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05-09-2007, 01:34 PM
Buffy is not having a good day. Some kind of mix up at work about an important call coming in and was misdirected

They blame her and sent her home today with her not knowing if she even has a job tomorrow..so keep good thoughts for her. She loves this company and she is devestated at the moment.

05-09-2007, 01:36 PM
Good thoughts to her. Sounds like the old scape goat thing.

05-09-2007, 01:40 PM
Sounds a little harsh for simply misdirecting a call. Hope everything gets worked out.

05-09-2007, 01:41 PM

05-09-2007, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by JJ7997
Buffy will get the job in Dallas, this may be the begining of something new, tell her to hold her head! She was looking for a job when she found that one, so don't sweat it, Personality goes a long way in the job world!

05-09-2007, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Fotbol
Buffy will get the job in Dallas, this may be the begining of something new, tell her to hold her head! She was looking for a job when she found that one, so don't sweat it, Personality goes a long way in the job world!

Problem is..the job in Dallas is thru the company she is working with at the moment..so if she loses job here, she loses job there

05-09-2007, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Problem is..the job in Dallas is thru the company she is working with at the moment..so if she loses job here, she loses job there Comfort her my brother, comfort her things happen for a reason, we don't see it when were going thru it, but after we've gone thru it, we realize that it was the steps to get somewhere.

Ranger Mom
05-09-2007, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Buffy is not having a good day. Some kind of mix up at work about an important call coming in and was misdirected

They blame her and sent her home today with her not knowing if she even has a job tomorrow..so keep good thoughts for her. She loves this company and she is devestated at the moment.

What was the point of sending her home??

Poor Buffy!!

What is she supposed to do tomorrow?? Call in?? Just show up??

05-09-2007, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Problem is..the job in Dallas is thru the company she is working with at the moment..so if she loses job here, she loses job there that would suck, BUT at least there are PLENTY of jobs available in Dallas.

05-09-2007, 01:49 PM
well that sucks... whatever happens...something better will come along...
too bad looking at boobs will not make her feel better...works for me

05-09-2007, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
What was the point of sending her home??

Poor Buffy!!

What is she supposed to do tomorrow?? Call in?? Just show up??
She should get up go in to work like a normal day, if she fired then they should state that she is!

05-09-2007, 02:13 PM
I've got a feeling that no matter what happens she wont be down for long.

AP Panther Fan
05-09-2007, 02:48 PM
Hope everything turns out okay. I agree that 9 times out of 10, things happen for a reason...even if that reason isn't evident at first.

What's that old saying...something like, When God Closes a Door, Somewhere He Opens a Window. Tell her to hang in there.

Ranger Mom
05-10-2007, 09:02 AM
Anyone heard from Buffy or Terry??

I'm kinda concerned!!

05-10-2007, 09:18 AM
I'd understand if she worked for a nuclear plant and directed Osama Bin Laden to the "president only line"...


05-10-2007, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I'd understand if she worked for a nuclear plant and directed Osama Bin Laden to the "president only line"...



05-10-2007, 09:27 AM
She was about to meet with her boss just a few minutes ago so I dont know anything yet

HERE is what happen

Yesterday Buffy got to work at her normal time between 8:45-9.

She was asked to do some things away from her desk and she did not sit back down till right at or close to 10.

She knew a meeting was going on in the conference room at 10, but NO ONE told her anything about it. So at 10:10 her boss comes out of conference room and says someone is supposed to be calling at 10 and have not yet called so let us know asap.

Then her boss finds out the person who was supposed to call had called and was sent to her voice mail instead of transfered to the Conference Room.

Supposedly this was some very important time sensitive matter.

The lady had left the message at 10:05 by the time of the voice mail systems clock

SO...They blame Buffy for her not being transfered to the conferece room. BUT here is the problem

A. They cant even be sure Buffy is one that took the call...She did not get to her desk until around 10 so the lady could have called before she sat down

B. EVEN if Buffy took the call, she did was she has always been told to do when someone calls for her boss while she is in a meeting, transfer the call tyo her voicemail. Again NO ONE TOLD BUFFY UNTIL 10:10 that they were expecting this very important phone call and it needed to be transferred asap to the conference call UNTIL AFTER the call had already happened.

C. The lady who called in this important phone call did not even say who she was and that she was supposed to talk to Buffy's Boss for a meeting, which is usually what happens when someone calls in for a meeting and told that person is not in or unavliable.

So now I am just waiting to hear from Buffy about it and we will see.

Ranger Mom
05-10-2007, 09:32 AM
Fingers crossed and sending "positive vibes" Buffy's way!

Keep us informed!!!

05-10-2007, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Fingers crossed and sending "positive vibes" Buffy's way!

Keep us informed!!!

