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11-23-2003, 04:28 PM
I just wanted to say to the Wharton Team, congratulations for playing a hard fought game! You played hard and never gave up. I will say to you the same thing I would say to our team should they lose, if you have played hard and have not given up, you should be proud. There is no shame in being beaten by a good team. You guys have had a great year and have a lot of talented young men on your team, in the end I think you are all winners for having put out the effort to participate. My hats off to you all!

11-23-2003, 06:01 PM

11-23-2003, 07:23 PM
Thanks from a Wharton fan. It was a hard fought game and our boys never, never gave up. They really wanted this game very badly, but it just wasn't to be. The Wharton Tigers did manage to do what no others have done, intercepted McGee and scored more points against Burnet than anyone else has this season, but the defense simply STUNK, except for the interceptions and sacks. I can say that! The defense lost the game for Wharton. The offense took care of their end of it but the defense didn't. We certainly made a better game of it than last years game.

Congratulations to you guys. It was an honor and a privilege to play you guys again.

11-24-2003, 09:49 AM
Hey! Where's the support-you don't kick someone when he's down! Mistakes happen. If the defense had been so bad then on Burnet's last full drive why did we stop them? A true Wharton fan SUPPORTS through good times and bad times.

11-24-2003, 12:16 PM
The defense was not the problem.

11-24-2003, 12:28 PM
I have never been anything but supportive. I called it as I saw it. Strictly an opinion. The defense made the outstanding plays that got Wharton back into the ballgame, but they did have some problems. After further thinking about the game, it was the special teams play that hurt the most. Mistakes DO happen, but if you don't correct them and keep making them then you will lose ballgames. You can't make those kind of mental mistakes and win ballgames. Any coach anywhere will tell you the same thing. If you can't take criticism, don't play the game. Take it, use it, and hopefully learn and improve from it.

<small>[ November 24, 2003, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: LogieJoeBean001 ]</small>

11-24-2003, 01:14 PM
special thanks to the tigers (special team coach)for getting our kids prepare for the game!!!!

11-24-2003, 01:30 PM
Unless you play I would be alittle quicker to put your foot in your mouth. Its funny you say this, that our kids are football ignorant. Do you think that teams that win year in and out have to tell their kids EVERYTHING about football? I'll answer this one for you NO, they dont. They dont have time to explain every single common sense thing. Oh and by the way you don't know that the special teams coach has not told them about all of the things that went on. Oh and did you ever consider the fact that maybe, just maybe the kids did not listen(this would never happen in Wharton).