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05-29-2007, 12:55 PM
Anybody know anything to do for a migraine? other than taking advil or whatever. I'm getting them more and more and can't get in to see doctor for few weeks. And i just hate taking so many pills. Any advice???:(

05-29-2007, 12:59 PM
do you wear contacts or glasses?

05-29-2007, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by smustangs
do you wear contacts or glasses?
mostly glasses, but sometimes contacts. i have had my eyes checked less than a year ago. This saturday i woke up with a migraine and it made me so sick to my stomach i layed in the bathroom for a little bit, then laid in bed with wet cloth over my eyes till 2 in the afternoon.

05-29-2007, 01:03 PM
could it possibly be something to do w/ your contacts and stuff even if you have had them checked?

05-29-2007, 01:27 PM
An Old home remedy is to get some Apple Cider Vinegar, and water in a Boiling pan, and breathe in the Vapors. Only downfall, it's only a temporary relief!

05-29-2007, 01:29 PM
Had an eye doctor tell the wife that it didn't have anything to do with your eyes. It is a chemical imbalance that needs to be treated by an M.D. I know that Excedrin Migraine will alleviate the pain for a while, but not completely. Best thing is to try to see the doctor ASAP and get the prescription that is right for you.

Ranger Mom
05-29-2007, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Angeleyes
mostly glasses, but sometimes contacts. i have had my eyes checked less than a year ago. This saturday i woke up with a migraine and it made me so sick to my stomach i layed in the bathroom for a little bit, then laid in bed with wet cloth over my eyes till 2 in the afternoon.

My 17 y/o daughter has had migraines since she was 13. After being examined by the doctor, it was his opinion it was food related.

That began about 6 month "investigation" trying to find triggers. Come to find out she has a problem with chocolate and caffeine...mostly when eaten/drank at the same time. So she doesn't eat or drink either now and her migraines are almost non-existent.

05-29-2007, 01:58 PM
hold ice cubes in your hand over a sink...

05-29-2007, 02:02 PM
Hormones and sinus problems can trigger migraines, too. See if the doctor's office can get you a sample of amerge or something - or just find a walk-in clinic if you can't wait. I get them, and you've got to have the right meds. Dark room, cool cloth, excedrin migraine until you can get a scrip.

05-29-2007, 02:31 PM
Ditto on the Excedrin Migraine. A friend of mine takes Zomig for her really bad migraines. She said it will make you drowsy the first couple of times you take it until your body gets used to it. Some people used Imitrex. Just depends on what works for you.

05-29-2007, 02:37 PM
I've had migraines since my senior year of high school. I've had a couple of varying reports as to what causes them from different doctors.

Something you might try though is having somebody rub the very top of your neck where it connects to the head. You should have a lump on either side where your cranium begins. Have someone massage the "mushy" spots right below them applying pressure....it will hurt like heck, but will ease headache pain within a couple of minutes. This was reccommended to me by my chiropractor after I was involved in an accident a few months ago. He said that nerves in the spine can actually restrict blood flow going to and from your brain. When you have a migraine, it could very well be due to the nerves being slightly kinked in that spot on your neck. Massaging them helps the blood to flow out easier by unkinking the lines, and the headache subsides quickly. This has cured every migraine I have had in the last seven months.

05-29-2007, 02:48 PM
Zomig and excedrine are life savers for me. But zomig is only good for those who don't have high blood pressure. And it never made me drowsy....imatrex and axert (I think that's what its called) is ok.

But any excedrine is awesome. The caffeine helps to deconstrict the blood vessels. And any excedrine will work....if you check the boxes, they all have the exact same ingredients.

I hope you get to feeling better. I get at least one headache a week that turns into a migraine. And I have had them since I was 11. :(

05-29-2007, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
I've had migraines since my senior year of high school. I've had a couple of varying reports as to what causes them from different doctors.

