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05-30-2007, 01:36 PM
Now that he's demanded to be traded today, who is going to wind up with him?

I say it'll be either the Bulls or Knicks who hit the jackpot on this one. From my standpoint, preferably the Bulls because they actually have some players we could use to build back up pretty quickly. Wouldn't mind seeing Deng and Gordon and that draft pick of theirs this year being what the Lakers get for Bryant.

Man what a mess. Unlike a Celtic fan I have no complaints about this situation because this whole thing is self-inflicted by inept ownership and management that is constantly at odds with each other.

05-30-2007, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by JR2004
Now that he's demanded to be traded today, who is going to wind up with him?

I say it'll be either the Bulls or Knicks who hit the jackpot on this one. From my standpoint, preferably the Bulls because they actually have some players we could use to build back up pretty quickly. Wouldn't mind seeing Deng and Gordon and that draft pick of theirs this year being what the Lakers get for Bryant.

Man what a mess. Unlike a Celtic fan I have no complaints about this situation because this whole thing is self-inflicted by inept ownership and management that is constantly at odds with each other. speaking of, would he fit with the celtics? especially after their LACK of luck of the irish in this years draft.

05-30-2007, 01:51 PM
That trade can't happen

Failed Scenario
Due to L.A. Lakers and Chicago being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. L.A. Lakers and Chicago had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did not happen here (only L.A. Lakers met the condition). This trade does not satisfy the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

realgm.com, trade scenario 3855289

05-30-2007, 01:57 PM
I know the numbers don't work. I don't count the players that get thrown in. All that would have to happen is the Bulls sign PJ Brown to a 1 year deal for around 10mil or so. That's how you get those young players.

05-30-2007, 02:02 PM
I don't know who could make it work numbers wise, but I suspect it has to be someone in the east.

05-30-2007, 02:08 PM
Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Jason Terry, Maurice Ager.

Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Devin Harris, Maurice Ager

Both deals that would work.

05-30-2007, 02:11 PM

the power of jerry west...

the lakers have been misdirected and misguided.....

you cannot decide against shaq and then change your mind and get rid of kobe also...

good grief...

kobe just does not wan tto become the kevin garnett of los angeles..

think the clippers are laughing???

kobe...please don't go to new york......careers are dying there....

05-30-2007, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Jason Terry, Maurice Ager.

Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Devin Harris, Maurice Ager

Both deals that would work.

If the Lakers did that, they would be insane.

How does that make the Lakers better?

05-30-2007, 02:54 PM
I hope Kobe doesn't go to the Mavs. I would hate to see that team self-destruct.:(

05-30-2007, 03:32 PM
Dallas gets Kobe

LA gets Dirk

That's the only way you'd see Kobe in a Mavs uniform.

05-30-2007, 03:36 PM
Here's a trade that would rile up all kinds of fans! (And it would work too!)

Miami gets: Kobe Bryant

Los Angeles gets: Shaquille O'Neill

:devil: I love it!!!!:devil:

05-30-2007, 03:39 PM
And just to freak out all the Spurs fans out there:

San Antonio gets: Bryant and Bynum

Los Angeles gets: Duncan and Oberto

big daddy russ
05-30-2007, 06:37 PM
You'd have to send either a bona fide superstar or a group of talented, young players to LA to pry Kobe away from them.

It realistically could work out if the Celts really want to land him, but they'd have to give up a lot. Boston has two guys who look like they'll be stars in the near future in PF Al Jefferson and G/F Gerald Green. Throw in Theo Ratliff's expiring $11.7M contract and the fifth pick in the draft and that's a trade they'd have to look at. LA would get under the cap by the end of next season and also get a suddenly-young core of Jefferson, Bynum, Green, and two first-round picks--numbers five and 19 overall-- from what's shaping up as possibly the deepest draft of the past 20 years.

There's a lot that would have to happen, though. The rookie contracts of their three young risers would all expire next season, so they'd have to have some assurances that they'd be able to keep Jefferson and Green for a little longer. But a trade like that is one that would benefit both teams and that's the type of trade that would have to be thrown LA's direction for them to part with Kobe. But check out these lineups....

PG: Rajon Rondo... Delonte West...
SG: Paul Pierce
SF: Kobe Bryant... Wally Szczerbiak
PF: Ryan Gomes (another nice, young surprise for the Celtics)
C: Kendrick Perkins

LAKERS (don't know who they'll draft... Corey Brewer and Al Horford may still be there, but what if Atlanta passes up on Mike Conley, Jr?)
PG: Mike Conley... Smush Parker (he doesn't deserve to start on an NBA team, but would be a nice backup)
SG: Gerald Green... Jordan Farmar... Sasha Vujacic
SF: Lamar Odom... Luke Walton
PF: Al Jefferson... Ronny Turiaf... Vladimir Radmanovic
C: Andrew Bynum... Chris Mihm

Boston would immediately become one of the three best teams in a very weak Eastern Conference (now's the time to capitalize) and look at the young lineup the Lakers have along with the possibility of picking up a marquee free agent next year.