Only thing I know is that someone was sitting at Buffy's spot this morning when Buffy got in..That could mean nothing, could mean she is fired, could mean they are moving her to a new position.

AP Panther Fan
05-10-2007, 09:34 AM
Hmmm....sounds like the bosses fault, but you know how most of them are. I would hope hers is the exception to the rule, but sending her home yesterday didn't exactly send out the right message.:(

05-10-2007, 09:41 AM
She was let go....the supposed good news is she supposedly still is in running for the Dallas job but we shall see

05-10-2007, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
She was let go....the supposed good news is she supposedly still is in running for the Dallas job but we shall see

that is some BS!!

05-10-2007, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
She was let go....the supposed good news is she supposedly still is in running for the Dallas job but we shall see

We will keep her in her thoughts and prayers.

Keep Positive...

AP Panther Fan
05-10-2007, 09:48 AM
I'm so sorry. I hope she is feeling better about all of this soon.

On the bright side, won't this give her the opportunity to get y'all packed for the move? Sometimes having some free time to yourself to get organized and focused is more therapeutic than just about anything. When do you start your new job?

05-10-2007, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
She was about to meet with her boss just a few minutes ago so I dont know anything yet

HERE is what happen

Yesterday Buffy got to work at her normal time between 8:45-9.

She was asked to do some things away from her desk and she did not sit back down till right at or close to 10.

She knew a meeting was going on in the conference room at 10, but NO ONE told her anything about it. So at 10:10 her boss comes out of conference room and says someone is supposed to be calling at 10 and have not yet called so let us know asap.

Then her boss finds out the person who was supposed to call had called and was sent to her voice mail instead of transfered to the Conference Room.

Supposedly this was some very important time sensitive matter.

The lady had left the message at 10:05 by the time of the voice mail systems clock

SO...They blame Buffy for her not being transfered to the conferece room. BUT here is the problem

A. They cant even be sure Buffy is one that took the call...She did not get to her desk until around 10 so the lady could have called before she sat down

B. EVEN if Buffy took the call, she did was she has always been told to do when someone calls for her boss while she is in a meeting, transfer the call tyo her voicemail. Again NO ONE TOLD BUFFY UNTIL 10:10 that they were expecting this very important phone call and it needed to be transferred asap to the conference call UNTIL AFTER the call had already happened.

C. The lady who called in this important phone call did not even say who she was and that she was supposed to talk to Buffy's Boss for a meeting, which is usually what happens when someone calls in for a meeting and told that person is not in or unavliable.

So now I am just waiting to hear from Buffy about it and we will see. you should take them to court sounds like you could be her lawyer you got a pretty good argument on her behalf

05-10-2007, 10:04 AM
Just wondering, why do you refer to her as Buffy all the time?

05-10-2007, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Just wondering, why do you refer to her as Buffy all the time?

Because people on here are not as familiar with her actual name.

05-10-2007, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Because people on here are not as familiar with her actual name.

For a while there I thought you just went around and called her Buffy all the time instead of her real name. Had me scratching my chin to be honest.

05-10-2007, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
you should take them to court sounds like you could be her lawyer you got a pretty good argument on her behalf

A. They did not fire her, they let her go and that keeps her in running for the job through them in Dallas.

B. It is her word agianst the boss's word..goes to court, there is no way to prove either way actually who is correct

05-10-2007, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
A. They did not fire her, they let her go and that keeps her in running for the job through them in Dallas.

B. It is her word agianst the boss's word..goes to court, there is no way to prove either way actually who is correct i was just kidding around

05-10-2007, 10:34 AM
Well thanks everyone for thinking of me.

I was and still am pretty bummed about it. But I am trying to think of the positive....mainly what AP said....we now have time to focus on getting the hell outta Rusk!

Its hard to know whether I was fired or let go to be honest. I would like to think that I didn't get fired....maybe I should have asked. :thinking:

Its been 2 days of hell to say the least!

I was just told that my performace up front just wasn't up to par for what they pay me, and they don't have anymore work now. But its still upsetting.

Despite my demeanor on 3a, I am actually a big softie, and am very tenderhearted. I don't like people upset with me, or disappointed.

But I am trying to keep my head up. I think I have finallly shed the last tear.

Ranger Mom
05-10-2007, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by BuffyMars
Well thanks everyone for thinking of me.

I was and still am pretty bummed about it. But I am trying to think of the positive....mainly what AP said....we now have time to focus on getting the hell outta Rusk!

Its hard to know whether I was fired or let go to be honest. I would like to think that I didn't get fired....maybe I should have asked. :thinking:

Its been 2 days of hell to say the least!

I was just told that my performace up front just wasn't up to par for what they pay me, and they don't have anymore work now. But its still upsetting.