Something you might try though is having somebody rub the very top of your neck where it connects to the head. You should have a lump on either side where your cranium begins. Have someone massage the "mushy" spots right below them applying pressure....it will hurt like heck, but will ease headache pain within a couple of minutes. This was reccommended to me by my chiropractor after I was involved in an accident a few months ago. He said that nerves in the spine can actually restrict blood flow going to and from your brain. When you have a migraine, it could very well be due to the nerves being slightly kinked in that spot on your neck. Massaging them helps the blood to flow out easier by unkinking the lines, and the headache subsides quickly. This has cured every migraine I have had in the last seven months.

Good advice! Chiropractor told me the same thing! And it does hurt like hell. LOL

05-29-2007, 08:09 PM
Family doctor sent me to a neurologist and he ran test and cat scans. He put me on inderal once a day, it's a type of blood pressure med. that they also use for other things. Mine were triggerd by equal sweetner and stress. The neurologist gave me a whole list of things that trigger migranes but I can't remeber them. No equal and one pill a day has helped a whole bunch. Good Luck on finding what triggers yours. If your around a lot of blinking lights or some strobe lights also trigger some folks.

05-29-2007, 08:12 PM
play in traffic blindfolded...it usually works for me

i have another remedy to get ride of the head pressure....but it isnt appropriate for the board ;)

LH Panther Mom
05-29-2007, 08:16 PM
I think finding the cause is the best thing. My husband had them years ago. His were from high blood pressure (that he didn't know he had). If he had a spike in bp, once it came down the migraine hit. Once he got the bp under control, he hasn't had one since.

05-29-2007, 08:17 PM
One of my friends had regular migraines caused by stress, and he used some sort of inhaler device prescribed by his doctor, no idea what it was called. His were really bad though, so bad he'd go temporarily blind. When he didn't have any medicine, he would stand in a hot shower for about an hour and breathe the vapors from the steam.

Weirdest part was they disappeared after he and I left the place we were working.

LH Panther Mom
05-29-2007, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
One of my friends had regular migraines caused by stress, and he used some sort of inhaler device prescribed by his doctor, no idea what it was called. His were really bad though, so bad he'd go temporarily blind. When he didn't have any medicine, he would stand in a hot shower for about an hour and breathe the vapors from the steam.

Weirdest part was they disappeared after he and I left the place we were working.
Toradol maybe? (Hubby had that in an inhaler for awhile.)

05-29-2007, 08:22 PM
I had a couple a few years back that sent me to the hospital twice. The first time they gave me demarol, the second time they gave me a spin off of morphine that they use on folks after surgery. Best thing is to go to a neurologist that specializes on migranes, have the tests run and find out what triggers them.

05-29-2007, 08:30 PM
In my lifetime, I've had horrible experience with migraines. Most of the time the real bad ones just laugh at the OTC stuff. The only thing that reliably worked for me is the Imitrex Injection. I gave it to myself when I had a really bad one. It burns like hell, but if I know you, you'd cut a finger off to make your head quit hurting.

As luck would have it, by daughter "inherited" my trait. She has luck with the Imitrex nasa spray. Anyway, it's a scrip drug and it's a bit expensive, but it sure works. It doesn't kill the pain, it actually stops the vascular cause of the migraine.

Thankfully, I've grown out of the tendency to get a lot of migraines.

Some common causes are caffiene (which oddly also helps some people's migraines); wine, especially red; nitrosamines found in things like barbecue and smoked meats; disrupted sleep schedules (a bad one for me); and of course, the catch-all, stress.

Talk to your doctor. He may actually set you up with some free Imitrex samples!

05-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Toradol maybe? (Hubby had that in an inhaler for awhile.)

Could be, I'll try to call him and find out.

05-29-2007, 09:52 PM
I've started getting migraines as a teenager and I'm a lot older than that now. Fortunately, they are less frequent.
Take Excedrin the moment you get the first indication of the migraine coming on.
If you catch it early enough, you'll head it off at the pass. And yes, any Excedrine works. It is all the same.