Now if I was Kupchak (or West, whichever one is in LA when all this goes down), I'd do everything possible to keep Kobe. They'd have to give up a lot to get Jason Kidd and you still wouldn't have a big man. Personally, I'd start looking at Steve Francis. The guy can still play, he was just employed by the worst organization in professional sports and they mismanaged him horribly. If you can get him, then land a Kevin Garnett, Jermaine O'Neal, or even a Udonis Haslem or giving a guy like Marvin Williams a second chance, your team suddenly looks like they can compete out West.

PG: Steve Francis... Smush Parker
SG: Kobe... Jordan Farmar
SF: Luke Walton (he'd be the perfect complement to Kobe, Francis, and whichever guy they trade for)
PF: Jermaine O'Neal... Ronny Turiaf
C: Andrew Bynum... Kwame Brown... Chris Mihm

Bynum staying is tentative. The Lakers may have to throw in Bynum along with Lamar Odom to get Indy (or whomever) to play ball. Also, who knows if they get O'Neal, Garnett, or nobody at all? What if someone falls to them in the draft (I actually think Jarvaris Crittendon will wind up being the best PG to come out of this draft)? What if they can't land Francis? Would they have enough to change Kobe's mind?

I could see them drafting a guy like Acie Law if the chips don't fall the way the Lakers would like. He's not a true point guard, but he can get to the rim, he's experienced, he plays defense, and he's a gamer. In LA, playing next to Kobe, is the best place I could ee Law going. His skills would complement Bryant's very well and would give them another go-to guy in crunch time.

Anyways, I kind of went off on a tangent with all the possibilities, but they shouldn't trade Kobe. That organization has handled this situation as poorly as they handled the Shaq trade. They should do everything to rebuild around the guy who could easily turn out to be the greatest player of our generation.

05-30-2007, 07:10 PM

Trading with the Celts is an abomination. It's already happened once (an over the hill Payton for a close to completely useless Mihm) and I'd like to see such a thing NEVER, EVER happen again...EVER...

Getting Jermaine does little to nothing to improve the Lakers. I'm not real high on big guys who shoot 43 PERCENT from the floor. He also hasn't been healthy in 3 years which is a big red flag to me.

Chicago makes the most sense to me, but who knows what makes sense to the three ring circus that's ruining the Lakers right now. I'll be extremely interested to see if and when the "Insider" who started a lot of this gets named. My money is on Jim Buss being that insider. It hasn't really been mentioned anywhere, but to be honest I think Jim is a bit jealous of Kobe. He's got a giant ego and I think it's bothered him beyond belief that his dad looks upon Kobe as if he were his son(And he's called Kobe as much several times in the past.). I think it'll eventually come out that that jealousy is the driving force behind Jim wanting Kobe to get sent out of town.

Oh and our GM's name is Cupcake. :)

05-30-2007, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Jason Terry, Maurice Ager.

Dallas gets - Kobe Bryant

LOLakers get - Erick Dampier, Devin Harris, Maurice Ager

Both deals that would work.
That would work for you.;)

05-30-2007, 07:29 PM
you can bet they will be talking about this a lot during the broadcast of the game tonight

Personally, i think New Orleans or Charlotte would be a good fit for bryant, except he wouldn't be competing for championships too soon

As a very sad mavs fan, i would even consider moving nowitzki for him

just kidding

Washington, Chicago, Boston or maybe even Atlanta would be a decent fit for him (with some salary maneuvering)

05-30-2007, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by JR2004
Now that he's demanded to be traded today, who is going to wind up with him?

I say it'll be either the Bulls or Knicks who hit the jackpot on this one. From my standpoint, preferably the Bulls because they actually have some players we could use to build back up pretty quickly. Wouldn't mind seeing Deng and Gordon and that draft pick of theirs this year being what the Lakers get for Bryant.

Man what a mess. Unlike a Celtic fan I have no complaints about this situation because this whole thing is self-inflicted by inept ownership and management that is constantly at odds with each other.

