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Phil C
04-28-2007, 05:31 PM
In getting QB Brady Quinn! He is going to be a great one. He won't be the instant success that Vince Young is but over the long run he will be great and Cleveland will have great teams. Plus he is from Ohio! That increases the risk.
The thing is that in five years teams like the Cowboys, Texans etc are going to be saying "Wow We could have had a Brady Quinn!"

The thing is Notre Dame produces successful NFL players and one of the greatest (Joe Montana) went there. The not only produce great quarterbacks but produce athletes with good christian morals and great American images being an outstanding intellectual Catholic School as well. Great news for Cleveland indeed.

As a side note: Paul Newman, the great actor, is from Cleveland.

04-28-2007, 05:32 PM
Hope he starts for the Browns and they lose all their games and then he can be great:)

Phil C
04-28-2007, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
Hope he starts for the Browns and they lose all their games and then he can be great:)

Oh yes! It will happen SintonFan. The first two years will be rough but after that - look out!


04-28-2007, 05:50 PM
Tony Romo is not the future of the Cowboys, and they were stupid to pass up Brady Quinn. :mad:

04-28-2007, 05:51 PM
Brady Quinn=overrated

04-28-2007, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Tony Romo is not the future of the Cowboys, and they were stupid to pass up Brady Quinn. :mad: I totally agree. I don't feel Romo is the one and Quinn just could have been.

04-28-2007, 06:09 PM
I think Romo had just as many big wins in college as Brady Quinn.

04-28-2007, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
Brady Quinn=overrated


04-28-2007, 06:24 PM
Brady Quinn in most of his big games, put up subpar numbers...with the exception of his good game against USC in 2005, he was horrible against Michigan and LSU this year....played OK against USC but they were never in that game...he put up big numbers against bad teams...he's not going to be a bad NFL QB but he's just about hit his ceiling and how does his ceiling translate to the NFL?? Because Quinn is Notre Dame's QB and they are Notre Dame and on TV every week he gets horribly overrated...I think he went about the place I thought he should go....

04-28-2007, 06:25 PM
He was also 0-4 in bowl games and never beat USC. Beat up on military schools

04-28-2007, 06:28 PM
Pretty easy to put up numbers on Army and Navy....

04-28-2007, 08:03 PM
Never had much of a supporting cast either.

04-28-2007, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
Brady Quinn in most of his big games, put up subpar numbers...with the exception of his good game against USC in 2005, he was horrible against Michigan and LSU this year....played OK against USC but they were never in that game...he put up big numbers against bad teams...he's not going to be a bad NFL QB but he's just about hit his ceiling and how does his ceiling translate to the NFL?? Because Quinn is Notre Dame's QB and they are Notre Dame and on TV every week he gets horribly overrated...I think he went about the place I thought he should go....

Glad to see that you watch ESPN.

04-28-2007, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Glad to see that you watch ESPN. I think most of their games are on NBC

04-28-2007, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
I think most of their games are on NBC

Well, if anyone would have watched his games would know that Quinn is a very talented individual, so you missed the point completely. My point was the Matt quoted pretty much everything that he did from what the people on ESPN were saying about him, maybe not today specifically, but leading up to the draft.

04-28-2007, 10:28 PM
I knew exactly what you meant. I don't think ESPN had to point out what Matt said, alot of people have thought it for awhile. Search Brady Quinn overrated on google and there are hundreds of articles and messages conveying the same opinion

Phil C
04-29-2007, 08:30 AM
He is going to be a great one. He will lead Cleveland to at least one super bowl (when Titans have an off year over the next ten years) over the next 12 years. I am not going to say Cleveland will win it but glory times for the Browns are coming again. He is a great QB and Cleveland got a steal. Look for Brady to be the highest paid QB when contract negociations come up in a few years and the Browns will have to make up money for what he lost due to so many teams follishly not taking him today including Dallas and Houston.

04-29-2007, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Tony Romo is not the future of the Cowboys, and they were stupid to pass up Brady Quinn. :mad:

Agree for most part. Tony started off great, but fell off quite a bit over last 5-6 games, IMO. Can't go as far as saying Boys were stupid for not taking Quinn though.
Will be up for debate for a few years as to whether it was a "steal" for Cleveland to get him. They gave up future number one and a number two this year.

04-29-2007, 12:05 PM
Actually I quoted The Ticket the GREAT Norm Hitzgis and Rick Goselin...but as Kyle said if you google Brady Quinn you'll see tons of stuff on him not being able to win the big game..

