretty mad. The guy went and got in his truck and as he drove off the lady got his license number and told it to whoever she was talking to.

So I leave and on my way home the skinny white guy is standing next to his truck in a gas station parking lot talking to two police officers.

To make this sports and even more so football related the big black lady would make a good offensive lineman and the skinny white guy would make a good band nerd!

Old Green
06-29-2007, 06:47 PM
You don't mess with Big Mama !

She'll call thee PO PO.:D