Despite my demeanor on 3a, I am actually a big softie, and am very tenderhearted. I don't like people upset with me, or disappointed.

But I am trying to keep my head up. I think I have finallly shed the last tear.

Hang in there Crystal!!

With your personality, even if the "other" job doesn't pan out, you should be able to find something else rather easily!!

Take this time to relax, pack and get settled!

Here is an "AWWWW" video for you!!

Otters hold hands (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUk3T2Kfno)

05-10-2007, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Hang in there Crystal!!

With your personality, even if the "other" job doesn't pan out, you should be able to find something else rather easily!!

Take this time to relax, pack and get settled!

Here is an "AWWWW" video for you!!

Otters hold hands (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUk3T2Kfno)

I absolutely love that video! It is so cute! :)

And thanks so much!

AP Panther Fan
05-10-2007, 10:51 AM
I really hope you feel better soon!

You might just try making yourself a simple list of goals like...

Clean out closets (get rid of stuff not used)

Clean out cabinets/drawers

Wash/wax car

Read a Book

Work on Suntan;)

Just figure out what's important to you, put it on the list and cross things off one at a time.

The suntan and book might take several days by the pool though.;)

AP Panther Fan
05-10-2007, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Here is an "AWWWW" video for you!!

Otters hold hands (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUk3T2Kfno)

What a great video....it even made me feel better! Thanks for posting that RM!

05-10-2007, 11:08 AM
every door that closes there is always another one that opens... find the right door and everything will be okay...
Boss made a mistake and got his butt chewed for sure and doing what most bosses do... he passed the buck and it fell on you which is why you are still in the running for the Dallas job...

05-10-2007, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
I really hope you feel better soon!

You might just try making yourself a simple list of goals like...

Clean out closets (get rid of stuff not used)

Clean out cabinets/drawers

Wash/wax car

Read a Book

Work on Suntan;)

Just figure out what's important to you, put it on the list and cross things off one at a time.

The suntan and book might take several days by the pool though.;)

Better yet, come to my house and do these things. It will make you feel so much better to do something for someone else!

05-10-2007, 11:53 AM
Positive thoughts for you Crystal! I am sure you will find something and be able to get the hell outta dodge! Keep us updated.. yall are in our prayers

05-10-2007, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the kind words..When I got Buffy to sign up I told her I loved this site because it was a family, and you showed it with ur good thoughts for her

She will be fine, a little stunned at how it went down because of the circumstances, but wil bounce back

Old Tiger
05-10-2007, 12:39 PM
You must remember that things could always be worse.

05-10-2007, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Thanks for the kind words..When I got Buffy to sign up I told her I loved this site because it was a family, and you showed it with ur good thoughts for her

She will be fine, a little stunned at how it went down because of the circumstances, but wil bounce back
This is an example of how low someone like her boss can sink. It won't take much for Buffy to rise above it.

05-10-2007, 09:29 PM
Who in their right mind would want to work for a bunch of incompetent boobs like that anyway Buffy. Shake the dust off your feet and head to better days. Those folks are eat up with the D.A. :rolleyes:

Phantom Stang
05-11-2007, 12:56 AM
Sounds like the boss can't find her own @$$ with both hands. I agree with those who say this is a blessing in disguise.;) You'll do fine!!:)

05-11-2007, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by BuffyMars
Well thanks everyone for thinking of me.
Its hard to know whether I was fired or let go to be honest. I would like to think that I didn't get fired....maybe I should have asked. :thinking: Go apply for unemployement they will tell you if you were a reduction of force (laid-off) or if you were fired. It still sucks no matter which one it is.

05-11-2007, 10:05 AM
Hang in there Buffy...things will turn out well. This scenario really chaps me...essentially they used this supposed mistake to let someone go...Two things:
1) If her performance was that bad that they felt she should be let go, then why were they not counseling beforehand to help resolve any problems that they saw in her performance???
2) It sounds like there was much more going on with the boss etc... and they were using Buffy and this situation as a scapegoat.

I know you liked this job Buffy, but it sounds like the mangagment there has a deficiency in character and you are much better off somewhere else where people are up front and honest...instead of playing these types of games with peoples lives.

05-11-2007, 10:13 AM
Keep your head up Buffy. Remember these words: "In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should.":)
Good luck and hopefully this will lead to a better job.

05-11-2007, 10:34 AM
It's better that they got rid of her in the end anyways. She was putting the entire office in danger. It's the bears.....the bears, the bears can smell the menstruation.

05-11-2007, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
It's better that they got rid of her in the end anyways. She was putting the entire office in danger. It's the bears.....the bears, the bears can smell the menstruation. LMAO! That will brighten her day! ROFL!

"You've broken my heart Ron Burgandy!"