04-29-2007, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
Actually I quoted The Ticket the GREAT Norm Hitzgis and Rick Goselin...but as Kyle said if you google Brady Quinn you'll see tons of stuff on him not being able to win the big game..

Yeah, and the articles were probably written by the same people who depicted Vince Young as being some type of God and overhyped him. I love how people who didn't play high school football at the varsity level can look at a player and instantly know whether or not they are going to be successful, while giving overrated players way too much credit at the same time. This isn't pointed directly at you or Kyle, but everyone sportscaster or overzealous fan who fits that mold in general, and it seems that the older I get, the more people I meet who think they know more about the game that they really and truly didn't play. Sorry, this is just me getting irritated because of the Cowboys draft, I'm off of my soap box.

04-29-2007, 03:13 PM
Just because you didn't play the game doesn't mean you can't analyze that....thats just like saying because you never held office you can't analyze and scrutinize the president....some of the best talent evaluators out there never played football at even the high school level...just food for thought...I never thought much of Brady Quinn ever...maybe its because I cant stand Notre Dame...

04-29-2007, 03:33 PM
I think Brady Quinn will have a better career then JaMarcus Russell.. I'm not draft expert, but I think Quinn will adapt the the NFL level quicker because of the offense he played in at Notre Dame, and because he seems to be a hard worker.. People talk about Russell's physical build being a big reason why he is being touted so high, but Quinn is no slouch he is built pretty solid... I like how every year there is a player who everyone thinks is going to be great based on how he did in his bowl game or based on his size and strenght and then ends up flopping (i.e. Robert Gallary, Joey Harrington, Kyle Boller).. That being said, I still don't completely understand what it is people see in Russell as he was never in contention for the heisman, before the season he was on nobody's radar, and if it wasn't for how he did in the Sugar Bowl he prolly would have been drafted in the 2nd round.. I think when you look at a college QB you should look at his entire body of work, and Quinn has shown that he can win, and prosper in a NFL style offense over his career.. Quinn has a bright future and I think alot of the people who hate him might be forced to eat their words in a few years and I think he could be better then Vince Young if Cleveland keeps improving the peices around him..

04-29-2007, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Tony Romo is not the future of the Cowboys, and they were stupid to pass up Brady Quinn. :mad:

wow Gary and I agree word for word!!! Someone take a screen shot... lol

04-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Quinn would have been a step up. THere is a reason that Romo sat on the bench for so long. He just isnt that good. He is good enough in Jerry Jones eyes to be the ringleader of the Circus of a franchise that he has put together.

04-29-2007, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Yeah, and the articles were probably written by the same people who depicted Vince Young as being some type of God and overhyped him. I love how people who didn't play high school football at the varsity level can look at a player and instantly know whether or not they are going to be successful, while giving overrated players way too much credit at the same time. This isn't pointed directly at you or Kyle, but everyone sportscaster or overzealous fan who fits that mold in general, and it seems that the older I get, the more people I meet who think they know more about the game that they really and truly didn't play. Sorry, this is just me getting irritated because of the Cowboys draft, I'm off of my soap box.

So someone who played 4 years of HS ball will know more than someone who has covered the game for the amount of years people like Norm and Rick have?

The if you did not play you dont know is an old and IMO baseless argument and I did play, but so what. Me playing in HS and starting did not help or hinder my view of player in college, unless I see them at practice.

What we see on TV cannot and does not show the true ability and potentiol of a player and how that projects to the NFL

Now about Quinn,

I dont hate or love the guy. I think he will be a good QB in the right system. Here is what bothers me

When he has gone up agianst teams with real NFL caliber defensive players he has struggled. That could be because of many factors, but that is a concern I would have if I was drafting him. I am not sure it would be such a concern that I would not select him, but a concern.

As far as Russell, he has the chance to be another Akili Smith. GREAT measurments, but it does not translate into a true QB.

We will know more in 4-5 years.

04-29-2007, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
Quinn would have been a step up. THere is a reason that Romo sat on the bench for so long. He just isnt that good. He is good enough in Jerry Jones eyes to be the ringleader of the Circus of a franchise that he has put together.

And he was good enough to go 6-4 with a 95.1 rating. Also good enough to help lead Dallas to top 10 offensive stats in almost every category.

Now in saying that...Romo is nowhere near being a finished product, BUT Jerry Jones is not the only one who thinks he has the talent. In fact remember, Jones was not really hapy about the change from Bledsoe to Romo

Sean Payton was the one who fought to bring Romo aboard and really wanted him in NO when he was named the HC.

04-29-2007, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
And he was good enough to go 6-4 with a 95.1 rating. Also good enough to help lead Dallas to top 10 offensive stats in almost every category.

