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05-28-2007, 12:40 PM
Principal tries to quit


May 24, 2007 - 6:18PM

Permian principal Bruce Davis ECISD’s search for a new executive athletic director has made some unexpected waves, spurring a letter of resignation from Permian High principal Bruce Davis.

Davis said Wednesday that he submitted his May 14 letter — a day before the school board was expected to vote on hiring an executive athletic director — to Superintendent Wendell Sollis because he disagreed with the hiring process.

“Evidently, I had some strong feelings about the AD and the direction we’re heading — which is no direction,” Davis said Wednesday.

Davis, hired as Permian principal in July 2006, said Sollis didn’t accept his resignation. Instead, Davis said he and Sollis would discuss Davis’ status after the school year ends.

On Thursday, Sollis confirmed Davis was still Permian principal but declined to comment further.

“I’m not going to discuss personnel issues with the media,” he said. “I am going to discuss those with the proper personnel.”

Davis said he wrote the letter out of frustration because none of the named eight AD finalists seemed qualified for the position. Davis had been among those eight.

“I really think they need to get somebody who has a lot of AD experience and a lot of success … and I didn’t see that in those eight — including myself,” Davis said.

The wording of the letter made specific references to a person being hired, though no hire has been made.

The letter — obtained through a Freedom of Information request by the OA — states, “I have very strong feelings as to (sic) negative effect on the Permian Athletic Program cause (sic) by the hiring of the new athletic director. This will be the end of Permian Athletics as we have known it. I am also disappointed in this selection based upon conversations you and I had.”

On Wednesday, Davis denied the letter was in reference to any one person. Davis said he doesn’t recall writing about “the hiring of the new athletic director.”

“Maybe I phrased it the wrong way,” he said.

Sollis didn’t recommend a candidate to trustees at the May 15 board meeting. However, Sollis told trustees former Permian football coach Randy Mayes — not one of the eight finalists — had declined the AD position.

“He didn’t tell me who, but he told me he had thoughts about who to recommend,” Davis said.

Some had said Davis wrote the letter in regard to Odessa High principal Ron Leach’s candidacy for the job, but Davis denied that.

Leach declined to answers questions about the letter saying, “It’s probably not appropriate for me to answer those questions.”

He said Sollis never offered him the AD position and also didn’t discuss the selection with him.

“There was no conversation between us,” Leach said.

Board president Randy Rives said he saw the letter this week when a copy was enclosed in the board update from Sollis, but Rives said he hadn’t read it closely.

However, he said he understood the letter to express Davis’ intent to resign over a “new athletic director,” as the letter states.

Rives said he didn’t say much about the issue.

“That’s between him and Wendell (Sollis). I don’t really have an opinion one way or another. I can’t tell you what he meant by it because I don’t know. I haven’t talked to Mr. Davis about it,” Rives said.

Other trustees said the letter left them scratching their heads.

Trustee Donna Smith said the letter didn’t make sense to her since Sollis never brought a recommendation to the board.

“We couldn’t recommend or not recommend because there wasn’t anything to act on,” Smith said.

Trustee Doyle Woodall said he read the letter several times and concluded it to mean Sollis had told Davis whom he planned on recommending.

“I don’t see any other way to read it,” Woodall said. “If there’s another way to read the letter I don’t know what it would be.”

The letter addressed to ECISD superintendent Wendell Sollis on May 14 states:

“Dear Mr. Sollis,

Please accept this letter as my intent to resign as Principal of Permian High School effective immediately. I have very strong feelings as to negative effect on the Permian Athletic Program cause by the hiring of the new athletic director. This will be the end of Permian Athletics as we have known it. I am also disappointed in this selection based upon conversations you and I had.

Please accept this letter effective Wednesday, May 16, 2007. I understand the impact upon my students and staff as a result of my action taken on this late date. My hope is that everyone will understand the reason behind this action.