I hope that the Mavs sent Dirk to LA and get Koby. He knows how to WIN

05-30-2007, 07:52 PM
LA Lakers will win. Due to the reason I really don't think Kobe knows what he wants. One minute he says one thing then next time says another who knows. I think the man is so confused right now that he will remain in LA.

big daddy russ
05-30-2007, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by JR2004

Trading with the Celts is an abomination. It's already happened once (an over the hill Payton for a close to completely useless Mihm) and I'd like to see such a thing NEVER, EVER happen again...EVER...

Getting Jermaine does little to nothing to improve the Lakers. I'm not real high on big guys who shoot 43 PERCENT from the floor. He also hasn't been healthy in 3 years which is a big red flag to me.

Chicago makes the most sense to me, but who knows what makes sense to the three ring circus that's ruining the Lakers right now. I'll be extremely interested to see if and when the "Insider" who started a lot of this gets named. My money is on Jim Buss being that insider. It hasn't really been mentioned anywhere, but to be honest I think Jim is a bit jealous of Kobe. He's got a giant ego and I think it's bothered him beyond belief that his dad looks upon Kobe as if he were his son(And he's called Kobe as much several times in the past.). I think it'll eventually come out that that jealousy is the driving force behind Jim wanting Kobe to get sent out of town.

Oh and our GM's name is Cupcake. :)
Actually, my money was on him being the Lakers' Deep Throat, too. He's always been the odd man out in LA, the guy with a front office job that was only there because it was daddy's team. Also, JA Adande said today on PTI that Kobe has a "strong suspicion" as to who the insider is and the way he said it, sounds like Kobe's on the right track. I bet this episode of "Days of our Lives" unravels soon.

As far as the trade goes, I'm actually not that big on Al Jefferson, but talent-wise that would make more sense than Luol Deng, Kirk Hinrich, and a mess of other players IMO. From what I've seen, Green actually has a higher ceiling than Deng (Green looks like a T-Mac clone) and whichever player you get with that number five pick would probably be a top-two or -three pick in most drafts. Hell, he would've been number one last year. But if I was Kupchak, I'd wait for the Bulls to throw Tyrus Thomas in with the others before I even thought about talking to them.

Like I said, though, I'd work on getting a true PF before anything. Smush Parker's been the lightning rod for the Lakers' woes, but Lamar Odom does not belong at the four. They have no real inside presence who can bang and be a consistent threat on the blocks, and to be a factor in the Western Conference that is an absolute must. As talented and versatile as Odom is, he's not the answer at the four.

I don't know if Minnesota would listen to any Garnett offers from the Lakers, but that would be ideal. Otherwise, your left looking at guys like Channing Frye and Michael Sweetney.... talented, but young and unproven. But who knows, maybe a guy like Elton Brand or Kenyon Martin (I know, another injury concern) will come available.

But back to the Boston trade, imagine this: you make the trade, then draft Al Horford at number five and watch Jarvaris Crittenden (who I'm extremely high on) fall to number 19. There's the best pure PF in the draft and the PG that I think will be better than any other in the draft. Crittenden's as tall as most two-guards and as athletic a PG as I've seen. Sure, his decision-making needs work, but he's only 19 and was able to take over games as a college freshman.

Now take the 20/10 that Jefferson averaged, dangle it out for another player and/or some picks, and you have a roster chock full of elite young talent. But then again, that's just what I'd do.

05-30-2007, 08:50 PM
Kobe Backs Off Trade Request


05-30-2007, 09:55 PM
who cares. he is just a big cry baby who will stay in LA. they will rebuild around him. very talented, but likes to cry. coach daddy settled him down today. it is all about the almighty dollar...

05-30-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by zebrablue2
who cares. he is just a big cry baby who will stay in LA. they will rebuild around him. very talented, but likes to cry. coach daddy settled him down today. it is all about the almighty dollar...
You sound just like burnet44, except you post horizontally

05-30-2007, 10:46 PM
Sorry to tell u he say's he wants to stay in LA, so quit all of yall's dreaming....................

05-30-2007, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by kobe24
Sorry to tell u he say's he wants to stay in LA, so quit all of yall's dreaming....................

yeah...he said he wants to stay 15 mins after his interview on ESPN saying that there was nothing the Lakers could do to get him to want to stay in LA. Unbelieveble. He just wants to be begged to stay with the Lakers....

05-30-2007, 11:31 PM
this is dumb. everytime i turn to espn its like i'm watching, "As the Kobe Turns"

05-30-2007, 11:36 PM
Winning the "Kobe Sweepstakes" is like running in the special olympics, you may be the winner but you are definitly still retarded.

06-04-2007, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by ASUFrisbeeStud
Winning the "Kobe Sweepstakes" is like running in the special olympics, you may be the winner but you are definitly still retarded.
That might be the stupidest thing I have read all year