Now in saying that...Romo is nowhere near being a finished product, BUT Jerry Jones is not the only one who thinks he has the talent. In fact remember, Jones was not really hapy about the change from Bledsoe to Romo

Sean Payton was the one who fought to bring Romo aboard and really wanted him in NO when he was named the HC.

Romo is overrated, once teams found out ways to scheme against him he looked rattled and uncomfortable.. He might bounce back next year, but I think we will see alot of inconsistant play from him

04-29-2007, 03:50 PM
I think the jury is still out on Romo....he's got some talent we'll see if he can improve his decision making....people forget Dallas is botched snap from being in the Divisional Playoffs...

04-29-2007, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
Romo is overrated, once teams found out ways to scheme against him he looked rattled and uncomfortable.. He might bounce back next year, but I think we will see alot of inconsistant play from him

In the last 4 games Romo hadone truly bad game..agianst Philly. the fact is his 65% completition and 19 TDs shows he is more than just a JErry guy.

And you are right, he will be inconsitent in the upcoming year to an extent. The true sign he will be a good QB is how quickly he becomes consitent

04-29-2007, 03:55 PM
arent you as a Cowboy fan waiting for them to develop a QB? Were you happy when they brought in a retread like Bledsoe?

04-29-2007, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by injuredinmelee
arent you as a Cowboy fan waiting for them to develop a QB? Were you happy when they brought in a retread like Bledsoe?

Yep..which is why most are wanting to see if Romo is the one who develops.

LH Panther Mom
04-29-2007, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I love how people who didn't play high school football at the varsity level can look at a player and instantly know whether or not they are going to be successful, while giving overrated players way too much credit at the same time.
I never played a DOWN of football (other than one powder puff game), but I have enough football savvy to watch a player and tell whether he's living up to the hype or not, and that includes players that are on teams of which I'm a fan.

04-29-2007, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
I never played a DOWN of football (other than one powder puff game), but I have enough football savvy to watch a player and tell whether he's living up to the hype or not, and that includes players that are on teams of which I'm a fan.

Sorry but in BBDE's eyes your not worthy :D

LH Panther Mom
04-29-2007, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Sorry but in BBDE's eyes your not worthy :D Heck, I knew that already. :D

04-29-2007, 09:31 PM
Quinn will be great at the NFL. As for him not playing good against good teams...the thing about that is he never had much of a supporting cast. This is coming from a huge notre dame fan. Our running back was so good he went undrafted. Quinn was the only offensive Notre Dame player to get drafted. LSU had two receivers go in the FIRST ROUND. Not just get drafted, but go in the first round. Quinn had none.

04-29-2007, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
In getting QB Brady Quinn! He is going to be a great one. He won't be the instant success that Vince Young is but over the long run he will be great and Cleveland will have great teams. Plus he is from Ohio! That increases the risk.
The thing is that in five years teams like the Cowboys, Texans etc are going to be saying "Wow We could have had a Brady Quinn!"

The thing is Notre Dame produces successful NFL players and one of the greatest (Joe Montana) went there. The not only produce great quarterbacks but produce athletes with good christian morals and great American images being an outstanding intellectual Catholic School as well. Great news for Cleveland indeed.

As a side note: Paul Newman, the great actor, is from Cleveland. I agree Quinn will evolve into a good QB.....But the part of your statement that I don't agree with is your comment about Vince Young being an instant success. The Titans were 8-8. Vince showed signs of being a very good NFL QB. But a true NFL QB shouldn't have to rely on the scramble as much as Young did in his first year. He won't last 5 years if he has to rely on his legs to get the job done, he'll be too bashed up. He has the ability to mature into a very good QB...but dont count your chickens before they hatch. Right now he is somewhere inbetween a Michael Vick and an average pocket passer. A Peyton Manning or a Joe Montana he certainly is not. I wish him well though....he is certainly exciting to watch.

04-29-2007, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by JJ7997
Never had much of a supporting cast either. BINGO!!! I love how everyone likes to jump on a QB when the entire team is average or is playing below par....perfect example David Carr. Who knows what he'd of become if he'd of had some help up front from the get-go. Instead he got pounded into the ground for 5 years and became gunshy from all of the anticipated punishment....and the Texans pick up an unproven, less mobile QB and think that is the answer? LOL...I cant wait to see how he fairs.

04-29-2007, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
The Titans were 8-8. remember....alot of those losses came when Vince wasn't starting.....