Sincerely yours, Bruce Davis”

05-28-2007, 12:54 PM
I don't know anything about this situation...however based on the "letter" that Bruce Davis wrote several things come to mind...
1) The wording of the letter was somewhat hastily done and unprofessional.
2) It seems a letter of this magnitude would have more detail and thought in regards to content.
3) If Mr. Davis is this much of a knee-jerk hothead..then maybe it is best if he is not a principal at a large High School.
4) He statements regarding the "end" of Permian athletics as we know it appears to be an attempt at hyperbole and seems to be overstating the problem.
5) Overall, the letter appears to be a hastily typed letter with little thought going into the content....it is almost like a toddler throwing a tantrum and shouting "I don't want to play anymore!"

05-28-2007, 01:42 PM
I may be wrong but wasnt the principal at Permian an applicant for the AD job?

05-28-2007, 01:43 PM

05-28-2007, 01:54 PM
ok...i just saw where he said that he wasnt pleased with any of the 8 finalists, including himself. Interesting!!!

LH Panther Mom
05-28-2007, 02:17 PM
Have they even found an AD yet? Just my opinion, but they had a list of 8 finalists, yet the guy presented to the school board wasn't one of the 8 - seems kind of pointless to have a group of finalists to me.

05-28-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by vet93
I don't know anything about this situation...however based on the "letter" that Bruce Davis wrote several things come to mind...
1) The wording of the letter was somewhat hastily done and unprofessional.
2) It seems a letter of this magnitude would have more detail and thought in regards to content.
3) If Mr. Davis is this much of a knee-jerk hothead..then maybe it is best if he is not a principal at a large High School.
4) He statements regarding the "end" of Permian athletics as we know it appears to be an attempt at hyperbole and seems to be overstating the problem.
5) Overall, the letter appears to be a hastily typed letter with little thought going into the content....it is almost like a toddler throwing a tantrum and shouting "I don't want to play anymore!"

Not only should a knee-jerk hothead be a principal at a large school, he shouldn't be one at any size school.

05-28-2007, 04:21 PM

Originally posted by VWG
Not only should a knee-jerk hothead be a principal at a large school, he shouldn't be one at any size school.

05-28-2007, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by kaorder1999
I may be wrong but wasnt the principal at Permian an applicant for the AD job?

Also the prinipal at Odessa High was an applicant.

05-28-2007, 07:12 PM
I'd feel bad for Permian in this situation if they didn't have the world's most annoying high school football fans. They haven't been all that relevant in high school football for a good long while now.

05-28-2007, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by vet93
I don't know anything about this situation...however based on the "letter" that Bruce Davis wrote several things come to mind...
1) The wording of the letter was somewhat hastily done and unprofessional.
2) It seems a letter of this magnitude would have more detail and thought in regards to content.
3) If Mr. Davis is this much of a knee-jerk hothead..then maybe it is best if he is not a principal at a large High School.
4) He statements regarding the "end" of Permian athletics as we know it appears to be an attempt at hyperbole and seems to be overstating the problem.
5) Overall, the letter appears to be a hastily typed letter with little thought going into the content....it is almost like a toddler throwing a tantrum and shouting "I don't want to play anymore!"
Mr. Davis is a former Permian player and won a tite in his day he
knows his sports and does not want to see another fall at MOJO land remember the last couple of years they have been headed in the right direction.
Mr. Davis was my High School principal he is not Knee-jerk hot head. He is good at what he does and would be great large or small school. It is tough to work at your own Alma-Mater.

05-29-2007, 08:26 AM
I don't disagree....I can only evaluate the man based on his letter and I would say for a person who holds a very important position at Permian High School and within the community...he did himself no favors with this letter. It came across as in-articulate, non-specific and un-professional. I don't disagree with him in regards to how the AD position has been handled. They had 8 "finalist" and then supposedly offer the job to Mayes who is not even on the list...crazy. If Mr. Davis wants to fight this matter on principle and sacrifice his job (which he apparently wants to do), then he could do that in a more effective way than a hasty, vaguely referenced letter....that is all I am saying.

Originally posted by ***-82
Mr. Davis is a former Permian player and won a tite in his day he
knows his sports and does not want to see another fall at MOJO land remember the last couple of years they have been headed in the right direction.
Mr. Davis was my High School principal he is not Knee-jerk hot head. He is good at what he does and would be great large or small school. It is tough to work at your own Alma-Mater.