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View Full Version : Is it me or is Texas become a woman killer state....

05-15-2007, 08:57 AM
If you been watching the news lately, Texas has had some Cruel murders happen to women in the 07', I knew the guy in Waco that poured Gasoline on a woman and terrorized severa other women, he got 55 years. The Texas A&M woman who was Bar-b-Q ed, was unheard of. They found a woman in a portable potty in Hewitt (Waco), A man buried a woman in Riesel, A waco Man shot his girlfriend and Killed her in front of her child, Central Texas Women be careful in these Relationships, get to know the guy before you loved them. Everytime I see the girl who had 75 percent of her face shot off, I can't help but wonder what would make a man hurt a woman like that.:(

05-15-2007, 09:02 AM
isnt it sickening? What really pains me to see is the women that feel so trapped thatthey cant get out of the relationship or harbor the hope that he will never do it again. Lets start a Downlow Rescue and Retaliation Squad against the cowardly abusers.

AP Panther Fan
05-15-2007, 09:59 AM
What is really sad is that many women (with children) stay with abusive spouses for several reasons...

1. To keep the family together (I know, that argument doesn't hold up very well in an abusive situation, but bad choices are made).

2. Financially, women do not feel that they can support the family. This is a biggie! The high costs of living coupled with the very real possibility that they won't be able to make ends meet is terrifying to a mother of children.


05-15-2007, 10:04 AM
It is VERY sad & distrubing.

05-15-2007, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
What is really sad is that many women (with children) stay with abusive spouses for several reasons...

1. To keep the family together (I know, that argument doesn't hold up very well in an abusive situation, but bad choices are made).

2. Financially, women do not feel that they can support the family. This is a biggie! The high costs of living coupled with the very real possibility that they won't be able to make ends meet is terrifying to a mother of children.

Truth be told, in the Black Families the woman is the Bread winner in most cases, I mean most black women in this day and time are College Graduates, and Making a helluva lot more money than the Black Man. In a society where the Man isn't present in 75 percent of homes, because of Drugs, Prison, Death, and what ever else the woman is raising a generation of Men, that doesn't get the true meaning of being a man standing on his own, and respecting women with the utmost respect. We have a race of babies that hate the ladies as Tupac Said!
My father took me fishing, Hunting, camping, and I was rarley at home, he was constantly talking to me, and if I was to listen to all the good advice he gave me, I probably would be a lot better off than I am now. Each man has to find his way and be held accountable for his action, I tell the young men of today, trouble is very easy to get in, but very hard to get out of.

05-15-2007, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Fotbol
I tell the young men of today, trouble is very easy to get in, but very hard to get out of. You're a very wise man fotbol.

05-15-2007, 10:14 AM
Fotbol - you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and your children are lucky to have such a good role model!:)

05-15-2007, 10:22 AM
Unfortunately this happens many times because of the foolish idea that a man "owns" the woman and can do as he pleases to her. Statistics show that in most of these cases the man (and I use that term loosely) has no history of violence against other men, just women. Most of them are just basically cowards like Injured said.
Anyone who physically abuses their partner should face harsh penalties under the law. I'm so lucky to be married to a man who would never think about raising his hand to a woman and who constantly sets an example to our children about what a real man is.

05-15-2007, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
Fotbol - you seem to have a good head on your shoulders and your children are lucky to have such a good role model!:) Thanks for the kinds words, I'm still learning at 38 1/2 takes a man a while to understand what's important....Family is very very very important.

05-15-2007, 10:41 AM
When I was younger, and would hear someone say, Women are stronger than Men, I would be the first to say...You must be out your mind. Being Strong is measured in many ways, I found out just how strong women are as I got older and started taking care of the kids, cooking, and handling adversity. I took for granted all the things Mothers do for families....Let me tell ya.......KIDS and Fathers at home without a Mother is a job in itself, I mean when mine was toddlers, and all the cooking and cleaning, not to mentioned the attention to detail.Shat I would rather go to work. Then a woman has a nack for handling stress better than us men, I mean nowadays a woman wears many hats, Working, Mother, Wife, Cook, Butler, Maid, Counselor, Nurse,Mediator and she still has time to give kind words when times are hard. I tried to wear some of those hats, and almost went crazy,.....True Story. So now I know when they say women are stronger than men, just remember what I mentioned above, are be my guess and try to wear some of those hats and send mom off for a week.;)

05-15-2007, 10:43 AM
don't forget about the woman killers - The texas cheerleader mom, the crazy dentist, the astronaut. They can be just as wacky as an abusive husband - maybe not as prevalent.

05-15-2007, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by SWMustang
don't forget about the woman killers - The texas cheerleader mom, the crazy dentist, the astronaut. They can be just as wacky as an abusive husband - maybe not as prevalent. Yeah We have some ladies out there that has some serious issues, but the percentage is no where near the fellas. I think I love women a bit too much, I really can't understand why a man would be gay:dispntd:

AP Panther Fan
05-15-2007, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Fotbol
Truth be told, in the Black Families the woman is the Bread winner in most cases, I mean most black women in this day and time are College Graduates, and Making a helluva lot more money than the Black Man. In a society where the Man isn't present in 75 percent of homes, because of Drugs, Prison, Death, and what ever else the woman is raising a generation of Men, that doesn't get the true meaning of being a man standing on his own, and respecting women with the utmost respect. We have a race of babies that hate the ladies as Tupac Said!

I completely understand and agree with what you said regarding black women (except that most are college graduates, uncertain on that one) and the different struggles they face raising children without the "father" influence. However, it appears that 75% of the time...that is a good thing, if drugs and or prison are the reason for their absence. This can be said for all races.

I suppose my response was biased to the extent that I am a working, white female in a two income household, obviously not everyone is. I guess the circumstances that lead to abuse aren't race specific, but often are demographically driven, as you pointed out.

05-15-2007, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Fotbol
Yeah We have some ladies out there that has some serious issues, but the percentage is no where near the fellas. I think I love women a bit too much, I really can't understand why a man would be gay:dispntd:

Your words are golden, and I feel the same way you do. I wish we all did. I feel like women should be the first to be loved and respected and if you treat them bad in any way whatsoever you need your ass kicked. Like I always say, women make the world go around. Your also right on that other thing, how could anyone be a butt-bandit ?

05-15-2007, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by JJ7997
Your also right on that other thing, how could anyone be a butt-bandit ? :eek: :eek: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!

venomous tat2
05-15-2007, 11:22 AM
I for one do not and I repeat DO NOT have any respect for someone calling himself a man that has to cause bodily harm to a woman it did not happen in my home growing up and it does not happen in my home now , this is one of the main things I teach
my boys 26,19,17 don't never raise your hand to a women .A real man won't fight a women and I know women can make you boiling hot sometimes but you got to walk away untill you booth cool off " If you got to hit her you don't need her AMEN " :mad:

05-15-2007, 11:28 AM
That is where it starts at home. My father NEVER raised his hand to my mother and he taught my brother to NEVER hit a women/girl. My brother learned that lesson TWICE! :D He hit me & my cousin (separate occassions) and boy did he get in trouble.

He would NEVER raise his hand to a women now and he HATES guys who do!!

It all starts at home!!