04-30-2007, 03:56 AM
Hah, please look at Quinn's help. Russel will not be half the qb Quinn will be in the NFL. Quinn is like peyton manning, but not quite that good. got the brains and can read defenses. plus weiss coached him. i lvoed how they said troy smith looked flustered against florida with that rush they gave him. welcome to Quinns life. every game, he had no time. Im a ND fan, I watched the games. gary, i too hate people who watch espn and then preach the bullcrap that they hear, without actually seein stuff. im not sayin anyone here, it just annoys me when it happens at all, anywhere. as i step off my box, i have one final thing to say. im really really mad at the boys for not picking quinn. im not positive about this, but i have a feeling romo wont be starting at the end of the year

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by JJ7997
Never had much of a supporting cast either. Rhema McKhnight, Maurice Stovall(3rd), Anthony Fasano(2cd), Jeff Samardja(MLB), Julius Jones(2cd)and Darius Walker not good supporting cast?

McKhnight was decent in college as was Darius Walker. Samardja would of been taken on the first day but elected to play pro baseball. Jones was there Quinn's freshmen year.

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by Keith7
I think Brady Quinn will have a better career then JaMarcus Russell.. I'm not draft expert, but I think Quinn will adapt the the NFL level quicker because of the offense he played in at Notre Dame, Brady Quinn = White
JaMarcus Russell = black

If you have done any research or listen to the draft experts LSU's offense is more complex than Notre Dame's ;)

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Keith7
Romo is overrated, once teams found out ways to scheme against him he looked rattled and uncomfortable.. He might bounce back next year, but I think we will see alot of inconsistant play from him They say that about every young QB. By saying young in this circumstance I mean not many starts under his belt.

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Heck, I knew that already. :D YDIBTH

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by bandera7
Our running back was so good he went undrafted. That was his fault because he was just a junior and decided to come out when he should have just stayed and progressed himself more

04-30-2007, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Brady Quinn = White
JaMarcus Russell = black

If you have done any research or listen to the draft experts LSU's offense is more complex than Notre Dame's ;)

:bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: Why dont you call Al Sharpton and tell it to him.

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by JJ7997
:bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: Why dont you call Al Sharpton and tell it to him. Oh I will you white supremacist! :D

Actually I'm white too but I think I'm black for real dawg.

04-30-2007, 07:31 AM
Well, you had me going. I just wish we could let this issue die, cause its obvious that neither one of us is racist, which means we're not bad guys.

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by JJ7997
Well, you had me going. I just wish we could let this issue die, cause its obvious that neither one of us is racist, which means we're not bad guys. Your racist for thinking like that! :D

04-30-2007, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Tiger WR
Brady Quinn = White
JaMarcus Russell = black

If you have done any research or listen to the draft experts LSU's offense is more complex than Notre Dame's ;)

seriously... you really say that? listen to the draft "experts". come on. notre dame with weiss coaching had a much more complex offense IMO only.

04-30-2007, 09:06 AM
I find much of this thread really comical.

First, if Quinn does turn out to be great (which I think he will not), the Cowboys will not be the only team that will receive critism.

I do not believe Quinn will be better than Romo. Period. It was said on the radio that the Cowboys scouts believe him to have a significant flaw in his footwork & athleticism that is not correctable and will hinder him througout his career. The reason Russell was taken is that teams feel that he has enourmous upside. They believe Quinn to be as good as he will ever be.

Now, granted, those same people have been wrong, but it's funny to see dudes on this board thinking they know more than people that have been doing this all their lives.

It was also said that in last year's draft Russell and Quinn would have been ranked below the top 3 or 4 in last years draft! Many do not believe Quinn is a franchise QB. Dallas did the right thing. There are many on here that like to bash Jerry without really looking at the situation. Jerry did the right thing.

04-30-2007, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Macarthur

Now, granted, those same people have been wrong, but it\'s funny to see dudes on this board thinking they know more than people that have been doing this all their lives.

They didn\'t play a year of varsity football in high school, so they have no clue when it comes to evaluating players coming from college to the NFL. :rolleyes:

Old Tiger
04-30-2007, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by bulldogman06
seriously... you really say that? listen to the draft "experts". come on. notre dame with weiss coaching had a much more complex offense IMO only. Just because they have Weiss doesn't mean the offense is that complex. It is probably a watered down version of a pro offense. You must remember LSU's OC was Jimbo Fischer

04-30-2007, 11:53 AM
In fact, Norm just said on the Ticket that one of his long-time "deep throat" NFL guys said if Quinn & Beck are sitting there the guy said he would probably take Beck.

I'm telling you guys, the NFL folks think Quinn has topped out.