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View Full Version : Jasper Loses Another Icon

04-27-2007, 01:08 AM
For those of you who don't know. Jasper High School teacher Charles Simmons passed away yesterday of a heart attack. I know he probably isn't as well known on the boards as Coach Spoon was because he wasn't involved with athletics. But i felt that he should be recognized anyway. Mr. Simmons spent his life dedicated to helping children. From his days as principal in "Lusi-anna" (being from Louisiana....thats how he said it) to his last days on earth as a Government/Econ teacher. He was probably one of the coolest people that you would ever meet. He told a story about how one year back in the early 90's....on the first day of class....he promised his class that they would watch alot of movies. And they never did. So one day.....a kid, thinking that Mr. Simmons couldn't hear him said, "i wonder when we are going to watch a damn film in here." And 5 min later....he said, " OK CLASS.....today we're gonna watch a DAMN film." and laughed at the boy. He had alot to say and we learned alot. He was probably the only other Atlanta Braves fan that i have ever met in Texas....and that was something that we could talk about every day. He was a great person and a great teacher. He will be missed for sure.

04-27-2007, 01:11 AM
That's sad business, but it's awesome that he spent his life helping kids. God Bless him and his entire family.

04-27-2007, 11:33 AM
a dedicated classroom teacher..

well God Bless Him and his family.

we hate to lose those types.