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View Full Version : Check out this sign at the TAKS protest.

05-24-2007, 06:27 PM
"Let Are Kids Walk"?


05-24-2007, 06:29 PM

05-24-2007, 06:30 PM
thats ridiculous

05-24-2007, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by smustangs
That is ridiculous

05-24-2007, 06:33 PM
MAYBE the correct spelling is on the "other" side of the sign for everyone else to see??...:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :confused: :confused:

05-24-2007, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by GetRDoneStangs
MAYBE the correct spelling is on the "other" side of the sign for everyone else to see??...:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :confused: :confused:

thats what i was thinking haha no wonder their kids arnt walking across the stage

Phantom Stang
05-24-2007, 06:35 PM

05-24-2007, 07:02 PM
once again this just goes to show that a good education starts with the parents.

05-24-2007, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
once again this just goes to show that a good education starts with the parents.

That is so true!! People want to put the blame on the education system.....it all starts at home.

05-24-2007, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by GetRDoneStangs
That is so true!! People want to put the blame on the education system.....it all starts at home.
It's both...
caring parents will always support their childrens' needs. But you need scruels to do what they get paid to do.

05-24-2007, 07:30 PM
But you need scruels to do what they get paid to do.

Yes we do...I started to say that in my previous post, but I was hoping someone else would agree and state such!!

05-24-2007, 07:47 PM
freakin idiots cant even spell, if I was going to try to fight this like they are id ATLEAST make sure my spelling was correct.

05-24-2007, 09:48 PM

so which word is not spelled correctly??


05-24-2007, 09:59 PM
Wow! :eek:

That has to be one of the most rediculous things I have seen in a while!


05-24-2007, 11:24 PM
Such irony.

05-25-2007, 02:10 AM
horrendous. Plain and simple. Like someone said earlier, and like it's always said, "it starts at home!"

05-25-2007, 02:51 AM
Now you guys are on a pet peeve of mine. I believe and your responses to the issue strongly support this, that this is a societal issue more than ever. It starts at home is both correct and incorrect. We have become an instant society with a legalistic frame of mind that is so at odds with reality as to be ludicrous at best. We expect things to happen quickly and orderly and when it does not we scream to high heaven. For example, you go to the store and buy a cart full of groceries. You intend to pay with a credit card and did not bring cash or check. You wait in line for what seems forever and the little lady at your register seems to be lost. You get there, get rung up, and then your credit card does not work. Most people in this position blame the store immediately for not resolving the issue. AFter all you know your card is good etc.
Here are a list of reasons for the possible issue.

1. Store network took a hit.
2. Vendor network took a hit.(visa mastercard etc).
3. Phone network took a hit.
4. You could have damaged your card unknowingly.
5. Banking instution error on your account.
6. Problem with the eft machine itself.
7. Problem with the lane.
8. Power fluctuations.
9. Environmental issue.

Well you get the point. Notice the store only has some control over 2 of the 9 issues and certainly the little girl behind the lane has none but here you stand demanding attention, the manager and a free ride because it did not work out exactly like you thought it should have. Is your house spotless? Does every electronic device, light, etc work perfectly? Of course not. But then this is not about you it is about what you want. Please excuse me if I come up and try to escort you out of the building because you are out of your mind to act like a child. And our society promotes this kind of absurd feed my ego mentality. "I have rights." "I deserve", the customer is always right etc. Personally I believe the customer is an asshole but we need him to stay in business. So the question is do we act like him or let him act like a child and we are the adults. Ireally do not know.
I do know this. We are in this together. You and the little girl have the same issues. Why are you so unkind and unfeeling. She wants you happy because it is her job.......

I will stop preaching now. But please take a good look at our society and what you will change in your self to make it a better one before you try to blame the parent or the school. Because while there is an issue to be resolved, at this point I am not sure just how much blame lies where.

05-25-2007, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by GetRDoneStangs
Yes we do...I started to say that in my previous post, but I was hoping someone else would agree and state such!!

you ever hear the saying you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink? You cant force a kid to learn. There are even programs that are set up to help kids that are having trouble with just the basic, make it through life knowledge, but I know college kids and adults that cant write a complete sentence. You can force a kid to be in the building each morning but no one can force them to learn. High School is a social settign to too mnay kids.
Here is an example of a note I recieved from my cousin who is in her third year of college at SFA regarding her pending nuptials. I will type it letter for letter:

Inviations to come. We recomend you to do early reservation, but not re-quired. The list is just some possble plans of place for you to possibly stay at.

05-25-2007, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
you ever hear the saying you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink? You cant force a kid to learn. There are even programs that are set up to help kids that are having trouble with just the basic, make it through life knowledge, but I know college kids and adults that cant write a complete sentence. You can force a kid to be in the building each morning but no one can force them to learn. High School is a social settign to too mnay kids.
Here is an example of a note I recieved from my cousin who is in her third year of college at SFA regarding her pending nuptials. I will type it letter for letter:

Inviations to come. We recomend you to do early reservation, but not re-quired. The list is just some possble plans of place for you to possibly stay at.

That is too funny. My grandmother was a master of grammer.
She was always teasing me when I made a mistake. One of her favorites was when I would finish a sentence like "where is it at?
She would say "Between the a and the t."

05-25-2007, 11:27 AM
Maestro -


so which word is not spelled correctly??

"Are kids" when it should be "our kids"

05-25-2007, 12:00 PM
Sorry Buffy...couldn't resist

Originally posted by IHS Fan
the most commonly misspelled word on this board


Originally posted by BuffyMars
Wow! :eek:

That has to be one of the most rediculous things I have seen in a while!


05-25-2007, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Inviations to come. We recomend you to do early reservation, but not re-quired. The list is just some possble plans of place for you to possibly stay at. That hurt my brain when I tried to read this.:doh: