View Full Version : Another weird one to add to your list

05-07-2007, 10:18 AM
So we told you about Visitor Q a while back.

Well we watched another one this weekend that was right up there with the WTH factor.

Its called The Suicide Club.

I can't really divulge any more information than that....seriously, if you want to watch a great weird movie, beyond the likes of even Quentin Tarantino or Tim Burton...believe me when i tell you to watch these movies.

Visito Q is one that you will never watch more than once, or if you do you won't brag about it to people.

The Suicide Club won't leave you feeling as dirty, more or less it will leave you with a feeling of...."wow, people really are this stupid".

In a nutshell, the story goes to show just how influential youth can be. Especially in Asia.

Its a must see, if you ask me. But you also have to have a love for foreign films, and you have to be willing to watch every minute from beginning to end.